The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 20.2

At that point, Isoel grabbed Credne and moved toward the dragon on the right.

Cain threw himself towards the dragon on the left, and with pure white lightning wrapped around him, he soared over the dragon as if by magic.


A clenched fist.

The sword was no longer present, but the weapon remained.

Cain focused pure white lightning on his right hand as is.

No fancy tricks or swordplay.

Humans have been reaching out with their fists since birth.


It was stuck as is.

Isoel had repeatedly beaten down the dragon with Credne, but Cain’s single punch drove it into the ground.

Cain didn’t stop.

He continued to beat it with both fists, no matter if it was dragon scales or dragon skull.

The dragon has black blood.

Black bones.

And black entrails.

The sight of it was shattering.

If you were to draw a bloodthirsty demon for someone who witnessed this sight, you would depict Cain’s appearance right now.

On the other hand, the warriors on the front lines would proudly lead him to the highest level.

He was a perfect warrior.

Cain stood upright after confirming that the dragon’s breath had stopped.

“That side is done too.”

Isoel Credne.

Oleciren’s spell.

Abel’s Ardvark, waiting for an opportunity, and Vanderbilt’s Lo Myer, which cut a wide area in one breath.


Even without Arna’s Storm Bow, it was a matter of moments to take down the two black dragons.


“It’s still night.”

Arna spoke bitterly.

Nothing changed. There are only three more dragon corpses on the shore.

━ The third night starts.

And three foams rose from the sea.


Three Arthuans appeared. The party, which had exerted all of its strength until the end, knelt in despair before it.

There wasn’t any more strength.

There appeared to be no way to win.

However, Oleciren did not stop.


She defeated the dragons with her eyes, pouring out all of her blood, as if she were a waterfall.


Butterflies are flocking again, along with Primundi’s resounding voice.

She appeared between the three dragons.

“But what can you do? You don’t have enough strength. The 99th witch. ‘Sigh’ I will give you all the sighs in the world as your strength.”

Oleciren coughed up blood.

But she didn’t bow her head even as she knelt and pressed her hands on the ground. She coughed up blood several times and looked at Cain.

“Can I take your words?”

“Of course.”

She raised her trembling arm and extended her middle finger at Primundi.

“F*ck you.”

The witch Primundi’s eyes grew wider.

She seemed to enjoy Oleciren’s unexpected reaction so much that she began to laugh out loud.

“Hahaha━! Fate has changed. The witch of ‘distant sigh’ who was supposed to despair on the second night and accept Arthuan’s power and sigh!”

And she turned her head.

A gaze like a javelin. At the end of it was Cain, standing there without expression.

Cain did not avert his gaze while brushing his black hair back. Primundi smiled bitterly.

“You’ve been tainted by him.”

“That lady’s personality was like that from the beginning. You just didn’t know.”

Primundi’s laugh faded.

She took a careful look at Cain. Then she looked at the three dragons that had already perished and spoke to Cain again.

“He’s not just the master of ‘Winter’. You are the ‘world’s adversary’ who changes the future by saving those who should die and killing those who should live.”

Cain closed his mouth.

However, his head was spinning.

‘The content of the quest window.’

Primundi’s words were clearly written in the quest window he saw prior to arriving at the Arzweber fiefdom.

However, he pretended not to know and asked again.

“What’s that?”

Primundi responded as though she were surprised.

“Is it a strategy to pretend not to know this time?”

“I don’t know what I don’t know, and if I do, I’ll say I know.”

Instead of responding to Cain’s provocation, Primundi turned her head to look at the distant horizon of the black sea.

The Unattainable Witch of the Horizon.

All she was allowed to do was look. She had tried to reach out and grasp the horizon, but she ended up grabbing only the empty air and said to Cain.

“They say that those who change the world that has already passed by and become fixed are adversaries.”

“The world has passed?”

“Isn’t it a shame if all the possibilities that are used in the present, the past, and the future exist in only one world?”

Cain realized.

Why did ‘Return Canceled’ appear in the first quest and ‘death’ appear this time?

‘If World Line Fixation was lacking, does that mean I went back to that time…….’

The moment he stabbed hero Abel’s heart.

The parade of Henerali-fe, in which the Iron-Blooded Princess, who was about to marry Abel, was terrified, the saint despairing, and the entire world rushed at him.

Cain felt a shiver down his spine.

Regression was not the perfect answer that solved everything. It was just one more chance.

Primundi’s words made him realize this fact.

Primundi chuckled, as if she had noticed the subtle change in his expression.

“Now you know what it is, young Ethelred.”

Cain gritted his teeth.

He saw the party that had run out of strength and Arna, who was ready to shoot an arrow by sacrificing her life.

“Nothing has changed.”

He made up his mind.

“Anyway, there is only one thing to do. Freeing the little mother from the curse.”

“You seemed to be threatening me by interfering with the ‘Witch’s Night’.”

Primundi stretched her arm.

Oleciren’s spell faded.

At that moment, the three black dragons let out a loud growl━. They seemed like they were about to rush in at any moment.

“It doesn’t seem like it?”

Cain chuckled at Primundi’s remarks. Only those who were the most lonely and desolate could smile like that.

“I said it yesterday. I’ll reach your horizon.”

The horizon is something that gets farther away the more you try to approach it.

To desire something that you can never reach was the origin and alias of the 2nd Witch, Primundi.

“If you reach it, I’ll do everything you want.”

Primundi nodded, because she had wanted to reach the horizon since she became a witch.

“I’ll reach it and break your damn horizon.”

“Do as you please. I know all too well that human men just talk…….”

Primundi couldn’t finish her sentence.


Focused on Cain, who was the only one emitting an alien light in a world filled with darkness and black.

A cold air that could freeze just by looking at it poured out.

Cain pointed his finger at the void and spoke.

“Rise, Winter.”

[A significant portion of the future will be consumed.]

[The 『Four Seasons』s hopes you’ll reconsider your decision.]

[Are you certain you want to cause ‘Winter’?]

“Because nothing has changed.”