The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 20.1

Chapter 20: Spring Day Passes (3)

Two black dragons.

Their mere presence was enough to ruin the joy of capturing one, as flawless as the flow of water.

However, Cain did not panic and instead shouted.


The key to Dragon Raid is to bring the battlefield from the sky to the ground.

Cain called her name and ordered Credne, just like before, to descend them to the ground.

“I can only take one!”

Isoel barely controlled her trembling arms as she responded. She had used all her strength before, but she gathered her strength once more.

Taking the limits one step further.

Because that was what she thought a knight was.

Cain nodded.

“One is enough. Asher and I will take care of the other one.”

Cain, Asher, and Arna had not originally participated. Arna reflexively raised her Storm Bow Hokma, but Cain extended his hand.

“Just watch for now.”

“It’s dangerous!”

Cain’s eyes narrowed.

And he looked at the calm black sea, the starless night sky, and the two black dragons fluttering.

“It may not be dangerous yet.”

Arna opened her mouth.

Peace may have dulled her senses, but experience hasn’t.

“Surely not?”

During a dungeon raid she took part in as a mercenary, she remembered one of the most horrific experiences she had.

“I don’t know yet. We’ll have to catch them to find out.”

Crack, crackle━.

Pure white lightning began to emerge from Cain’s entire body. The ‘Winter’ power that devoured blood vessels, tore muscles, and strengthened bones.

Lightning flashed from his purple eyes.



There was no such luxury as an order telling who should do what.


Asher carried a shield the size of his body and moved toward Arna in the distance.

If Isoel was a knight, then he was a knight too.

Peace and comfort had made him rust, but Lord Cain and the looming threat reawakened Asher as a knight.

“Yes, My lord.”

Cain raised the corners of his lips. He finally looked back at Oleciren, whose eyes were shedding tears of blood.

“Can you do it?”


Her white hands tightened into fists. Unlike the blood coursing through her veins, the unrefined witch’s magic was growing.

Drip, drip━.

The blood flowing from her fist was the same color as will digging her nails into her flesh!


Cain and the others took their places. Cain whispered a word only Oleciren, whose will was burning, could hear.

“Your Grace.”

For the sake of Your Grace.

Cain’s admiration for her, who was attempting to break free from the shackles of being a princess and the chains of being a witch using her own two hands.

Oleciren responded with a bright smile despite her bloodied face.

“Yes, Lord Ethelred.”

She also showed her respect for Ethelred, who was the rightful ruler and commanded this battlefield.


Cain, surrounded by pure white lightning, took a step forward.

That moment.


The two black dragons turned to Cain and opened their mouths wide.

The sphere of darkness formed in front of it!

Arna exclaimed with surprise.

“Breath━! Avoid it!!”

Dragons are powerful not only because of their tough, massive bodies, but also because of their magic, which they use as naturally as breathing, but there was something else.

Dragon breath, Breath.

A beam of destruction that concentrates and projects its own magic.

The others flinched at Arna’s words, but Cain, who was right in the path of the Breath, raised his head.

He only looked up at the gathering darkness magic power. Abel shuddered at the wave of darkness that made his whole body react.


“It’s okay.”

“It’s a dragon’s breath!”

Despite Abel’s cries, Cain simply nodded.


His left arm extended.

His right arm held a sword.

Every nerve was tingling with pure white lightning.

Crack, crackle━.

He lowered his body.

The dragon’s mouth grew even wider.

In a world of only black and darkness, lightning flickered like a single light.


Abel’s desperate cries.

He couldn’t take it any longer and attempted to jump out with Asher’s shield.


However, Princess Oleciren intervened and grabbed Abel’s arm.

Abel returned her gaze with eyes that seemed ready to tear her apart, but Oleciren ignored him and spoke only to Cain.

“There’s no way that person would behave recklessly like that.”


“Aren’t you his brother? Trust him, your brother.”

She said this, but Oleciren remained tense, ready to use her power at any moment.

A situation on the verge of a crisis.



The two dragons both let out a breath of darkness. Cain closed and opened his eyes as the destructive light rushed in from the left and right.

Dark Sky Bright Light



A sword was drawn horizontally.

Unlike the breath that threatened to tear the world apart, there was no sound at all.

Just go from left to right.

A single, thin sword slashed through.


It snapped, unable to withstand the force of the incoming lightning.


[A small portion of the future will be consumed.]

Despite its shortcomings, 『Four Seasons』’s ‘Winter’ will shape Cain’s future.

Crackle, crackle, crackle !

Moonlight spread out, cutting through the surging breath of darkness.

The Kyrie, now larger and brighter than when it had cut Philip in half, passed through the two breaths in one breath and moved forward.


It dug halfway into the dragon’s head before disappearing. The two dragons floating in the air lost their center due to an unexpected wound.


Cain cried.