The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 17.2

She was too late to avoid the second Ardvark.

In the end, a sword pierced her right collarbone.


A thin stream of blood flowed down the sword.

Then it fell through Abel’s hand and dripped onto the ground.

It was the first effective hit the two brothers had inflicted on the 2nd Witch.

“I don’t understand.”

She spread her white hands and grabbed Abel’s sword.

Then she slowly pulled it out of her wound and turned her head eerily towards Cain.

“May I ask why you are spoiling the stage I have prepared to welcome the young witch?”

“There is something you have to do.”

Cain pointed at Arna, who was ready to use the last of her remaining strength at any moment.

“Lift the curse.”

The Witch of the Horizon turned her gaze to the distant lemon-colored Arna.

Then she smiled strangely.



“Did my foolish younger sister, Glumiêm, who couldn’t get over the pain of love for hundreds of years, cast such a terrible curse?”

“You know well.”

After a moment of silence, the witch’s mouth opened.

“It is not difficult to lift the curse.”

The witch placed her finger where Abel’s sword had pierced her.

The wound had already healed, and she showed Cain the remaining red blood drop on her index finger.

“But if you are asking for such a thing, shouldn’t you give me a gift rather than sticking a sword in me?”


Cain held his greatsword straight up.

He was in a position to kill her with one burst of strength, and Abel also approached the Witch of the Horizon while taking the fighting stance of Ardvark.

“Are you crazy? You want me to bow my head to a witch who has been eating humans for hundreds of years? You must be joking.”

The witch’s lips curled into a broad smile.

“Hoo hoo, you know witches well.”

Cain also smiled back at her.

‘It is foolish to think that you can solve anything with words when dealing with such a witch.’

That’s why Cain had planned to stick a sword in her from the beginning.

Only then would the witch respond properly to the conversation.

Just like now.

It was not a moment of love and happiness, but a moment of eerie tension and creepy malevolence.

“So how did it feel? It must suck to have such a loophole blocked.”

Cain’s violet eyes flashed.

His eyes, which shone against the enemy, held a strange chill that could not be resisted.

“It felt quite refreshing. Perhaps it will be the first meeting that I will never forget.”

“Don’t you think it will end as a first meeting?”

It meant that he would not let her go and would kill her.

But the Witch of the Horizon did not even blink an eye at such a threat and answered calmly.

“Of course.”

She pointed to her face and then to Cain’s heart.

“You didn’t even use ‘that,’ so it’s just a simple greeting.”

Cain’s mouth shut.

His eyes narrowed.

‘She noticed even though I didn’t have the demon sword in my hand.’

Cain inwardly raised his guard against the Witch of the Horizon by one level.

An enemy with a discerning eye is that much more troublesome.

Cain turned his head slightly and glanced behind him.

It was in the direction of Oleciren, who was frozen stiff.

“Has it not started yet?”

“Yes. The ‘Witch’s Night’ will probably come tomorrow.”

“You’re taking your time. If it were me, I would have taken care of everything, regardless of whether it was night or not.”

“Son of Ethelred, do you think the sun will rise in the west because an ant bit your toe?”

“You, Witch of the Horizon, the unattainable.”

“You can call me Primundi.”

Witch of the Horizon and 2nd Witch Primundi.

It is very rare for her to introduce her name.

But Cain did not care and threw out words he had memorized from his previous life.

“If I go beyond ‘night’ and reach the ‘horizon’, it will rise in the west.”

In that instant, the Witch Primundi’s expression hardened.

She scanned Cain and the other six faces.

Since she had cataracts, it seemed that she was perceiving them with magical senses rather than seeing them with her eyes.

She opened her mouth in surprise and covered it with her hand, speaking to Cain in an exaggerated manner.

“This is the first time in hundreds of years that It have been so perfectly prepared, so maybe you can reach my ‘horizon.'”

“Wait until tomorrow, witch.”

“Why don’t you wish for today?”

Cain curled his lips.

“What do you believe in? Do you think that a witch is a saint if you just say a few words? At least you need to grab her by the neck for it to be a deal.”

The Witch of the Horizon Primundi opened her eyes in surprise and smiled softly.

“That too is a thrilling word for the first time in hundreds of years.”


The wind blew.

And like snow, the Witch Primundi scattered into thousands of butterflies.

Oleciren could only stare blankly at her mysterious figure.

“That’s a witch.”

Cain threw the greatsword to Vanderbilt and said, turning to his party.

“Crazy women with only strength. And what we have to deal with tomorrow night is ‘the darkest night’ that creates young witches and that woman.”

Abel clenched and unclenched his hand, holding the sword that had pierced the witch’s shoulder.

It was strange.

Although he had stabbed a person, it felt completely different from when he had stabbed Cain.

No, to be exact, it did not feel anything at all, unlike when he stabbed Cain.

Vanderbilt stowed the greatsword that Cain had given him back on his back with a stern face.

Cain nervously untied his black hair, which had been tied up neatly.

His tangled hair, which was almost short, fluttered in the wind, and between it, his violet eyes sparkled and stared directly at Princess Oleciren.

“And what you should become.”


She had seen a witch for the first time.

She had drawn witches by reading many books and collecting stories, but the witch she met in person was beyond her imagination.

Strange and cunning.

Moreover, her words were too sweet, and poison and thorns were hidden within them.


Her mouth would not open easily.

She felt like she was only now realizing what kind of fate it was that she could not avoid becoming a witch.

Moreover, she began to doubt whether what she had prepared with Isoel would really work.

Cain smiled at her as she froze.

“Why are you so flustered? Even as witches, you can walk your own path.”

“My own path?”

“Not a path set by someone else, but a path that a person named ‘Oleciren’ can walk, that would be fun.”

Oleciren intuited it at that moment.

She did not know how far Cain had planned.

But at least no one present here, including the Witch of the Horizon, would be able to gauge his thoughts.

And her heart pounded a little.

If the hero she had only heard of in legends existed in the present, he would have black hair and violet eyes.

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