
The Villain Carries the Holy Sword – Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Season of the Storm (1)

「More than forty years had passed since the First Hero defeated the Demon King.

And only now did the Last Saintess see the fruit of her efforts during all that time.

All that remained was to begin.

She hesitated, unable to decide whether to do it or not, for several days.


She had only one question.

If even she were to leave the world, the words and will of God would not remain in this land. What would happen to faith after that?

She wanted to find the answer to the absence of God, even if it meant burning the rest of her life.

And the ‘answer’ was right next to her.


She stroked the ‘Holy Scripture of Light’, every letter written by her own hand. Bound in white deer hide, it felt smooth yet slightly rough.

“God said not to impersonate him…….”

A false god to fill the void left by God.

A false god created by humans.

A false god created by the Saintess.

A false god to fill the void left by the true God.

“If that bothers you, then don’t call it ‘God.’ Call it ‘light’ instead.”

Her eyes widened.

A man’s voice calls out from across the room, where only the light of a candle flickers.

Slowly but clearly.

Silver energy gathered, forming a person.

Unlike the Saintess, who still looked the same as when she killed the Demon King, he had become a complete old man, even though they had lived for the same amount of time.


The First Hero, John Doe.

He reached out and pulled the ‘Holy Scripture of Light’ that the Last Saintess had created.

“I told you there is no such thing as God in my world.”

His speech was much more refined than when he first learned to speak.

He has lived in this world for decades now, so it is only natural, but she cannot shake a feeling of unease.

“It is merely the case that we have not proven the existence of God in that world. But I have said that the master of all miracles does exist.”

The Saintess who once adored the Hero John was gone. The current her spoke coldly to John.

Perhaps it was because John Doe’s originally black hair and eyes were now dyed silver.

Or it could be because of what she had heard about his actions over the years.

John gave an enigmatic smile and replied.

“Did you find it difficult to fill the place where there is no God with faith alone, just like in my world?”

“That place couldn’t prove it, but here, He is truly scattering. If human faith dwindles like this, the structure of the world will shake, and I must prevent that collapse.”

The Saintess’ unwavering faith.

Each time this happens, John Doe is reminded of the difference between the world he lived in and this one.

‘This world,’ where God exists and humans prove His existence and offer their faith, and ‘that world,’ where they simply imagine their own gods through faith and words.

Since the Saintess, who was closest to God, was saying this, there was nothing more to discuss about this matter.

“I understand. Congratulations on creating a ‘light’ that is false but truer than anything else.”

The Saintess’ eyes narrowed.

She glanced at John, who had become an old man facing death, and sighed.

“You must hate God.”

“He is not a being to be judged by like or dislike.”

“You have been denied the courtesy of a name, the proof of your existence, and condemned you alone to an unavoidable death.”

The Saintess looked at John’s hand resting on the altar.

The hands that were flawless decades ago were now wrinkled and shrunken. The skin was thin, and the bones were frail.

It looked as if they would break with a single touch.

“Oh God, how cruel you are.”

It is natural for death to follow birth.

However, if one’s achievements surpass the limits of humanity, it is common to transcend the lifespan of one’s species.

The Sorcerer King had already lived for four hundred years, and she herself, blessed by God, had already lived for seventy years, but both of them still looked like young adults.

On the other hand, John was different.

Although his level was high, befitting the title of ‘Hero,’ his aging could not be delayed in the slightest.

It was as if he was being forcibly dragged along by the ‘fate’ that had already decided his death.

“Well, I don’t care anymore.”

John quickly organized his thoughts.

He has already decided what he must do.

If God hated him, he would hate God too.

If God wished for his end, he would wish for God’s end too.

“And Saintess. There is nothing wrong with falsehoods.”

John smiled.

A false smile, devoid of any sincerity. But it is the closest thing to a smile that he can manage.

“If a lie acts more like the truth than the truth itself, then it too has value, does it not?”

The created god, ‘light’.

The Saintess did not know what would become of the faith, god, and religion she had created in the future, but she hoped it would flourish as much as possible.

That is why she has written the scriptures to be as moderate and neutral as possible.

John skimmed through it and pointed at a passage.

“Oh, and how about expanding the scope of heresy?”




“No matter how much like the truth a lie may seem, a lie is still a lie. You must pay the price.”」


The ‘Deep Forest,’ a dense forest with barely any space to step if one were to enter carelessly.

Rustle, rustle—

As the elf possessed by Glumiêm took a step forward, the forest moved on its own.

The World Tree supported this entire forest, and Glumiêm was the embodiment of the World Tree.

With Glumiêm’s terminal by his side, nothing was difficult.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Marquis Ross, who followed her, answered politely.

He was probably the first human to be formally invited and set foot in the ‘Deep Forest.’

Ross knows of one person who forced their way in.

He had always wondered how the elves moved around in this dense forest, and today he finally got his answer.

As Heatherward was lost in thought, Glumiêm frowned and spoke.

《Of the nine Elders, I have lost two.》

Elder Rhys O’Higgin, killed by Worrall Ross.

Elder Faye MacGeraghty, killed by Arna’s arrow.

《And to keep my promise to you, I have to sacrifice one more.》

Sigma Aegir, sacrifice.

《With three Elders gone, you will have to prove that you are worth as much as three Elders.》

Marquis Ross looked at Glumiêm for a moment. Many thoughts crossed his mind, but now was not the time.

He quickly bowed his head and answered.

“I will take your words to heart.”

《We’re here.》

There stood a gigantic tree, so enormous that it was questionable how it was hidden from view from outside.

And surrounding the massive tree were houses built with wood and vines, forming a cozy village.

Marquis Ross sensed green eyes staring at him from between the houses.

With Glumiêm present, it was more curiosity and vigilance than hostility.

Glumiêm slides through the ground without regard for the terrain.

Marquis Ross draws on a little of his blood power to keep up, and finally they arrive.

Finally, they arrived.

Beneath the gigantic tree, the World Tree.

Upon a white altar.

Sigma lay unconscious.

Thump, thump—

The elf that Glumiêm was possessing closed and opened her eyes for a moment. Then, she immediately bowed at the sound of footsteps approaching.

The height of a human girl.

A languid expression.

Lush green hair and a light green dress that looked as if it were cut from the wind itself.

《Turn around.》

It was Glumiêm’s true form.

As she gestured and spoke, the elf bowed and returned to the village. She smiled at Marquis Ross, who could only blink in response.

《Shiny, you can be proud of yourself. You are the third human to see my true form.》

The third.

Marquis Ross didn’t know who the first was, but he could guess who the second was.

Glumiêm knew he was sharp enough to ask but saw that he kept his mouth shut.

She put on another smile.

《Are you not asking because you think I wouldn’t like it?》

“It might not be a pleasant memory for Your Majesty.”

《Indeed, you dislike that Edmund too.》

The second was Edmund.

During the 11th expedition, Edmund saved the supply troops and then attacked the ‘Deep Forest’ with his sword.

He must have thought that the barrier surrounding this place, a massive barrier woven with magic and witches’ ‘miracles,’ would crumble against a mere human sword.

One day, two days, three days.

Edmund, except for the time he drank water, stabbed the barrier with his aura-clad sword day and night.

A barrier shaken not by skill but by sheer force.

Glumiêm, judging that while the barrier wouldn’t break, it would become difficult to maintain if shaken too much, had invited Edmund inside.

Glumiêm shuddered at the memory.

《To think that was a human. Unbelievable.》

Marquis Ross nodded vehemently.

“I agree.”

《Then let’s begin.》

Glumiêm stood next to the lying Sigma.

Seeing her lying on the stone altar, the phrase ‘sacrificial lamb for your dream’ seemed all too fitting.

Glumiêm raised her head.

《From now on, we will create your sister, Everwyn Ross.》


Green, sparkling orbs of light began to appear one by one from the bodies of Sigma and Marquis Ross.

And Glumiêm’s green eyes gradually turned black.

It was a characteristic of using powerful witch’s power, just like Oleciren.

《There is no way to bring back the dead in this world. Even the undead are nothing more than elaborate imitations.》

“I know that well. Most of my damned bloodline awaken as undead after death.”

Some called it a blood curse, but Ross thought it was a blessing in its own way.

Instead of becoming undead who lose their memories and emotions, they could enjoy a second life as naturally occurring undead.


The branches of the World Tree swayed.

Glumiêm’s body gradually rose into the air.

《And what I’m doing is not reviving the woman named Everwyn. I’m simply gathering everything about the past Everwyn from your fate and putting it in.》

“I appreciate you telling me repeatedly.”

Elves always kept their promises.

Except for the wandering elves.

The difference lay in the World Tree.

If an elf connected to the World Tree and synchronized with the queen or other clan members were to lie, the connection would gradually weaken.

On the other hand, wandering elves had the freedom to lie, as they had given up the immense power of the World Tree for their freedom.

And for an Elf Queen, even a small lie could be fatal.

《You have done your part, so I must keep my promise. You will now meet the closest thing to the real ‘Ewyn Ross,’ a fake.》


Marquis Ross clenched his fists.

His palms were damp with sweat, but he didn’t care.

《It seems I made the right choice in using Sigma as a sacrifice. The bond you have built with her over time has led to a more positive change.》


The green orbs of light began to merge into one. And it entered Sigma’s heart.


With each beat of her heart, she transformed.

From the slender and tall Sigma to the Everwyn of those days that Ross remembered.

《She might be a fake, but to you, she might be more real than the real one.》

“That’s all I need.”

After a few heartbeats, Sigma was gone. In her place lay a woman who resembled Marquis Ross in some way.

Ewyn Ross.

And Carla Audrey, Hybolt’s wife and Oleciren’s mother.

She looked exactly as she did when she escaped with Ross’s heart.


Love gained in exchange for betraying humanity.

Marquis Ross reached out with a trembling hand and touched her cheek.

At that moment, Glumiêm smiled meaningfully.

《But a fake is a fake.》


《There’s a price to pay for that.》

The scope of the promise was to keep Everwyn alive as much as possible, and beyond the promise was the mocking laughter of Glumiêm, who could see through everything with her eyes of fate.



As the elves retreated and the expeditionary force and the Ethelred Knights were clearing the battlefield, a clear slapping sound rang out.

“……Did you just hit me?”

Olivia, clutching her cheek, asked.


Oleciren grabbed her by the collar and roughly pulled her close.

“Why didn’t you give the order immediately?”

Her crimson eyes were filled with murderous intent, as if threatening to kill her if she didn’t answer properly.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – The Villain Carries the Holy Sword

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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