
The Twice-Exiled Adventurer, Using His Super Rare Skills To Train a Squad of Beautiful Girls! – Chapter 99

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗𝟗: 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐕𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏)

The Dagan Imperial Army charges straight for the main force of the Masrur Royal Army.

In other words, they’re planning to strike directly in the middle of the Crane Wing Formation.

Normally, this would be considered an extremely foolish strategy. They would simply be surrounded and beaten up.

However, if they didn’t care about their own casualties, this could be an optimal solution.

If we only consider that section, it becomes a battle of sixty thousand against ten thousand.

The outnumbered Masrur main force will inevitably be breached.

Of course, the Dagan Army, sandwiched between the left and right wings, will suffer substantial losses before that.

“The Crane Wing Formation is a formation that is relatively easy to breach in the center. It naturally becomes stretched thin to the left and right.”

“Knowing this and still choosing this formation is what makes our mother frightening.”

Demon King Ingral laughs atop his saddle.

His entourage consists of the Lionel Squad.

Think of them as a kind of royal guard for easier understanding.

“I want our opponents to confidently press their attack.”

Before their eyes, the vanguard of the main force will soon engage the enemy.

The Crane Wing Formation is a concept that won’t occur to those without a considerable knowledge of military strategy. It’s the most suitable tactic for encircling and annihilating the enemy.

So, in other words, I wanted to show the enemy’s Strategist that we too have someone who understands military strategy.

The enemy, having seen this, is now courageously attempting a central breakthrough, the only correct response.

That’s the current situation.

Gradually, the sounds of swords clashing get closer.

It’s no easy task to hold back sixty thousand with an army of ten thousand.

They are steadily being pushed back.

“Alright. Clear a path where the enemy’s attack is most concentrated.”

At my command, the main force splits left and right.

Rather than being breached in the center, we’re allowing them to breach.

There might be Dagan soldiers who question why the Masrur main force crumbles so easily, but they can’t stop an army that has begun to accelerate.

Moreover, Demon Generals Grant and Samuel, Avanchi and Dozle are furiously attacking from the left and right.

They have no choice but to push forward, as if they are being squeezed out like fresh cream.

In about a quarter of an hour of battle, the Masrur Royal Army has completely allowed a breach.

Did the Dagan Imperial Army think they had won?

However, whether they thought so or were happy about it, their happiness would be very short-lived.

The supposedly breached Masrur Army amazingly latches onto the rear of the Dagan Army.

Furthermore, for some reason, the Masrur Army also appears on both sides and begins their attack.

Not understanding what is happening, the Dagan Army is thrown into a state of chaos.

“When the trick is revealed, it’s not actually a difficult story.”

While swinging my beloved Flame Cut to direct the troops, I smirked.

Our main force simply sprinted full speed to let the Dagan Army through, splitting to the left and right. And the troops of Demon Generals Samuel and Dozle, who had been attacking from the left, simply bypassed them and each circled around to the left and right of the Dagan Army.

Of course, full speed.

I’m sorry. It’s a run-around strategy for everyone.

The units of Demon Generals Grant and Avanchi also bypassed them and should be running furiously to appear on the left and right of the Dagan Army by now.

“King Ingral, with this, a semi-encirclement from the rear is complete. Please rampage as you wish.”

With a deliberately courteous bow, I offered my respects to the Demon King.

“I’m glad you’re on our side! Lionel!”

With that, Ingral spurred his beloved horse and boldly leaped into the battlefield.

Of course, those around him followed without delay.

It’s unbearable to be attacked from behind.

This applies whether it’s a human or a monster.

Without anyone to counterattack, the Masrur army mows down their enemies as if they were grass.

“What a perfect fit!”

Nazar, who has pulled his horse up next to me, shouted this out loud.

“Knowing the weaknesses is terrifying. You can’t help but aim for it.”

The enemy’s Strategist knew the weaknesses of the Crane Wing Formation. That’s why he thought he could decide the game with a breakthrough in the center.

He could do this without worrying about the damage to his own army.

If he wanted to save his troops, he could have let us take the initiative and encircle us from either the left or right.

He didn’t have to aim to crush our heads in one go.

“Well, if that happens, I have about ten countermeasures.”

“How terrifying!”

Nazar laughs, speeds up his horse, and jumps into the enemy lines.

I’ve told this to the Demon King and Demon General, but winning this battle isn’t that difficult.

After all, the enemy is fighting with the intention of killing their own soldiers.

The problem is the war-weariness that will inevitably spread throughout the Masrur army in the process.

It’s a very negative and unpleasant battle.

To avoid that, we’ll end it all at once.

We’ll deal a devastating blow to the Dagan army and make them flee in defeat. A memory of defeat so traumatic that they won’t want anything to do with the Masrur Kingdom again.

In short, we’re going to completely sever diplomatic relations. I asked the Demon King if he was prepared for that.

I executed this strategy because his answer was yes.

Strategist Lionel, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime encirclement annihilation battle.

“Mom! Be careful!”

When I heard Asuka’s voice and was startled, there was already an enemy in front of me.

My horse collided violently, I was thrown off, and fell to the ground.

Somehow I managed to roll to my feet, only to have a sword looming in front of me again.

I barely parried it with a Flame Cut.

“So you’re Lionel! You poor Strategist!”

With a voice full of anger, I parried and dodged the swiftly incoming sword.

What’s with this guy?

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