
The Twice-Exiled Adventurer, Using His Super Rare Skills To Train a Squad of Beautiful Girls! – Chapter 89

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟗: 𝐕𝐒 𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐)

The god Asura is undeniably powerful.

As divine being, it’s almost impossible to beat them in a one-on-one fight.

However, we are a combined force of the top Gaillia clan, the [Hard-Boiled Guys], and us, [Hope].

Considering our training, there is no stronger force in the Adventurer’s Guild of Gaillia.

And they are moving at my command.

Even if we say there is no such thing as an unwinnable battle, it’s not an exaggeration.

We are slowly cornering the Asura.

Of course, we are not unscathed.

“Rick is unable to continue the battle! We’ll have him retreat to the base!”

“Understood. Drittle, fill the gap.”


In this way, everyone fights while understanding their own limitations.

There’s no need for me to control the damage, just deciding who goes where and when, then the whole system functions properly.

It’s not just easy, it’s beyond that.

However, if it continues like this, we can’t ignore the losses on our side. Out of the four priests, one has just dropped out, leaving only one who can cast healing magic on the front lines.

The rest are dedicated to treating the wounded at the base.

We are cornering him, but also being cornered. That’s the current situation.

Both the enemy and us are tensed up, believing this is the critical moment.

“Then, I have no choice but to step forward!”

I whispered the strategy to Miliaria and jumped to the front line.

“Asuka! Salieri! We’re attacking at the same time!”



The Asura are six-armed, with no blind spots.

But if one of the three of us can bypass their swords and inflict damage. . .

Because Flame Cut, Oracion, and Ifreet are magic swords with considerable power.

We may be able to decide the outcome in one go.

“You’re weak! Humans!”

Incredibly, the Asura caught all three swords that struck at the same time.

It’s not some amateur’s dull sword. Even though we three are skilled swordsmen, I’m slightly inferior.

It’s an unbelievable skill.

“The weak one is, perhaps, you.”

“Eight-fold Ring!”

By the time I grinned, Miliaria’s new magic was closing in on Asura.

The simultaneous attack of the three of us, of course, was meant to deal damage, but it had two larger meanings.

To stop the Asura’s movements and lower his guard.

The moment when it seemed that the Eight-fold Ring without anything obstructing it, would behead the defenseless Asura. . .

“Don’t underestimate me!”

Asura bit into the razor-sharp ice ring with his enlarged canine teeth, stopping it.

His face of rage was covered in blood.

“We are not underestimating you. There can be no complacency when humans decide to fight gods.”

“That’s right.”

The one who responded to Miliaria’s words was Linus.

He jumped from the Asura’s feet, swung his sword at the height of the neck of the two remaining faces with shocked expressions.

His sword also holds considerable magical power.

The path of the sword was tinged blue.

At the same time as he landed, the head of the god rolled on the ground.

“Impos. . . sible. . .”

These were the last words left by the divine creature.

In the end, the Asura couldn’t create a highlight.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my left arm.

This is not a dojo, so there’s no noble thought of bringing out the best in the opponent or improving oneself.

To win surely and with as little damage as possible is the supreme proposition for us, the Strategists.



My daughters asking for high-fives.

I responded with my right hand to Asuka and left hand to Salieri.

When I shifted my gaze, Meisha had made a big circle with both hands.

Everyone who was injured is alive.

In other words,

“It’s a total victory!”

Linus, holding Asura’s head high, shouted the line I was about to say.

Well, well.

He stole my moment.

After the battle, we, [Hope] and [Hard-Boiled Guys], decided to return to the surface.

Because we had fulfilled our mission.

And well, another reason was our bags were already filled to the brim.

With the gold and silver treasures from the 40th floor, and the treasure Asura had.

“I want to take this Trishula to the Kingdom of Indara.”

Suddenly, Salieri said something like that.

It must be about the three swords that Asura used.

They were quite unusual grip swords, at least I’ve never seen them.

“Is there any story behind it, Salieri?”

“I don’t know, but it belongs to a god who died in a faraway foreign land. I think it would be best to dedicate it to their temple to avoid being cursed or haunted.”

So that’s the reason.

But I have heard that gods are the kind of beings that curse others.

I would rather avoid that, certainly.

“In that case, after reporting to the guild, it might be worth going to Indara.”

I crossed my arms and thought.

Fortunately, we have plenty of travel expenses.

Expanding our knowledge is indeed one of the great pleasures of being an adventurer.

“By the way, we would go to Indara by ship from Masrur, crossing the sea.”



“Taste of the East!”

Immediately, Asuka, Miliaria, and Meisha showed interest.

Well, I’m also looking forward to the ship.

After all, I’ve never been on one, except for Masrur’s reactorship.

“When we’re with Neldan-san, we get to have various experiences.”

Having flown in the sky, fought with a god, and now crossing the sea, Meg murmured thoughtfully.

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