
The Twice-Exiled Adventurer, Using His Super Rare Skills To Train a Squad of Beautiful Girls! – Chapter 85.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟓.𝟏: 𝐈𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤: 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞

With the defeat of the dragon golem by the adventurers clan [Hope], the safety of the reactorship’s route is now assured.

In the future, it will likely be possible to travel from the capital city of Masrur, Lisan San, to the capital city of Gaillia, Gaillia City, in just two days and nights.

Though the general public is still unable to use this, it can serve a variety of purposes, such as facilitating meetings between national leaders in emergencies.

Even this would be a considerable accomplishment, but [Hope] went ahead and also opened up the ruins protected by the dragon golem.

Very much like getting a horse from a gourd, Demon King Ingral immediately dispatched an exploration team.

They managed to amass a great deal of magical heritage from the ancient civilization.

“There’s a phrase about being worth its weight in gold, but this is beyond that level.”

These words of Ingral are recorded in the official records.

Such a significant discovery was made.

One of them is something that was named the “Floating Train”.

Simply put, it’s like a very long carriage that is connected to five other carriages, not drawn by horses but can move by itself.

What’s more, it moves slightly above the ground, so it can run on any kind of rough road.

Its cruising speed is about twice that of a two-horse carriage.

It is set to run regularly from Lisan San to Gaillia City.

To be specific, it’s a five day train journey.

Moreover, it is capable of carrying two hundred people at once.

Mass transport and high-speed transport, a technology that anyone, not just a strategist, would drool over, has been granted.

The words of Demon King Ingral are not an exaggeration.

Gaillia City and Lisan San can now be connected in a minimum of two days, or five days by the next fastest means.

It would not be an overstatement to say that they are organically bound.

Of course, construction to create space for the float train to run, as well as road construction, will also be undertaken simultaneously.

Both the Masrur Kingdom and Gaillia Kingdom, as well as Piran Castle, have invested heavily and work is progressing at a rapid pace.

Issues such as the refugee problem were quickly resolved, resulting in a serious shortage of manpower everywhere.

Workers involved in the construction are in high demand everywhere, and are being paid well.

Being needed and paid well, they are happy to spend their money in the city.

Eating, drinking, and having fun.

This in turn brings a surge of energy to the food and beverage industry. Brokers supplying ingredients to the various stores are extremely busy, running around to farmers, hunters, and fishermen to make purchases.

As producers, as much as they harvest or catch, they are able to sell.

With this, they also try to increase their workforce.

Of course, this is the same in eateries and brothels.

The competition to secure human resources begins.

Improve conditions a little, raise wages a little.

In this way, not just refugees, but even people disappeared from the slums of Gaillia City.

They were scouted as workers.

“It seems that even the children in the orphanage are being approached about work. If they can read, write, and do arithmetic, they’re being asked to do bookkeeping, even if it’s only for a short time.”

“It’s rather nice that the economy is doing well.”

Jennifer responds grumpily to Lionel’s shrug.

The adventurer’s guild lobby was deserted.

Because there were no adventurers seeking jobs. Rather, it would be more accurate to say there were no adventurers not working.

When they came to report the completion of a task, another job was already waiting.

In other words, the adventurer’s guild was well-off.

The reason Jennifer was in a bad mood was because they were also understaffed.

It has been nearly three months since returning from the inspection.

Not only are people being taken away by the businesses that the kingdom government is setting up one after another in order not to lag behind the Masrur Kingdom, but also the number of people becoming adventurers is decreasing.

Those who are working on highway expansion projects are making enough money, and those who provide meals and lodging for these people are accumulating wealth. Under such circumstances, who would choose a job like an adventurer that risks life, and with no compensation.

“This month, the number of new registrants is zero. Not only that, there are people who quit being adventurers. The bigwigs are scratching their heads.”

Jennifer sighed.

“The income from completing one request is much greater here.”

“Thanks to the success stories of Lionel and his team, we can somehow retain people.”

The adventurer clan [Hope] that started with just three people has rapidly gained fame and now they are so successful they can casually meet with people like the king of Masrur, the king of Gaillia, Lord Piran, and the chief of staff of Gaillia.

Those who don’t aspire to this wouldn’t become adventurers in the first place.

“So, we need glorious achievements to attract new adventurers. Lionel, please cooperate with us.”

“What do you mean?. . . . . . .”

Lionel nods, laughing wryly.

The relationship between adventurers and the adventurer’s guild is mutual. If they’re in trouble, we must lend a hand.

“Lacris Dungeon. The [Hard-Boiled Guys] are struggling on the forty-fourth floor. Please cooperate with them and capture up to the fiftieth floor.”

A huge dungeon rumored to have a hundred floors underground.

Last year, when Lionel and his team went down, it was supposed to be only around the twenty-fifth floor.

“So they’ve advanced that far already.”

Lionel, who was deeply impressed, had the distinct flame of a challenger in his eyes.

He is also an adventurer.

Dungeon capture is one of his favorite things.

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