
The Twice-Exiled Adventurer, Using His Super Rare Skills To Train a Squad of Beautiful Girls! – Chapter 82

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟐: 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

We’ve been pushing through the untrodden path for a while when we saw a structure from above.

It’s seriously huge.

It seems like it would take half an hour at a normal pace just to walk around the outer circumference.

“I can’t even imagine what it was used for.”

“Well, it can’t be helped. That’s usually the case with ruins.”

Salieri lazily answered me.

Well, I guess so.

I don’t quite understand why something like an underground labyrinth exists either.

This ruin is no exception to the rule.

The area around the ruins has been cleared of trees and even flattened.

“Someone must be maintaining it.”

While cautiously holding her ice wolf staff, Miliaria says.

Considering the dragon probably wouldn’t be interested in weed pulling, it’s safe to assume there are other humanoid monsters present.

I wonder if the area that has been well maintained counts as a premises?

We were considering this when we took our first step inside.

A loud alarm went off.

What happened? Did we trigger some sort of trap?

“There weren’t any wires or bells. It might be something magical.”

Meg shakes her head with a despairing expression.

Trap perception is her forte, so it’s quite a blow to her pride.

I pat Meg on the head.

Don’t worry about it.

We haven’t done any preliminary research. It’s not strange that there are unknown traps.

“Sensing magic is a bit difficult. I feel it all over the place.”

“It’s like a thin veil spread all around.”

Miliaria and Salieri. . . no, Salieri is explaining the situation.

The entire ruin and premises emanate magic, making it difficult to pinpoint the source.

“Mommy Nel! There’s a welcoming party!”

Asuka sharply warns us, pointing to the ruins.

Part of the wall opens, and something begins to pour out.

“They look like magic dolls I’ve seen before.”

Meisha smiles faintly.

They look just like the golems we encountered in the ruins in the forest when there were only four of us in [Hope].

“But these ones are armed! Get ready for combat!”


The girls respond in unison and quickly form a formation.

There are three in the vanguard.

From left, Salieri, me, Asuka, with me in the center slightly behind.

In the rearguard are Meisha on the left and Miliaria on the right.

They position themselves diagonally behind me.

Lastly, Meg waits in the final row for flanking. She doesn’t go invisible. There’s no point against golems.

“Firing! Icicle Lance! Three-way!”

“Well then, I’ll use Ifreet Cannon~.”


An immediate Flare Tic Explosion, huh!


“I understand. Holy Protection.”

Meisha, whom I instinctively called out to, had already completed her defense magic.


A gentle light envelops the whole party, and the impact comes shortly after.

Although, it’s reckless to go all out just because the opponent isn’t a living being. Miliaria and Salieri.

“The explosion is clearing. . . there are still sixteen left! They haven’t decreased by half!”

However, the result was not very encouraging.

Golems have high magic resistance after all.

Didn’t I teach you that when we first fought a golem, Miliaria?

Just because you can now use powerful magic, you shouldn’t forget the basics.

“You’ve managed to eliminate eight, which is quite an achievement.”

I show a smile to Miliaria.

“Asuka! Salieri! Let’s dive in!”


“Roger that.”

From the left, the hero, and from the right, the heroine charge, each drawing an arc.

“Meisha, protect Miliaria and use healing magic. Miliaria, use support magic.”

“Leave it to me.”


After giving instructions, I also started to charge.

While making sure that Meisha takes my previous position.

“I’ll try to go around to the back.”

“Go for it.”

Meg speaks as she overtakes me with her remarkable speed.

There are sixteen golems left.

That’s four per person.

The strength of the golem armed with a long sword and a shield was no less than that of an ogre.

The strength and speed would give any average adventurer a hard time.

“But, the essence of its movements hasn’t changed!”

Asuka, who jumped in from the right, brandishes the holy sword Oracion in all directions to mow down.

She had battled the golem before.

“No matter how fast or heavy, if it only moves according to the pattern, it’s the same as standing still!”

The golem is played around by Asuka, who suddenly changes her sword’s trajectory or avoids with tricky body handling.

In terms of sheer speed, they wouldn’t beat Asuka.

The same goes for power.

“But, if you can only do fixed movements, it’s like a practice dummy.”

Against the golem trying to dodge with minimal movement, Salieri continues to land attacks by slightly altering the trajectory of the flame sword Efreet.

“That’s how it is. It’s my first time fighting a golem.”

Meg, who avoids the mowing sword with a straddle, releases a somersault kick as she rises.

The golem doesn’t even dodge.

It must have judged that a kick from an unstable stance wouldn’t cause much damage.

However, that golem slowly falls backward.

It was cut from under the chin to the top of the head by the blade on the tip of the boot.

“That’s humans for you, we use these kinds of tricks.”

Meg, who landed cleanly, shows a nihilistic smile.

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