
The Superficial Saint Becomes a Young Girl, Relishing Her Exiled Life with a Love-Stricken God – Chapter 22

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐆𝐨𝐝’𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫

“Perhaps. . . . . .if you oppose God’s authority with God’s authority.”

“God against God. . .?”

I recall. That’s right, Kami-sama did say it.

“I’m currently a weak serpent god, as far as gods go. [If I’m attacked by the god of another land, I won’t stand a chance]. . . . . .I remember him saying something like that.”

“Oh, a weak serpent god. So even without the intervention of the actual god, if a god from another country used a magical tool imbued with divine power against the barrier the weak serpent god had established to protect our country. . . . . .it would be possible to create cracks.”

“So, another country’s god approached Duke Horsewood using some method, and suggested that it would be beneficial to create some cracks.”

Duke Horsewood is the Prime Minister aiming to increase this country’s military power and target other countries for invasion.

While it might seem contradictory for him to be swayed by a foreign god and create cracks in the country’s barrier, it wouldn’t be if the interests of the foreign god and Duke Horsewood were aligned.

I assume he had the same thought. When our eyes met, Kami-sama nodded.

“Kami-sama. . . . . .if our country were to invade, it wouldn’t be from the north where monsters are rampant, or the west blocked by high mountains. It would be from the east. The neighboring country of Taeh is to the east, and beyond that. . . . . .the vast Strelitica United Kingdom expands.”

“I have come to know the name of the country through reading newspapers during the days spent with Charlene. It didn’t exist hundreds of years ago when I was aware of the world outside the temple. . . . . .I don’t know about the god of the United Kingdom.”

“I see.”

“But I can imagine. . . . . .my existence as a serpent god rooted in this land and their faith are likely to be quite different. Since it’s a united kingdom, the form of the god would be complicated, and the way the god exists should also be different.”

“I see. Anyway. . . . . .for both the Strelitica United Kingdom and its god, it would be welcome if we and neighboring Taeh were to collide.”

We understand that Duke Horsewood has connections with the Strelitica United Kingdom (or a foreign country other than Taeh), and that cracks have been made in the barrier. However, there are still mountains of things we don’t know.

Before I could pose a question, Kami-sama started talking.

“Charlene. If we go by that theory, in the past few months, Duke Horsewood would have needed to come into contact with a god from a foreign country. And from a distant one at that. Is he capable of such contact?”

“Is it hard to make contact with a foreign god?”

“You haven’t met any other gods than me, have you?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Even the most free of the country’s gods cannot move outside their country. It’s because they have a contract with the country.”

“I see. It’s the same as you not being able to move away from the temple. What about foreigners who come into the country?”

“. . . . . .Depending on the contract with the country, it can be considered that they can make contact.”

“I see. . . . . . Hmm. But that’s just speculation. There’s no way to confirm if they’ve actually met.”

“All we can imagine with the information we have now is, ‘It’s highly likely that Duke Horsewood is connected with a foreign god,’ and the most likely candidate for the other party is the god of the Strelitica United Kingdom. . . . . .that’s about it. . . . . .”

I threw myself on the bed.

As long as I’m in the Margrave’s territory, even if I use Kami-sama’s power, it remains speculation.

If I contacted the royals and priests in the royal capital, I could probably uncover how Duke Horsewood connected with the god of another land, but—I just want to clean up as the leading saint and find out who killed my father and me. Any more issues are too much to handle.

Thinking too much made me sleepy. My heart is 18 but my body is 8. Probably the stamina of the brain too.

Speaking of which, I thought.

“When you return to being the country’s god, will those cracks heal?”


“I see. . . . . .I guess we really need to go to the headquarters of the church as soon as possible. . . . . .”

I seek to safeguard this nation alongside Kami-sama, fulfill my duty as the leading saint halfway through, and then find a way to spend leisurely, laid-back time with Kami-sama. That is my goal.

So, I should throw any issues beyond that onto some arbitrary important person as the [grateful words of Charlene-sama], and Saint Charte-chan should just run away. I want to be forgiven even if I run away.

Even while yawning, Kami-sama was still seated, lost in thought.

It’s rare for Kami-sama, who usually gets entangled with me as soon as I start looking sleepy, to be like this. I sat up.

“Kami-sama? . . . . . .Is there still something you’re concerned about?”

“. . . . . .I was contemplating why a foreign land GOD is contacting important figures of this country.”

“Isn’t that. . . . . .for the purpose of instigating a conflict between our country and the neighboring country and reaping the benefits?”

“That’s certainly a possibility. But. . . . . .there’s something strange.”

“What’s strange?”

“If I were still serving as the nation’s god, I would certainly be able to sense it if my protective barrier was interfered with by divine power. Even if it’s a weakened serpent god, it wouldn’t be affected by something like the power of a magical tool brought in by mere humans. . . . . .if I were still serving as the nation’s god.”

Kami-sama looked at me. His eyes were shining gold.

“I want you to remember. The reason I quit protecting the nation’s protection.”

“That is. . . . . . “

I gasped for breath as I tried to put it into words.

Kami-sama quit being the nation’s god because I was about to be killed, and he protected me.

To begin with, my origin had been exposed by someone’s betrayal, and I was being driven from my position.

There was someone trying to remove me from the position of leading saint.

And because Kami-sama didn’t immediately quit being a god, they moved Kami-sama by harming me.

Kami-sama said it. The Saint’s Guard Knights who harmed me had no sensation of human life, he said.


“. . . . . .Ah, I understand.”

Kami-sama and I met each other’s eyes. A spark, like a flash of lightning, transmitted between us.

“Even other countries’ gods would understand that I’m a special existence who shares a part of Kami-sama’s soul, wouldn’t they? If such a ‘special’ me was about to be killed.”

“Of course, I would never allow it.”

Kami-sama and I lean forward. Our words overlap.

“By trying to kill the companion of a god―”

“―They can deliberately break the protection of this country’s god.”

――This country is being targeted by a foreign land god.

“Wait. So. . . . . .the king’s ill health is also being influenced by this.”

“It’s highly possible. A god who can influence the Prime Minister, the central figure in the country, and the internal affairs of the church would not just let the king go.”

“I wanted to think it was none of my responsibility what happened to the country. . . . . . But to just take it lying down after being set up and robbed, that’s no joke.”

“I won’t allow it. A god who harms Charlene to steal the country.”

We nodded to each other. Like hell we’d let the god with designs of invasion have its way.


Around that time.

In the royal capital, the Crown Prince was summoned to the King’s bedside before the return of the second Prince.

It was about his engagement to the leading saint, Lulumia, the daughter of Duke Horsewood.

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