
The Superficial Saint Becomes a Young Girl, Relishing Her Exiled Life with a Love-Stricken God – Chapter 21

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐆𝐨𝐝’𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧

According to Kami-sama, the Knights of Margrave Mosey’s territory have already set off at noon. Even if I went to the scene, I couldn’t help much – I could possibly blow them away with magic, but it’s not wise to reveal the cheat of magic with the saint’s abilities.

“But, I can heal.”

I immediately offered assistance to the Knights through the queen, via my servant. I asked to be allowed to handle the healing after the Knights return. It would be faster and more effective to use me than to call on the dispatched saints nearby.

I used Kami-sama to voice areas too complex for an eight-year-old to explain.

The queen responded with a grimace.

“I object. If it’s to heal those inside the castle, fine. But to heal the knights. . .”

At a gathering with the queen and the people of the Margrave territory, I was asked by the queen.

“Even if you have the ability of a saint, you are not a formal saint yet. Healing the Knights will be strenuous on your body.”

Next to the queen, the Margrave frowned while stroking his beard.

“If we were to rely on a girl before her official registration as a saint, and problems arise, the responsibility will be. . . . . .”

Their concerns are valid. Healing the knights is crucial, but following the procedure is just as important in society.

(Should I use my trump card. . . . . .[Kami-sama, apply magic to my hair and straighten it])

Seeing Kami-sama nod out of the corner of my eye, I untied the cute ribbon that was in my hair.

My fluffy hair turned into needle-straight strands, sliding over my face and back.

Tilting my head to hide one eye, the queen gasped and covered her face.

“[Long time no see, Your Majesty. Please forgive the rudeness due to the urgency of the situation.]”

“Ch, Charlene. . .!”

The people from the Margrave family, who didn’t know my face, started whispering. Using the face of the “leading saint, Charlene,” I appealed to the queen.

“[Please utilize this girl, Charte. She is a saint loved by God. . . . . .through this girl, I shall offer healing equivalent to my saintly abilities. . . . . .May God’s blessings be upon the Margrave territory that trusted in Charte.]”

I closed my eyes and dramatically collapsed. Kami-sama supported me. Using Kami-sama’s voice, I implored them.

“[Please, trust in Charte. This is also the wish of Charlene-sama.]”

The queen was pale. The people of the Margrave family looked at each other, and seemed to make up their minds.

Margrave knelt before me, met my eyes, and said.

“I’ll leave it to you. I’m counting on you ―― Saint Charte.”


From then until nightfall, I was busy preparing to welcome and heal the returning knights. Of course, it wasn’t just me doing the work; the priests of the church in the city of Keinigaunis gathered to help set up the treatment area.

Evening. Heath Samaya, who had ridden out to check on the knights’ situation before they returned, shouted.

“Charte-chan! There are quite a few severely injured, can you handle it?!”

“Leave it to me!”

And so, the knights returned around the time the sun set. In the castle square, brilliantly illuminated by torchlight, I began treating the injured, starting with the most severe cases.

[God, bless your faithful followers with healing]

Kami-sama stood by my side, melting into the darkness, helping me quietly with the treatments. It’s difficult for an 8-year-old to remove a knight’s armor or support a body. Most of all, the reason I could keep healing them like this was thanks to Kami-sama.

“Thank you, Kami-sama.”

When I thanked him during a break in the treatments, Kami-sama smiled a little.

While exchanging modest mental conversations, the treatment continued until the last person.

The treatment of the last lightly injured person was relaxed enough for us to exchange words during the process.

“Saint-chan, I’m fine. I’m not injured.”

To the knight who was trying to considerate of me, I intentionally shook my head and pointed out.

“Your right little toe is a bit broken. . . . . .I’ll heal this too.”

“Wha. . . . . .That’s an old injury from when I was in my teens. You’re going too far.”

I smiled. Intentionally invoking the [leading saint Charlene].

“[Meeting you here must be some kind of fate. Please relax. I can heal you quickly].”

Perhaps surprised at my diligence, the people of the castle had become onlookers before I knew it.

I heard the queen, who had been standing dumbfounded, murmur.

“It’s the second coming of leading saint Charlene. . . . . .”

――After that.

After finishing the treatments, I fully utilized the privilege of being an 8-year-old, skipped the cleaning up and reporting, and immediately fell sound asleep in my bedroom.

When I woke up the next day, it was noon. The maid told me, “The queen’s message is to laze around until you feel like it.”

Looking down at Kami-sama, who was lying on his side next to the bed with his eyes wide open, I stroked his hair and said.

“. . . . . .For now, this should spread the miracle of Saint Charte-chan throughout the royal capital.”

“Without a doubt.”

Kami-sama nodded.


After that, relying on the comfort of words, I just idled away for a while.

When I started to get bored, I headed to the knight’s office to check if they were all right.

As soon as they saw me, they loudly summoned everyone and saluted me in unison.

“Thank you so much!! Chartechan-sama!!”

“Oh, wow. . . . . .”

Taken aback by their enthusiasm, I instinctively hid behind Kami-sama, causing the muscular Knight Commander to panic.

“Ah, we didn’t mean to frighten you, Chartechan-sama.”

“It’s okay. . . . . .I was just surprised. . . . . .Heh.”

After that, they insisted that Kami-sama and I join them for lunch, so we ended up having a picnic at the training ground behind the office.

“Although this is the training ground, the sun is shining and it feels good. Here’s a dandelion.”

“Here’s a dandelion for you, Charte-chan!”

“Don’t be stupid, giving me a flower like a dandelion that any old horse might have peed on! Especially before a meal!”

“Oh, my bad!! Hahaha.”

The knights were friendly, and I, behaving like an eight-year-old, laughed innocently.

They had laid out a picnic blanket, and we ate bread and drank milk. The fresh and flavorful ingredients tasted so good that, as I munched away contentedly, their faces melted like butter.

As for Kami-sama, he was quietly sitting next to me, not being a topic of conversation.

I found it strange how quiet Kami-sama was, so I whispered in his ear every now and then.

“Aren’t you angry? These men are all talking to me.”

“If they don’t touch a finger on you, I can tolerate it to some extent. Believers are believers. I am your husband.”

“Y, Yeah. . . . . .I see. . . . . .”

“The right to have your hair washed in the bath is mine alone.”

“Don’t say that here, even if your voice is quiet!”

While having such peaceful and enjoyable conversations, I was carefully listening.

“By the way, when did the. . . . . .monsters start appearing?”

“Ah. . . . . .”

When I asked about the monsters, their faces fell and they became reticent.

“Well, they’ve been appearing sporadically for a while now!”

“We’re here to protect you now, so don’t worry!”

“Look, it’s lunchtime, here’s some jam.”

They tried to change the subject, obviously not wanting to talk about it. It would be pointless to push any further and ruin the mood.

After lunch, I was feeling a bit down.

“There’s no point, even if I ask. . . . . .”

“I’ll do it.”


“Knight Commander. Can I have a word?”

Kami-sama caught the Knight Commander and dragged him away to a quiet spot.

“What’s up, husband? Do you want to talk in private?”

“. . . . . .”

“Eh, you look scary. Something’s up. . . . . .”

Kami-sama extended his hand to the side of the Knight Commander’s face.

Then, Kami-sama brought out a snake from his sleeve, and it entered the Knight Commander’s ear.


I was shocked and froze on the spot. The Knight Commander’s eyes rolled back in his head for a moment as he trembled violently, and then the snake came out of his other ear. Kami-sama, as if nothing had happened, put the snake back into his sleeve.

The Knight Commander, too, came to his senses as if nothing had happened.

“What just. . . . . .?”

“Nothing. I just dusted off your back.”

As Kami-sama said this, he blinked and said, “Oh, I see,” and walked away.

I hadn’t seen Kami-sama’s brainwashing in a long time. After everyone left, I confronted Kami-sama.

“What did you do, Kami-sama?”

“I borrowed his memories. He’s been attacked by the monster multiple times.”

“I see. . . . . .If they won’t tell me about the monster, borrowing memories. . .!”

This is a course of action only a Kami-sama can take. What a relief!

We must confirm it quickly, so we hurry back to our room.

Sitting on the bed, Kami-sama shared with me the view he had peeked at.

Closing our eyes with foreheads together, the scenery plays back vividly.

Monsters overflow from an invisible crack atop the wall that signifies the border, as if they’re passing through it. They are horse-like monsters and have already been slightly injured just by passing through the narrow fissure.

The horse-like monsters swing their multiple heads, kick with numerous legs, and attack the Knights Order.

The Knights Order bravely fight back and slash at them.

Even though the vivid scene makes me feel sick, I continue to watch.

After they’ve exterminated the monsters, they take records and note where they’ve originated from.

[Wouldn’t it be a bit problematic if we really keep these records?]

[Margrave advised not to provoke this matter. . . . . .The enemy is too formidable.]

I can’t believe my eyes at the place name they momentarily wrote and erased.

At the end of the video, I looked at Kami-sama.

“. . . . . .The barrier was broken, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it was broken.”

“It was near Viscount Nousgaunis’ territory that was broken. . . . . .It was Duke Horsewood’s domain, wasn’t it?”

The Prime Minister of the militant faction that advocates for military expansion and invasion of neighboring countries, Duke Horsewood.

I know the story that the heir to Viscount Nousgaunis somehow disappeared, and Duke Horsewood inherited it. This knowledge was drilled into me during the lectures on aristocratic society.

“So, the Knights Order member was hesitating to say ‘when the monster invasions increased’, because it increased around the timing related to Duke Horsewood. . . . . .Probably since Lulumia became the leading saint.”

In other words, it matches the time when the Kami-sama’s protection over my country was cut off and I was almost killed.

I continued while thinking.

“If it’s Duke Horsewood, he’d be glad the monster invasions are increasing. Because it makes it easier for him to get his way. . . . . .But can he intentionally break Kami-sama’s barrier? Even a great magician couldn’t do that, right?”

Kami-sama is deep in thought. Without blinking, he stared into space with his black eyes and after some consideration, Kami-sama answered carefully.

“Perhaps. . . . . .if you oppose God’s authority with God’s authority.”

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