
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 62

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟐: 𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐨𝐝

I decided to head to Lake Manaka, where Troll-san lives, as my next destination.

“Trolls live in one place, unlike dwarves,” says someone.

Decker-chan says while riding on the back of the Great Grey Wolf.

“Aren’t dwarves like that?”

“No, we dwarves build cities and live separately.”

“Then, let’s help dwarves along the way to Lake Manaka.”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course, I’ll help everyone in this country equally.”

The reason God called me here must be to do just that.

So I will follow God’s will and exert my power with all my might.

『Sister, Sister』

“What’s the matter, Wanko-chan?”

The leader of the Great Grey Wolves’ pack, Thunder Wolf Wanko-chan approaches.

『We found a city. What should we do?』

“Naturally, we’ll help. Kumakichi-kun, GO.”

Kumakichi-kun nods, and we head towards the city led by Wanko-chan.

As we approach, we can see the city of the dwarves.

“Hmm. . . . . .there’s no undead army around.”

“Wasn’t Gankoji’s younger brother’s city surrounded by them? Then this city too. . . . . .”

It’s just as Mr. Gankoji says.

It’s a bit unnatural that they’re not here.

『Shall we go ahead and scout the situation inside the city?』

Wanko-chan’s suggestion. No. . . . . .but wouldn’t the Great Grey Wolves be feared?. . . . . .

Unlike those of us who know the situation, the people of the city might think it’s an enemy attack.

『Peewee! Guu-chan will go!』『Sura-mo』

“That’s right, Guu-chan can fly. Besides, with Sura-chan, if they’re attacked, she can absorb it.”

So, I decided to leave it to them.

Guu-chan grabs Sura-chan and flies away.

“I’ll fly too!”

Little Sister Oni, Hiiro-chan, raises her hand and insists.

『Hey, Hiiro, how are you going to fly? You don’t have wings like Guu-chan.』

“I’ll fly if I want to fly! Grrr. . . . . .”

Hiiro-chan concentrating.

She’s determined to fly. But it doesn’t seem to be working, and tears start to well up.

“Guu-chan’s my friend. . . . . .I’m worried. . . . . .”

“I see. . . . . .I’ll pray to God.”

“Really? Big Sister!”

God Noir should be able to grant any wish.

I close my eyes and offer a prayer.

“God, please. . . . . .”

“I can fly!”

“What a surprise!”

When I open my eyes, Hiiro-chan is there with wings of light on her back.

She has tiny, deformed wings attached to her back.

“Wow, God. . . . . .that was fast. . . . . .”

“When Big Sister prayed, power surged! I’ll go now!”

With a swoosh, Hiiro-chan flies away too.

I hope she’ll be okay. . . . . .I’m worried. . . . . .

『I’m worried.』

『Wait, what?! Sura-chan?! Why?!』

Kumakichi-kun lets out a surprised voice.

Sure enough, Sura-chan, who was supposed to have flown away, is riding on the palm of my hand!

“What’s going on. . . . . .?”

『Cloning Technique』

“Cloning. . . . . .? Clones?”

『Yes, that’s right』

That was light, huh.

Can slimes even do something like cloning?

『Sura-chan Jump』

Pyon, and Sura-chan lands on top of my head.

At that moment, images flowed into my mind.

“This is. . . . . .the sky? That city?”

In my mind, an image is showing as if looking down from above like a bird.

『Kyrie’s Voice』

『Really? Is that so?』

. . . . . .It seems that using the clone Sura-chan, I can share sensory information.

“You’re amazing Sura-chan, when did you learn to do that?”

『Don’t know.』

Everyone is quickly learning various things.

I wonder if this is thanks to God Noir.

『Big Sister, you’ve really become able to do a lot of things, haven’t you? Amazing』

“Eh, yes. . . . . .It’s not me. . . . . .Everyone’s using God Noir’s power, and getting stronger.”

“Big Sister can sometimes be incredibly silly, can’t she?”

“Eh?! That’s not true! Am I silly. . . . . .?”

That’s kind of a shock. . . . . .

That being said, I can now see Sura-chan’s images.

In the city, a large number of golems were waiting, all of them armed.

“There’s a trap.”

“I thought so! Miss Kyrie, what should we do. . . . . .?”

“Well. . . . . .”

Then, on the other end of the communication, Hiiro-chan speaks.

『I’ll do it! Hmph. . . . . .Nova Strike!』

“Nova Strike. . . . . .? What’s that. . . . . .eh, Hiiro-chan? What on earth. . . . . .?”

Holding both hands out, Hiiro-chan is trying to do something.

『Hmm, denied』

“What are you doing?”

『Magic! Tyrant King taught me! Ultimate Magic!』

She’s even learning magic like that. . . . . .But why can’t she activate it?

. . . . . .Wait, magic needs mana. But, Hiiro-chan is still a child, so she doesn’t have enough mana.

『Send mana through Sura.』

“Sura-chan, you can do that too?”

『Kyrie, send mana.』

I nod, borrow magical power from God, and pass it to Hiiro-chan.

Zuzu. . . . . .Sura-chan’s body shines brightly, and the light extends to a point.

『Here it comes! Nova Strike!』

At that moment. . . . . .

Boommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! With a thunderous noise. . . . . .a blast of fire rises from the city.

“Ah, wah, wah. . . . . .you, you overdid it.”

『It’s fine! It’s a direct hit!』

There’s no such thing as a direct hit with magic!


“What if people inside got hurt. . . . . .or worse, died? What will you do?”

『That’s when Big Sister can heal them, right?』

“T, That’s true.”


Watching our interaction, Mr. Gankoji mutters.

“Miss Kyrie has the power to even enhance the abilities of her subordinates. . . . . .Plus, that extraordinary amount of magical power. . . . . .Indeed, a fearsome person. . . . . .”

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