
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 50

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟎: 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝

I was summoned to the ice country of Kai・Pagos by divine guidance.

There I met the giant Decker-chan and the mountain dwarf Mr. Gankoji.

“Gankoji! I’m really glad your illness is cured~❤.”

Decker-chan clings to Mr. Gankoji out of sheer happiness.

Originally a giant, but now. . . . . .human? She’s transformed into a human form.

With pink hair and a voluptuous bust.

Even as a woman myself, I can’t help but be captivated by her.

“Hey, you Decker! Don’t cling like that in such an indecent manner!”

Mr. Gankoji’s face turns bright red.

No wonder, Decker-chan is only wrapped in tattered cloth around her body.

“Eh? Eeeek! I just noticed! How embarrassing!”

Decker-chan’s face turns red, and she squats down.

Mr. Gankoji snorts and turns away, putting his coat around Decker-chan.

“Wear this.”

“Gankoji~❤. . . . . .how nice. . . . . .I love you. . . . . .❤.”

Mr. Gankoji doesn’t seem like a bad mountain dwarf.


And with a red face, such youthful energy.

Decker-chan puts on Mr. Gankoji’s coat.

. . . . . .But honestly, it was a tight fit.

Plus, her lower body is completely exposed. . . . . .eek.

I pull out a prayer book from my pocket and open a page.

From the item box, I took out a spare dress.

“Decker-chan, wear this, and then put the coat over it. . . . . .”

“What’s this?!”

Mr. Gankoji comes over and touches my prayer book.

“Eek, wh-what’s going on?”

“Is, is this an item box?! Isn’t this an ultra-rare skill!”

“Is, is it?”

“Yes! Amazing. . . . . .not only the healing arts to cure diseases but also having an item box. . . . . .”

I don’t understand well, but. . . . . .

“This is the power of my friend.”

I explained the prayer book.

With this book, I can reproduce the skills of the monster that became my friend.

Hearing this explanation, Mr. Gankoji is astonished.

“What’s wrong, Gankoji?”

“. . . . . .Decker. It seems you’ve brought along an extraordinary being.”


“Yes. . . . . .A copy skill and complete healing. If you have those two. . . . . .”

Mr. Gankoji straightens his posture and kneels before me.

“Could you be a Goddess?”


I deny it instantly.

Of course! I’m not a Goddess, I’m a woman who serves God.

It’s audacious to claim to be Goddess. . . . . .!

“Haha, no wonder you’re a beautiful woman. Haha, a Goddess~.”

“I told you to stop that. . . . . .”

Then Mr. Gankoji gets serious and makes a request.


“It’s Kyrie.”

“Goddess Kyrie, could you please grant my wish?”

A wish. . . . . .?

I wonder what it could be.

I can’t ignore someone in trouble, so let’s hear what he has to say.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well. . . . . .actually, my father was Happosai, a highly skilled craftsman.”

“Happosai. . . . . .?”

I wonder what that is. I think I’ve heard of such a dish in the Far East.

But it’s not a dish; it’s more like a title or a trade name.

“Happosai has been a trade name handed down for generations. Gankoji was a truly incredible craftsman in the mountain dwarf country! That’s how he used to be.”

“Used to be. . . . . .?”

Why the past tense?

“Those who become Happosai are said to possess a special ‘Hand.’”

“They call it the 【Gold Hand】.”

Gold Hand. . . . . .

“My father possessed the Gold Hand. As his son, and the next Happosai, it was supposed to manifest in me as well.”

Apparently, this “Gold Hand” refers to a special crafting skill. . . . . .a talent.

“Our family has inherited the trade name Happosai since ancient times. And when the Gold Hand manifested in the right hand, it was time for a generational change.”

“So, you’re not born with the Gold Hand?”

“No. . . . . .I must gain experience as a craftsman; otherwise, this skill won’t manifest.”

People in this world have skills from birth.

But many also acquire them later in life.

“But wait, if you inherited the trade name from your father, that means. . . . . .Mr. Gankoji, the Gold Hand has manifested in you too?”

“No. . . . . .my father died before I could manifest the Gold Hand.”

Mr. Gankoji rubs the back of his right hand, mumbling in frustration.

“It’s because I’m still inexperienced. . . . . .”

“That’s not true at all! Gankoji is an amazing craftsman!”

Decker-chan strongly denies it.

But his expression does not clear up.

“No, something’s missing. . . . . .that’s why, no matter how much I train, the Gold Hand doesn’t appear in this hand. . . . . .”

I think I’m beginning to see the story.

“Goddess Kyrie, please, will you guide me?”

“So, you want the Gold Hand.”

“Yes. Whatever is necessary, I would appreciate your advice and guidance.”

Though asked for advice. . . . . .

I’m just a messenger of God.

All I can do is pray to God.

Well, I’ll know when I look at his hand.

His hand is covered in calluses.

And even when his health failed, he still held a hammer.

He has worked hard as a craftsman.

God surely sees his efforts.

“May I see your hand?”

“Yes. . . . . .”

I cover his right hand and offer a prayer.

Great God Noir, please, grant this diligent mountain dwarf the power he desires. . . . . .

At the moment I offered my prayer to God,

“! Wings from the back?!”

“Kyrie-chan really is a goddess!”

. . . . . .I feel the light of God in my body.

And when I open my eyes. . . . . .

“Oh, oh, oh! It’s there! The Gold Hand is on my right hand!”

The emblem of the sun was carved on the back of Mr. Gankoji’s right hand.

Slowly, tears welled in his eyes, and he knelt down, bowing deeply.

“Thank you, Goddess Kyrie! You’ve granted my wish!”

“Thank you! Goddess Kyrie!”

I, I’ve already told you~

It wasn’t me who did this~

“I didn’t do anything. So let’s thank God, shall we?”

“”Yes! Thank you, Goddess Kyrie!””

Oh, I’ve told you already. . . . . .

Eventually, God Noir is going to get angry. . . . . .oh no, no, no. . . . . .what to do. . . . . .

“Peeweei! Big Sister Kyrie, misunderstanding, funny!”

That’s what Guu-chan said, laughing uproariously.

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One response to “The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 50”

  1. Hmm… it’s more than 50 chapters but the story still feels so flat. All the characters are pretty the dimensional. And all the conflicts are so easy to solve with just a prayer.it doesn’t feel earned at all. I’m still sticking around coz I wanna know if there’s gonna be some twists, like that Angel Michael.

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