
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 48

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟖: 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫

《Kyrie Side》

. . . . . .Before I knew it, everything before my eyes was pure white.

“It’s cold. . . . . .! Where am I. . . . . .?”

Looking around in all directions, everything was white, and I could see nothing.

But my body is. . . . . .cold.

What hit my face was a fierce blizzard.

“Where is this. . . . . .achoo.”

Perhaps, yet again, someone was seeking God.

I was led by that voice, summoned. . . . . .I guess.

“It’s cold. . . . . .so cold. . . . . .I feel like I’ll freeze to death. . . . . .”

“Peeweei! Big sister!”

At that moment, something that was on my head fell off with a thud.


“Peewee! Guu-chan! That’s me!”

It was Guu-chan, the baby griffon, that was perched on my head.

Come to think of it, he was riding on me before being led here.

“Big sister! Hug me!”



I don’t understand, but I hug Guu-chan.

Then. . . . . .I feel a warmth as if I’m soaking in hot water.

“A, Amazing. . . . . .it’s warm. . . . . .”

“Peewee! The Tyrant King said it! Guu-chan, adapt! Anywhere, we can survive! Power!”

“Adapt. . . . . .So, Guu-chan’s ability can even soften this cold?”


Thanks to Guu-chan being with me, it seems like I won’t freeze to death.

“Thank you, Guu-chan.”

“Peewee! You’re welcome.”

I was very lucky that Guu-chan was with me. It must be God’s will after all.

Thank you, God Noir. And thank you, Guu-chan.

“So, where is this place, I wonder. . . . . .?”

The cold has subsided, but I still don’t know where I am.

Well, that’s secondary. The problem is where the person seeking help is. . . . . .

“He-help. . . . . .I need help. . . . . .please. . . . . .”

“! I hear a voice from somewhere. . . . . .”

I hold Guu-chan in my arms and proceed towards the direction of the sound.

Battling against the snowstorm, my body nearly swept away, I slowly make my way. . . . . .

There it is. . . . . .

“Peewee! What’s that, a wolf?”

“No. . . . . .it doesn’t seem alive.”

Perhaps it’s a zombie dog.

Its skin is decaying, and its flesh and bones are showing. It’s a dog.

The zombie dogs are surrounding something.

Something. . . . . .big. . . . . .

“What’s that. . . . . .? A big. . . . . .person?”

The zombie dogs are surrounding a giant person, as Guu-chan said.

She’s wearing ragged leather cloth.

A giant human girl is curled up, and the zombie dogs are surrounding her.

I must help her!

“But. . . . . .What shall we do? I can only heal wounds. . . . . .”

I have no choice but to rely on God.

God Noir, please. . . . . .save that big girl. . . . . .

“Peewee! It’s out! Big sister’s wing-beam!”


A roaring sound comes from nearby.

Slowly opening my eyes. . . . . .the zombie dogs have fallen.

And in a blink, they return to their original form.

“Grrr. . . . . .?””Woof. . . . . .?””Growl. . . . . .?”

The dogs, back in their living form, look around confused.

They seem to have lost their hostility.

I hurry over to the giant girl.

“Hey! Are you alright?”

“Y, Yeah. . . . . .I thought I was dying. . . . . .”

“What? What are you saying?”

“I thought you were an angel coming to get me. . . . . .You had wings and a halo.”

“No, I’m just human.”

“Really. . . . . .?”

The puzzled-faced girl.

Oh, on closer inspection, she looks quite young.

“I’m Kyrie. A servant of God. Are you the one who asked God for help?”

“Y, Yes! Gankoji! Gankoji is about to die!”

“Gan, koji-?” “Grandpa?”

The girl shakes her head, no.

“T, That’s my. . . . . .friend.”

“I see. . . . . .your friend is in a pinch.”

“Yeah! He’s about to die from illness! Angel-sama, please, I want you to save Gankoji!”

. . . . . .What a kind child.

Not for myself, but for others, moving to help.

This big girl is very brave, a very kind child.

I don’t want to see her tears, God is telling me to help her.

“I understand. Take me to this person, Gankoji. I have knowledge of healing magic, I do.”

“Thank you! You’ve saved us!”

A crying, joyful giant. . . . . .I wonder, is this child a giant?

“And you are. . . . . .um, what’s your name?”

“I don’t have a name.”

“I see. . . . . .that’s a problem. Well. . . . . .how about Decker-chan? How’s that?”

She’s big and cute.

“Oh, you’re giving me a name?”

“Yes. How about it?”

“I like it! I’m Decker.”

That was the moment.

Shuon! Decker-chan’s body began to shine.

It’s happening again!

God has granted His blessings.

Decker-chan’s size is shrinking rapidly.

Peach-colored, fluffy hair.

But she has outstanding proportions like Mrs. Kumako.

“M, My body is shrinking! Have I stopped being a troll?”

“Troll. . . . . .?”

Come to think of it, I read about it in an old book.

I believe it’s a giant monster that lives in the ice and snow country of Kai・Pagos. . . . . .

Wait, Kai・Pagos!

It’s the winter country southeast from where we were!

“We’ve come so far. . . . . .”

I might get scolded for going out on my own.


“Thank you! Angel-sama! Thank you!”

Decker-chan hugged me and started crying loudly.

Wh, what’s going on. . . . . .?

“Now I. . . . . .can be the same as Gankoji. . . . . .!”

“? I don’t quite understand, but. . . . . .take me to him quickly. He’s your dear friend, right?”

“Yeah! This way!”

A now-smaller Decker-chan strides ahead.

In this fierce blizzard, she moves forward with strength like Mrs. Kumako.

This must be thanks to the power of God.

Well, thus I was summoned to the country of Kai・Pagos, and at the request of the former troll Decker-chan, I was heading to cure the illness of a person named Gankoji.

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