
The Saint of the Labyrinth Is Adored by Monsters~ Though I Was Exiled and Left to Die in the Forest of Abyss, I Offered Prayers to God and Before I Knew It, It Became a Sanctuary – Chapter 39

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟗: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝’𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫

《Kyrie Side》

The royal capital, overrun by zombies.

I was collaborating with my comrades to address the situation.

Riding on the back of Griffon Mrs. Syndulla, I am in the sky above the royal capital.

『Kyrie-sama, what shall we do from here?』

“Transform the zombies back into humans, heal the wounded, and repair the broken royal capital all at the same time.”

『At the same time! Even for the remarkable saint Kyrie-sama, isn’t it impossible to do all those things simultaneously. . . . . .?』

Indeed, it might be better to do them separately.

But if we leave the zombies alone, their numbers will grow exponentially.

“If we go through the process of turning each zombie back into a human, the humans we’ve healed will just get bitten and become zombies.”

『I see. . . . . .Indeed, that would never end. But. . . . . .What will you do? You can’t do the three tasks simultaneously, can you?』

Certainly, the old me wouldn’t have been able to defend and heal simultaneously.

When attacked by the undead dragon, I was completely occupied with creating a defensive barrier and couldn’t heal.

“A new idea has just come to me.”

『Oh. . . . . .A new idea?』

“Yes, wondering what to do, I asked Lord God Noir for a solution, and suddenly came up with something.”

『Is that simply something Kyrie-sama thought of. . . . . .? Not the power of God. . . . . .?』

No, I’m merely a servant of God.

I couldn’t have come up with such a brilliant idea.

“It’s all according to God’s will.”

『Well, never mind. . . . . .So, what will you do?』

“It’s decided. We will pray.”

『Eh, pray. . . . . .That’s it?』

“Yes. But it’s not just me praying. I need everyone’s strength as well.”

I stand on Mrs. Syndulla’s back. . . . . .and speak.

『Everyone, can you hear me?』

『! Kyrie-sama’s voice. . . . . .It’s echoing in my head!』

That’s right. . . . . .A power I used to have, allowing my thoughts to reach others.

Since I can now speak, I no longer needed it.

But now, we need more people’s cooperation.

So, I will use it, Lord God Noir.

『I’m going to create a large-scale barrier. A barrier so big it will cover the entire royal capital. I alone do not have enough power for this. Citizens of the royal capital, people of the forest, together. . . . . .Let’s pray to God.』

My power alone is limited.

That’s why I’ll borrow everyone’s strength.

『Together, let’s pray to God to save the royal capital. Then, God will hear our plea and save us from this desperate situation.』

This is a race against time.

The more time passes, the more zombies there will be.

If the zombies get out of the royal capital now, it’s game over.

The damage would spread.

Mr. Chatura is currently directing, and the monsters are holding back the zombie advancement, but eventually, there will be a limit.

So, the time is now.

『Please, together, let’s pray to God.』

And what happens next?

『Understood!』『I’ll pray with Big Sister!』『Pyyui! Praying~』『Slaaamo』

The monsters’ thoughts reach me.

And then. . . . . .

『We’ll do as Kyrie-sama says, everyone!』『Yeah!』『If our benefactor Kyrie-sama says so, we’ll gladly obey!』

The voices of the human citizens of the royal capital reach me, too.

Everyone. . . . . .Our thoughts are the same.

We want to save this royal capital.

Both monsters and humans have the same heart, wishing for peace.

『Then. . . . . .Let’s pray together! To God!』

To Noir-sama!

『『『『Goddess Kyrie! Please, save the royal capital!!!!』』』』

. . . . . .Monsters, and the voices of humans, all coming together. . . . . .

Wait, what’s that?

Is it the Goddess Kyrie. . . . . .?

“N, No, everyone! The name of the God is Noir, not. . . . . .”

And then, at that moment.

I feel a tremendous wave of divine power.

Eh, what?!

Is it okay, God?!

Everyone, you got the name wrong. . . . . .no.

I see. I understand.

God is a very tolerant being.

Even if the people make a mistake, He forgives. . . . . .that’s what it means, right!

『Wow, amazing!』『A huge barrier is being deployed, covering the entire capital!』

I close my eyes and pray for everyone.

Perhaps the power of God is pouring down to the earth.

『Amazing! Kyrie-sama’s wings!』『She must be a goddess!』『An amazing goddess!』

The humans are. . . . . .saying something.

Wings. . . . . .?

『Amazing, Kyrie-sama! A huge barrier is enveloping the city, and inside, it is restoring people, objects, everything back to normal!』

Soon, I opened my eyes.

And then. . . . . .the supposedly ruined capital is back to normal.

And on the ground. . . . . .

“Woah! It’s fixed!””I’ve turned back into a human!”

Cheers are erupting everywhere.

People and monsters too, embracing and sharing their joy.

“I’m glad. . . . . .”

『Kyrie-sama, what just happened. . . . . .?』

Then. . . . . .

『Well done, Kyrie-sama!』

Fenrir Mr. Chatura’s voice resonates.

『I wrapped it in a barrier, repaired the internals, and healed it. If I were to name it, it should be called the sacred barrier of God. . . . . .yes, 【Holy Barrier】it must be!』

『I see. . . . . .In other words, Kyrie-sama solved everything with a powerful barrier magic! Amazing, Kyrie-sama. . . . . .!』

Huh? Mr. Chatura, Mrs. Syndulla?

What are you talking about. . . . . .?

“Didn’t God do it. . . . . .?”

But. . . . . .

『『『Thank youuuu! Goddess Kyrieeeeee!』』』

Everyone on the ground. . . . . .for some reason, was thanking me.

It was God who helped, but. . . . . .

Well, in any case, let’s consider this matter resolved.

God will surely forgive a little mistake like this. . . . . .right?

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