
The Rune Magician Who Lost Everything to Her Older Sister, Becomes Doted On by the Genius Prince – Chapter 6

The Rune Magician Who Lost Everything to Her Older Sister, Becomes Doted On by the Genius Prince – Chapter 6

Chapter 6: My true feelings are——

In life, you never know what will happen.

You work like a workhorse every day, and there are times when you go unrecognized by anyone.

Even if you work hard to change the environment or evaluation, it’s not guaranteed that your efforts will be rewarded.

However, change does happen.

It might be a miracle.

It might be accidental.

But even so, I finally feel like I’m being recognized…

I was filled with joy.

As I stared at the back of His Highness, my expression naturally relaxed.

His Highness led me and guided me to his office.

In the hallway that connected the palace to the royal castle, there were knights guarding and other people working for the court.

The royal castle was where the royal family lived.

Unless a person had received special permission, they couldn’t enter or exit freely.

Even for someone like me who worked in the court or for a well-known noble, there were no exceptions.

That’s why I stood out.

The way I followed behind His Highness, who was called a genius, as someone who wasn’t even an official court employee.

“Who’s that?”

“That outfit and pattern, is she a court magician?”

“No, she’s an apprentice. I think she’s from the Pheles family.”

“Oh, you mean the one with the defective sister.”

I was infamous for all the wrong reasons.

Born into the prestigious Pheles family, I was the less talented younger sister compared to my excellent older sister.

I was always pitied for being compared and was called things like a no-good person working at the court because of my sister’s reputation.

I was called many things.

Yet here I am, heading to the royal castle with His Highness.

There’s no way I won’t stand out.

Of course, I stand out for all the wrong reasons.

“Don’t worry about it.”


As I shrink into myself, His Highness whispers to me.

He slows down his walking pace, approaching me quietly beside me.

“Your Highness?”

“Your reputation will only be like this for now. Eventually, your evaluation will undoubtedly change.”

He asserted this with a powerful voice and words.

He meets my eyes directly, with an unwavering and refreshing smile.

“I guarantee it. So don’t worry about it.”


His words are warm and lift my sinking heart.

I feel pathetic for being so affected by just a single word, yet I am grateful for his words.

Afterward, I was brought by His Highness to his office.

As soon as I entered, there was a sofa set up for face-to-face meetings.

The room was spacious and well-organized, and documents were piled up on the table.

It was probably about the same amount of work I had been doing in my research lab.

Although the content was completely different, I quickly understood that His Highness was also very busy.

“Well, please sit down.”


I sat on the sofa nervously.

His Highness had come all the way to my place and offered his hand to help me, even though he was so busy.

I didn’t know what we were going to do, but I will do my best not to disappoint his expectations.

I involuntarily grip my hands tightly.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

“Eh, ah, sorry.”

He could see right through my tension.

His Highness sat down on the sofa opposite me, while smiling.

I took a deep breath, and faced him again.

“We’re just going to talk today. You can relax a bit more.”


“I see you’re still tense. Well, that’s understandable. It was unreasonable to suddenly bring you to a place like this and expect you not to be nervous. I’m sorry about that.”

“A-Ah, no, it’s fine!”

I say that, but the tension does not ease up.

It’s inevitable.

Even as a noble, opportunities to talk with royalty are not many.

Especially since I am an incompetent sister and have always left social events to my older sister.

Thanks to that, I don’t have much contact with other nobles, let alone the royals.

The only person I’ve ever had a decent conversation with was my former fiancé, Jerick-sama.

But that’s over now…

“You don’t look happy.”


“What were you thinking about?”


I can’t speak rudely and say that I was thinking about my ex-fiancé in front of His Highness…

When I stay silent, His Highness lets out a sigh, looking exasperated.

“Well, if you don’t want to say, then I won’t ask. Just casual conversation, small talk.”


“I’ve looked into various things about you. Your reputation in the Pheles family, your reputation in society, your accomplishments and relationships… According to the latest information, even about your former fiancé.”


I widen my eyes and meet His Highness’s gaze.

Did he even know all of that?

I must have revealed my surprise too much, as His Highness seemed to have realized something.

“You’ve got a lot of depressing problems.”

“…No, it’s because I’m not living up to expectations.”

“Do you really think that’s all your fault?”


Suddenly, His Highness looked at me with a slightly scary expression.

Startled, my spine straightened.

“Do you truly believe everything that’s happened so far, all the treatment you’ve received, is entirely your fault?”


Why is he asking me something like this?

His Highness had a serious expression.

He stared at me intently, not taking his eyes off of me.

Even if I wanted to look away, His Highness’s intimidation didn’t allow it.

“Answer honestly. You don’t need to lie in front of me.”

“Well, I…”

I answer honestly.

Looking back on everything that’s happened up to today, what do I truly think?

I’ve been scorned by my family and acquaintances as a failure.

Compared to my outstanding older sister, I’m always seen as a joke and a disappointment.

Otoo-sama and Okaa-sama, they don’t even think about me.

My excellent older sister… Leticia, ridicules me and treats me as a convenient tool.

No matter how hard I try, I’m not recognized.

I was always overshadowed by my sister, she took from me, and only my sister was praised.

I thought it couldn’t be helped.

It was a fact that I was incompetent and inferior to my sister in many ways.

But I couldn’t help feeling angry that even the results of my hard work were taken by my sister.


My true feelings… my honest emotions were–

“I’m… furious.”

I was angry.

I was frustrated.

My heart, which was tormented by inferiority, was burning with the flames of rage deep down.

When asked by His Highness, I faced myself and realized it for the first time.

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