The Rune Magician Who Lost Everything to Her Older Sister, Becomes Doted On by the Genius Prince – Chapter 1

The Rune Magician Who Lost Everything to Her Older Sister, Becomes Doted On by the Genius Prince – Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The younger sister who is not good enough

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Technology changes with the times.

It is created, used, and optimized by the people living in that era.

Magic was the same.

The original magic that was born in ancient times has gradually evolved into the optimal form for magicians over a long period of time.

Even now, that evolution continues.

If you fall behind in updated common sense and interpretations, you will be ridiculed by those around you as being outdated.

Yes, like me.

“Meiana, I’m breaking off our engagement.”


It was a sudden event.

But this is what I thought in my heart.

It has finally come.

“You’re breaking off the engagement…?”

“That’s what I’m saying. Didn’t you hear me?”


I just wanted to double-check.

My fiancé, Jerick-sama, shows his frustration on his face.

Answer quickly.

I know he wants to say that from his expression, but I can’t answer immediately due to my position.

I muster up my words.

“Why all of a sudden?”

“Do you need to ask that? You should already know. You’re the main reason.”


“Hit the nail on the head, huh?”

That’s right.

I understand even without being told.

Why he wants to break off our engagement.

And who he chose instead of me.

“To be honest, I do feel sorry for you. Being compared to your talented older sister… it’s a shame. But that’s the reality. You don’t have a shred of talent unlike your sister. You’re just a plain and unremarkable younger sister… To be clear, I don’t find you charming.”

He says with an exasperated expression.

He’s saying hurtful things like carving into my heart, even though we’ve been engaged for several years.

I feel frustrated.

I can’t refute what he said…

“I understand how you feel, Jerick-sama. However, the decision to break off the engagement cannot be made by just the two of us. We need to have a discussion with both of our families.”

“There’s no need for that. The discussion has already taken place.”

Cutting me off, Jerick-sama says with a smug expression.

My engagement to Jerick-sama was simply to build friendly relations between aristocrats.

Both Jerick-sama’s Marquis Ingea family and my Marquis Pheles family are prestigious families in the world of magic.

Throughout the long history of the kingdom, both families have produced numerous excellent magicians and hold authoritative positions in the world of magic.

Therefore, it is necessary to pass on this blood to the next generation.

Magical talent is hereditary.

Children of excellent magicians tend to excel as well, with only a few exceptions.

That is why magical families often engage in marriages to each other, so that they can incorporate even more talented individuals into their lineage.

Our relationship was also predetermined because we are both magicians, and we do not hold any sweet emotions for each other.

Jerick-sama continues speaking.

“It was really difficult, you know. Even if I wanted to break off the engagement, I couldn’t lose my family’s relationship with yours. My father wouldn’t be happy if it was just a selfish move. That’s why I needed to find a replacement.”

“A replacement…?”

“If you ask me if she can replace you, it’s questionable. However, she is much more talented and attractive as a woman than you are!”

He starts speaking excitedly.

I didn’t even need to listen to the end.

No, I knew from the beginning.

I knew.

“Let me introduce you. But, you probably already know her.”

With a loud clank, the door to the room opens.

She came home just in time.

The master of this room… the court magician and my own sister——

“Leticia Pheles.”

She stands before me.

With a smirk and an insolent smile.


“That’s the way it is, Meiana. Sorry about that? I took your fiance for myself.”

She smiles knowingly.

It was a bright smile, not at all sorry.

She’s always like this.

My older sister quickly takes what I have.

“What about your engagement with Mann-sama, Onee-sama?”

“Of course, we’re continuing it. It was a decision made with our father and Mann-sama with their understanding.”

“I’m glad they understood. This way, our families’ relationship can also be maintained. Thank you for your cooperation, Leticia.”

“Well, I also wanted this.”

The two face each other and have a happy conversation.

Watching the happy couple, my heart aches.

It’s not like I loved Jerick-sama either.

It was just a relationship that was decided between our families, nothing more or less.

But still, it’s frustrating.

I’ve known about their relationship for a long time.

Since two years ago when we became engaged, the two of them have been secretly connected.

They even met in secret and had intimate moments.

I’ve pretended not to see such scenes.

So it was inevitable.

Today, our relationship ends and he will be taken by my sister.

“So, do you understand?”


“Thank you. It was fun while it lasted.”

Even though he doesn’t think that at all.

While thanking me, his gaze and attention are directed towards Leticia, who is next to him.

Jerick-sama was head over heels for her.

In response, she looks at me with a smug expression.

“Meiana, I will escort Jerick-sama. Finish up the rest of your work.”


“I can’t hear your answer.”


Unable to resist the intimidation, I gave a response.

Then she smiled and left the room with Jerick-sama.

Left alone, I let out a deep sigh that echoed through the room.


Even if you know what’s coming, experiencing it firsthand hits you hard.

Breaking off the engagement and losing to my older sister.

I feel a sense of fatigue from the shock.

The mountain of documents piled up on the table is also one of the factors that make me feel discouraged.

“…I have to do it.”

I start working on the paperwork.

As I work silently, I think about myself.

I am… my older sister’s leftover.

I often hear that from others, but I sometimes think that myself.

My sister was outstanding.

Born into the prestigious Pheles family of magic, she studied at the forefront of modern magic and fully demonstrated her talents.

At the age of 14, she became the youngest courtier in history and became one of the magicians developing magic.

Even after entering the court, my sister continued to demonstrate her talents by coming up with and developing various types of magic.

As for me, her younger sister, I had no talent.

I had no talent in handling modern magic.

No matter how much knowledge you gain, if you can’t apply it practically, it is worthless.

I read books until my eyes hurt and practiced late into the night every day, but I couldn’t do it like my sister.

The only magical ability I became capable of using was Rune Magic.

Rune Magic is one of the ancient magical systems that was used during the time when magic was born.

It is a technology like a fossil that is no longer used in modern times.

Because no one uses it, it is considered a relic of the past.

Although it is a convenient power for me, it is not understood by modern magicians.

Therefore, I am treated as a third-rate magician.

Unlike my sister, who entered the court at a young age, I was unable to obtain the qualifications even after reaching adulthood and instead, work at the court as my sister’s assistant.

Perhaps our parents did everything they could to make me, who had no talent, look better.

My father often abuses me.

“You are a shame to the Pheles family!”

“Don’t embarrass us any further!”

At least be useful to Leticia!

Why is there such a difference between us born from the same parents?

I feel like I’m making an effort.

Nevertheless… is it not enough?

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