𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟕: 𝐀 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
A perplexing situation
The affair surrounding the queen’s necklace and the missing concubine seems to be escalating day by day.
There were days when knights had to be dispatched due to minor clashes between the Queen’s Faction and the Concubine’s Faction.
One of the reasons for the disturbance in the social order seems to be the absence of Prince Ghodrove, who maintained neutrality, due to his diplomatic duties.
The king is anxious about the whereabouts of the vanished concubine, and it seems that he can’t swallow his breakfast.
Yet, since he appears to eat his lunch and dinner heartily, I secretly suspect it’s simply due to low blood pressure.
In these turbulent times, Lord Montyver and I were discussing the day when the queen’s necklace would be placed in the pavilion.
Currently, it appears that due to the dispute between the Queen’s Faction and the Concubine’s Faction, the number of knights patrolling and guarding the royal palace has increased.
Just the other day, there was a minor fire scare when the curtains in the tea room used by the concubine suddenly caught fire, it seems like there is a knight in front of every door now.
Naturally, there’s also a knight in front of the linen room that leads to the garden, making it difficult to slip in and out unnoticed.
“Frankly, I can’t help but feel that everyone doesn’t care about the necklace theft and is just looking for a good way out.”
Despite the extensive search, the royal concubine cannot be found, and the necklace is still missing.
Questions about the palace’s management and the investigative ability of the knights are being raised from various quarters.
“Leon-sama, given the situation, how about entrusting the necklace to Prince Ghodrove and explaining the circumstances to him?”
The problem this time involves both the Queen’s Faction and the Concubine’s Faction.
If they find out that we have the queen’s necklace, I can’t shake the feeling that it will lead to a terrible situation.
“No, I think it’s best not to rely on Prince Ghodrove.”
“Why is that?”
“Right now, the prince is not feeling well.”
Prince Ghodrove, it seems, has been running around from morning till night to quell the unrest, and as a result of sacrificing even his sleep to cope, he seems to have fallen ill.
“The doctor said it was due to extreme fatigue.”
“I see.”
“Probably, if we told him we had the queen’s necklace, he might faint and fall into a coma for three days.”
Currently, we cannot rely on Prince Ghodrove.
We want to get rid of the queen’s necklace as soon as possible, but it seems that we can’t.
If it were known that I have it—―my heart beats with an unpleasant throb.
“Lara, it’s okay. Don’t worry.”
Lord Montyver holds my hand and encourages me.
And then, my heart calms down surprisingly.
“I’ve thought of a little strategy.”
He comes close to me and whispers softly into my ear.
“Eh, is it okay to do something like that?!”
“Well, probably everyone wants to find a solution to the current situation, so they should accept it, right?”
For now, he says we need to prepare to execute the plan.
“Perhaps we should enlist the help of the royal concubine Karina and the Marchioness. Lara, could you speak to them?”
Thus, a new plan is formulated regarding the matter of the queen’s necklace.
Since it is a plan in which Lord Montyver is the main mover, for the time being, all I can do is standby.
Since then, I have been living through restless days.
Why does my heart stir like this?
The reason is pointed out to me by the Marchioness.
“You’re so restless because Leon hasn’t been able to see you, aren’t you?”
I am taken aback by surprise.
I didn’t think that was the case, but indeed, apart from when I’m busy with work, this is the first time we’ve had so many days without meeting. . . . . .?
“Lara, if you were honest, you’d feel more comfortable. Admit it.”
“Uhh. . . . . .!”
Since I can’t deny it immediately, it seems that I’m feeling lonely because I can’t meet Lord Montyver.
The Marchioness presses on further.
“Do you like Leon?”
“That’s not a question I, as a married woman, can answer!”
Having become slightly heated, I was laughed at by the Marchioness.
“Lara, ‘liking’ can mean various things. Even a married woman can answer if it’s liking as a friend.”
That’s right.
I was completely taken in.
“I would be happy if you thought carefully about your feelings for Leon.”
“It’s okay to fall in love. This isn’t Vulcano, it’s Binemöer. Forget the past, you can live as you like.”
Those words permeate my heart, which has come to rewind the unhappy times.
“Lara, you’ve always been working hard for Ren, haven’t you? From now on, why don’t you work hard for your own happiness?”
The Marchioness holds my hand and bows her head,as if saying, “Please, I beg you.”
“I also intend to think about my own happiness.”
Before that, I say I have something I want to do.
“Hey Lara, there’s something I need your help with.”
“W, What is it?”
“Come over here.”
She leads me to a room I had never entered before.
“What’s this?”
“It’s Irma’s private room.”
The Marchioness turns around and, looking straight at me, says,
“Would you help me sort out Irma’s belongings?”
Translator’s Blog
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