
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 92


“Luke, what are you doing?”

The next morning, when Alma went outside, she saw Luke heating a large pot over the fire.

Leah was busily helping by his side.

“Ah, good morning Alma-san!”

“Good morning, Leah-chan. So, what is that?”

“Oh, good morning Alma. This is me heating the Crete wine.”

Luke replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Heating? What’s that?”

“It’s not surprising you’re unfamiliar with it. By heating it for a certain time, we can achieve the same effect as anti-decay magic.”

“Can something like that really prevent decay?”

Alma exclaimed in surprise.

It’s common to use anti-decay magic on water and liquor for long-term preservation.

However, preserving raw meat without decay requires strong magic, making it expensive. Therefore, for long expeditions like dungeon raids, it’s customary to carry dried meat and various preserved foods.

Nevertheless, using anti-decay magic on drinking water and other consumables is common sense, and other forms of preservation have become almost unseen recently.

Nowadays, even magical stones infused with magical power that can preserve contents in a pot for a year are sold.

“Anti-decay magic stones are expensive. This way, even the village of Crete can preserve things for a long time without spending much.”

“Indeed, in this village, we boil drinking water for use. But applying it to wine. . . that’s an oversight.”

Namil, who was watching, struck his forehead in admiration.

“But, Lord Luke, to think you knew about such things. . . truly remarkable.”

“It’s nothing really. In the past, when I couldn’t use magic, securing drinking water was a struggle, and I learned this from my master then.”

During training with Iris, there were times when he had to retreat to the mountains alone.

That was when he learned how to obtain drinking water without using magical power.

“Everyone relies too much on magic. There might come a time when magic can’t be used, so it’s good to remember these methods.”

(Iris said such things, but who knew it would be useful in this way)

Luke smiled wryly as he lifted a bottle of liquor from the pot.

He immediately cooled it in the cold water he had prepared in a barrel nearby.

“Wow, it’s amazing that the bottle doesn’t break even when cooled rapidly. This makes it perfect for storing this wine.”

“Leave it to me. St. Arrogas’s bottle making is the best on the continent; this is nothing for us.”

Natalia puffed up her chest proudly, impressing Sicily.

“This is good, it should last for years as long as the seal isn’t broken.”

“That’s really helpful. Now we can keep it as stock and sell it confidently. . . Ouch.”

Natalia winced and rubbed her cheek after cuddling the bottle.

Namil bowed his head to Luke in gratitude.

“Thank you for everything. You’re like the Great Horned Princess who bestowed wisdom on our ancestors, Lord Luke.”

“Ahaha. . . maybe it’s not completely unrelated. . .”


Luke was picturing Iris in his mind.

It’s not surprising that Iris, sealed 800 years ago, could have been here even before that.

If this speculation is correct, then Iris, feared as a demon, would have another side to her.

This was also the answer that Luke was seeking.

Freeing Iris is not a threat; gaining this assurance is one of Luke’s goals.

(Maybe I have a story to tell master next time we meet)

After finishing the fire treatment of Crete wine, Luke and his companions prepared for their journey.

“Are you leaving already? You are welcome to stay as long as you like.”

“Thank you for your kindness. But we have things we must do.”

Luke glanced at Leah beside him.

He must return Pit to her at any cost.

“Understood. I won’t hold you back then. But remember this: we will always welcome you at any time. Please do stop by again when you’re settled.”

Namil looked at Leah.

“And please take good care of Leah.”

“Of course. Leave Leah to us.”

“This child has faced many hardships. It may be presumptuous, but she might be happier with you. Leah, do your best.”

“Yes! Village chief, I will do my best!”

Leah answered loudly.

Her voice was buoyant with anticipation for the life ahead.

When the time of departure came, villagers gathered around.

Kick swung Luke’s arm as if to tear it off.

“Luke-san, you must come back again! We’ll be waiting for you!”

“Of course. I have to come back to restock on Crete wine. Make sure to produce a lot by then.”

“Leave it to us!”

Bolz stepped forward, pushing Kick aside.

“Luke-san, if you ever face trouble, just say it. We all will support you.”

“Yeah, I’ll count on that when the time comes.”

The two exchanged a firm handshake, signaling the moment of departure.

“Luke-san, take care.”

“Thank you very much!”

With the voices of the parting beastkin behind them, Luke and his party headed back to Mercapolis.

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