
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 87

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞

“Hey, I’m home now.”

“You! You’re alive!”

As Luke and his companions entered the village of Crete, they were welcomed by all the villagers.

Everyone was uniformly dressed in black.

“Kick! You’re back safe and sound!”

A fox-woman rushed towards Kick and embraced him tightly.

“Really, you. . . going off to a dungeon without any word. . .”

“Mom, I’m sorry.”

Kick embraced the woman in return.

“But I did it! I conquered that Granite Dungeon! And even defeated the Cyclops, the dungeon boss! Can you believe it, me?!”

“Oh my. . .!”

Kick’s mother was astonished at her son’s transformation.

“All this was thanks to Luke-san and his companions! We were able to return home because of these people!”

At Kick’s words, the villagers’ attention focused on Luke and his companions.

“Is that true. . .?”

“Humans helped us beastkin?”

“Impossible, what are they planning?”

The villagers’ words were a mix of surprise and doubt.

The beastkin had been exploited many times before by the adventurers of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》.

Bolz stepped forward in front of the villagers.

“No, this is the truth! These people are different from the humans of Mercapolis! They saved our lives! Everyone, let’s give them a grand welcome tonight!”

Bolz’s words prompted the villagers to look anew at Luke.

“Sorry for doubting you. . . thank you for saving everyone.”

“Thank you for helping our people. We don’t have much, but please, make yourselves at home.”

“Thank you for protecting my son. We will never forget this kindness.”

The villagers expressed their gratitude, taking turns shaking hands with Luke and his companions.

“That’s good, they seem like nice people.”

Sicily sighed in relief at the side.

“Come, Luke-san, this way please. There’s still time before the feast, so please rest.”

Luke and his companions were led to the chief’s house.

“Today is unusual, we have guests, and we’re busy dealing with that. . .”

“Can’t you do something about it? I need it to last at least half a year.”

“That’s impossible. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but we can’t sell it if we can’t meet that condition.”

Entering the house, they immediately heard voices.

“That voice. . . I think I’ve heard it somewhere. . .”

Luke frowned.

“Anyway, for selling it in the city, it needs to last longer.”

The speaker emerged from the back of the room.

Luke was surprised to see the person.

“You are?!”

“Oh, what are you doing here?”

It was Natalia, the merchant they had met in the city.












Sicily, tilting her wooden cup, widened her eyes in surprise.

“What is this? It’s thick but sweet and easy to drink!”

“This is our specialty, Crete wine, made from the fruits of Crete trees! Our village, Crete, is named after these abundant fruits.”

Kick puffed out his chest proudly.

“Crete is a renowned liquor in Mercapolis, known to connoisseurs.”

“It’s really delicious. It’s strong, but goes down smoothly.”

“Yeah, I’m surprised. I’ve never had such a drink before. I’d like to let my master taste it too.”

Luke and Alma exchanged surprised looks.

“Right? If it had a longer shelf life, it would outsell any other wine. . .”

Natalia placed her cup on the table and sighed.

Natalia and the others were attending a feast hosted by beastkin.

Simple yet bountiful forest dishes were laid out, and beastkin girls danced to ethnic music on stage.

“Exactly. This would definitely sell in the Kingdom of Arrogas! No, I’ll make sure of it!”

Sicily poured Crete liquor generously into her cup.

“Precisely! Our mission as merchants is to sell good products! We have the responsibility to sell this wine!”


Sicily and Natalia linked arms and downed their Crete in one go.

The merchants were thoroughly enjoying each other’s company.

“Hey, you two are drinking too much!”

“What are you talking about! You’re not drinking enough!”

“Right! Right! Alma, you should drink too!”

“Wait, not so fast. . .”

“Oh boy.”

An elderly tiger-person approached Luke, who was smiling wryly at the lively trio.

It was Namil, the village chief of Crete.

“Lord Luke, are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes, thank you for arranging this feast for us.”

“The thanks is ours. It’s been a while since everyone was this lively. All thanks to you and your group.”

Namil sat down before Luke, lifting a jug of Crete wine.

He filled both his and Luke’s cups.

The two clinked cups and drank in one go.

Exhaling, Namil continued.

“Did you see the villagers’ clothes today? When they go dungeon diving, there’s always casualties, so they wear mourning clothes waiting for their return.”

“Is that so. . .”

“This time, they came back without a single casualty. Just that is like a miracle for the village. Moreover, everyone who returned was completely transformed. It’s been truly many years since we’ve seen those proud men. Just for that, we can’t thank Lord Luke enough.”


“No, I haven’t done anything. It was their own strength that gave them confidence.”

“You would say that?”

Namil smiled quietly.

“Anyway, that is exactly what Crete Village needs now. Everyone having confidence and pride, if they have that, no matter how hard it is now, they should be able to overcome it eventually. Lord Luke, you are the one who taught them that.”

Luke put his cup on the table and looked at Namil.

“I saw beastkin being oppressed by the people in the city. Is that the hardship you are all facing?”

Namil said nothing.

But his eyes said everything.

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you tell me why it has come to this? If I understand the reason, maybe I can help.”

After a moment of silence, Namil began to speak.

“. . .Understood. It’s a request from none other than Lord Luke. I will tell you as much as I know.”

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