
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 77


“How stupid!!”

Luke’s shout echoes throughout the dungeon.

“They’re the vanguard? That’s reckless! It’s suicidal to go ahead with such equipment!”

“There’s no helping it. That’s all they have.”

Runker shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, even that will be useful as a decoy.”

“What kind of person are you… What are you thinking.”

Luke clenched his teeth in frustration.

“That’s my line, Luke. It’s obvious that tackling a dungeon in large numbers is more efficient. And naturally, using decoys is a common strategy. Look.”

Runker pointed towards the depths of the dungeon.

“They’ve already been lured out.”

“They’re, they’re coming!”

“Everyone, hold your ground! Don’t show your backs!”

The tense voices of the beastkin echo.

A demon beast appears from the depths of the dungeon.

It’s a giant mantis with scythes like logs.

Though not a major threat to adventurers or magic knights, it’s certainly dangerous for the untrained.

“Tch, a giant mantis. Hey! You guys can handle this, right!”

Gustav clicked his tongue while rallying the troops.

“Darn it! We have no choice but to fight!”

“I’m not dying in a place like this!”

The battle cries of the beastkin were more of desperation than inspiration.

The giant mantis approaches, tilting its head mechanically.


A fox-person, unable to bear the fear, charged forward with a hoe.

“Fool! Don’t be reckless!”

Despite the other beastkin’s warnings, the fox-person was easily swatted away by the giant mantis.

The creature’s massive scythes clamped around the body of the beastkin.


The beastkin’s scream fills the dungeon.

Just as the mantis’s proboscis was about to pierce the beastkin, its head was suddenly severed and fell to the ground.

It was Luke who had struck the killing blow.

The scythe lost its power, and the beastkin fell to the ground.

Alma caught them firmly.

“Is everyone alright!”

“Ah, ah, you saved me…?”

The beastkin staggered to their feet, leaning on Alma’s shoulder.

“Don’t move yet, I’ll heal you now.”

“Luke, what are you doing?”

Runker approached Luke, who was casting healing magic, with a sour look.

“What do you mean? I’m healing because they’re injured.”

“Such a waste! Save that magical power for deeper in! Don’t use it on mere beastkin!”

At this point, Luke finally reached his limit of patience.

He stood up in silence and walked towards Runker.

“What? Do you have a problem with it? This is how we do things.”


“I understand that this is your policy.”

Luke quietly responds.

“But we have our own thoughts. Whether they are temporary hires or beastkin, if they’ve joined the assault, they are comrades. I cannot approve of a method that uses comrades as bait against their will.”

“Hah, spouting such hypocritical nonsense.”

Gustav spat in the background.

“Listen, we’re paying these guys! It’s our right to do whatever we want with them!”

“Using bait is a valid tactic to minimize damage in an anticipated attack. Besides, beastkin don’t have proper offensive capabilities. Including them in our combat force isn’t practical.”

Leslie continued speaking.

“As for me, I’m fine with whatever makes things easier. I don’t care what happens to the beastkin.”

Ethel laughed oddly.

“You people…”

Luke sighed deeply, as if utterly disappointed.

“Moreover, Luke, your earlier reckless action was unacceptable. You are a member of our group, so you must follow the instructions of me, the leader. Your action today was not commendable, and it will be considered when dividing the rewards.”

“Do as you please.”

Picking up his dropped belongings, Luke curtly replied.

“But in return, I’ll do things my way. Evaluate and assess me as you like.”

“Hmph, don’t think this dungeon is so easy that just three people can handle it. Don’t expect us to help you later! And remember, we, the 《Blue Sky Hawk》, are in charge of this assault. Don’t think of taking magic stones or materials without permission!”

“As you wish.”

Without further words, Luke turned on his heel and went back to Alma and the others.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hold back.”

“It’s okay, I was at my limit too. I’m actually relieved you said something.”

Sicily waved her hand carelessly.

“I think so too. I’m glad Luke said something.”

Alma said this as she opened her hand.

The rock she was holding crumbled into dust.

“Anyway, let’s avoid violence. We’re still cooperating in this assault.”

“Sorry… I caused you trouble just after you saved me.”

The healed beastkin approached Luke timidly.

“It’s okay. I did it because I wanted to. My name is Luke. Let’s make sure no one is left behind in this assault.”

“Please don’t be so formal. My name’s Kick. I won’t forget this favor!”

“Understood, Kick. Nice to meet you. We’re new to this dungeon, can you help us?”

“Of course! I’ve been in this dungeon three times before! I remember some of the paths, so leave it to me!”

“Tch, those guys are trying to tame the beastkin.”

Gustav clicked his tongue while watching Luke and Kick getting excited.

“Hmph, let them do as they please. It’s convenient if we don’t know how effective they are.”

Runker twisted his mouth.

“The more desperate they become, the easier it is for us.”

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