
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 72

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲

“Hey, what are you doing?!”

“You bastard! I don’t recognize your face, who are you?!”

The men suddenly became agitated.

“I don’t understand the situation, but isn’t this too many against one?”

“If you don’t get it, then back off!”

A man who had fallen on his backside lunges at Luke.

Luke grabs the wrist of the man who had grabbed him by the collar and shifts his weight forward.


The man, thrown off balance by Luke’s weight, falls to his knees.

He struggles to free his hand but is completely off-balance and unable to move.

“Even if you don’t understand the situation, isn’t it too much to lay hands on a child?”

“Y, You… what are you doing… it hurts… it hurts! Alright, I get it! Let go of me!”

The man, with his joint locked, screams in pain.

When Luke releases his hand, the man stands up shakily.

Immediately, the men surround Luke.

“You… don’t get cocky.”

“You dare to pick a fight with us, the Griffin Town gang. Seems like you want to die.”

With a menacing voice, the man glares at Luke.

“Luke, should I help?”

Alma calls out from behind the circle.

“No, it’s okay. Just wait a bit longer.”

Luke waves his hand with a smile.

“You bastard, do you really want to die that badly?”

“You’ll be in tomorrow’s newspaper!”

The men calling themselves the Griffin Town gang suddenly attack Luke.






A minute later, the entire Griffin Town gang lay sprawled on the ground.

“Damn, he’s strong…”

“Who is this guy…”

Glancing at the groaning men, Luke crouched down in front of the beastkin.

“Are you okay?”


The girl shrank back with fear in her eyes.

“It’s no wonder she’s scared after what happened.”

Alma stepped forward and squatted down in front of the girl.

“It’s okay, this guy is really strong but he won’t harm you. Are you hurt?”

The girl nodded faintly.

“Good. You’re safe now…”


Suddenly, a voice called from behind. Turning around, they saw Pit, the servant of 《Blue Sky Hawk》.


The girl’s face softened for a moment upon seeing Pit, but then quickly turned stern.

“Are you okay?”

“Don’t touch me!”

The girl, apparently named Leah, brushed off Pit’s approaching hand.


“Nii-san, or rather, you have nothing to do with this.”

Leah stood up with a firm voice and turned to Luke.

“I thank you for your help, but please don’t involve yourself further. We are fine.”

Saying that, she disappeared into the crowd with her beastkin companions.


Pit watched her go with a dejected expression.

“What was that about…?”

“Who knows?”

Alma and Luke exchanged puzzled looks.

“You… How dare you do that!”

A member of the Griffin Town gang struggled to his feet.

“We’ll make sure you pay for making fools out of us.”

“You’re still up for more?”

Luke sighed lightly.

“Of course! You won’t find any escape in this city! Until the very end…”

“Stop right there.”

The man’s bluff was interrupted midway.

“What! Who dares to… Ra, Runker… san?”

The man’s face drained of color as he turned around.

Standing there was Runker.

“That gentleman over there is my friend. Picking a fight with him means picking a fight with me, right?”

“No, no, absolutely not! If I had known he was your friend, I wouldn’t have dared! Hey, let’s get out of here!”

The man hurriedly helped his companions off the ground and scurried away.

Runker sighed lightly.

“Such troublesome people. Sorry to show you the unpleasant side of this town.”

“No, such people are everywhere. But thank you for your help.”

“Don’t mention it. The title of ‘hero’ comes in handy in these situations. Trouble tends to avoid me.”

Runker said with a smile and pointed down the street.

“Come on, let’s go. The shop is just over there.”










The place where Luke and his companions were guided to was one of the adventurer guilds in Mercapolis, known as “Hawk’s Nest.” 

The guild had an attached restaurant and tavern, serving as a gathering place for adventurers who operate in and around the city to rekindle old friendships and exchange information. 

“Even though it’s inside the guild, I assure you the food is excellent. It’s well-known among adventurers who have traveled the world.”

No sooner had Luke and his party taken their seats than they were served glasses of ale and a large plate of grilled meat. 

“Then, to our meeting… Cheers!”

Led by Runker, glasses clinked, and the meal began. 

“Delicious! What is this! It’s incredibly tasty!”

“Really, I’ve never eaten anything like this in St. Arrogas!”

Alma and Sicily were wide-eyed and eating voraciously, dish after dish served on large plates. 

“This is truly delicious. I wish I could let master taste this.”

“Hahaha, Mercapolis is where trade routes from across the continent intersect. It’s known as a gathering place for the world’s delicacies.”

“I had heard rumors, but this is beyond that. I can see why it’s the leading trade city on the continent.”

“But knowing that makes me even less confident… How do we sell our goods…”

While munching on Eastern-style fried fish with sweet and sour sauce, Sicily sighed. 

“About that…”

Runker began to speak. 

“Would you guys like to join 《Blue Sky Hawk》?”

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