
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 7

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐭. 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐬

“I should have refused many times already!”

In the back alleys of St. Arrogas, the capital of the Kingdom of Arogas, a young woman’s voice echoes.

“I am satisfied with my current job. I have no intention of accepting your invitation.”

“You’re as stubborn as ever, Miss Bastille.”

A young man’s frivolous laughter follows.

The woman’s voice belonged to Alma Bastille, Luke’s close friend.

She is dressed in the uniform of the St. Arrogas Guard.

The three men blocking Alma’s path were Tommy, Thomson, and Thomas of the Trinal Triples, former classmates of Luke and Alma.

Unlike Alma, the three were in full regalia of the Royal Palace Guards, with Tommy’s armor bearing the emblem of a squad leader.

“Is this a situation where you can say such things, given your current status?”

“Tsk. . .”

Alma struggles for words as Tommy smirks in satisfaction.

“The daughter of the esteemed Margrave of Rampart, once hailed as the top student of our 250th class at the academy, now reduced to a guard, the lowest job for academy graduates. This is out of kindness, as a fellow classmate, wanting to help.”

Tommy’s words prompt suppressed chuckles from Thomson and Thomas in the background.

“Who would’ve thought you’d ‘deplete’.”

“It’s not that I’ve ‘depleted’. . .”

Alma retorts desperately, but her words lack conviction.

“It’s hardly any different. After all, you can’t use your innate magic anymore, essential for a magical knight. Consequently, your recommendation to the Seraglio Guards was revoked, relegating you to the role of a mere guard.”

Tommy’s taunting leaves Alma speechless.

It was, after all, entirely true.

After Luke’s departure, Alma’s magical power drastically waned.

Initially thought to be psychological due to loneliness, her magical power did recover over time, but her innate magic had become unusable.

Innate magic, indispensable for a magical knight, rendered unusable meant her recommendation to the Seraglio Guards was withdrawn.

Thus, post-graduation, she joined the St. Arrogas Guard.

The Arogas Royal Academy of Magical Knights, as the name suggests, trains magical knights, with students obligated to serve a military term post-graduation.

Most students, hailing from noble families, receive honorary military posts, but even there, noble hierarchies persist.

The Royal Palace Guards, to which the Trinal Triples belong, nominally protect the palace, but the actual duties are performed by the inner guards, serving primarily as a temporary position for academy graduates of noble descent.

Typically, they serve for three years before returning to their families, leading a life of noble luxury and leisure.

In contrast, the St. Arrogas Guard is the first assignment for students from commoner backgrounds or impoverished nobles who can’t afford the entry fee for the Royal Palace Guards.

They maintain the peace of the capital on meager wages, a genuine military role, but their status is the lowest among academy graduates, often disregarded.

Alma’s father, a prominent local noble, was financially struggling, so instead of the expensive Royal Palace Guards, he chose the St. Arrogas Guard, a near-certain post for graduates, to aid the family finances.


And that had allowed the Trinal Triples to grow increasingly arrogant.

“Heard about it, did you? Your house is in a mess right now, isn’t it? It’s getting hard to maintain the family headship this way.”

Alma widened her eyes at Tommy’s leering grin.

It was a secret even within the Bastille family.

“What. . . How do you know that. . .”

“Hey, hey, my family is the prestigious Trinal family among the court nobility. I can hear as much of that kind of talk as I want.”

Tommy puffed up his nostrils proudly.

“That’s why I’ve come all the way here to see you. Listen, it’s not a bad deal to get engaged to me. If you become family with the Trinal house, your family’s debts will be easily settled. Besides, you’re the only daughter, right? If I become your husband, the Bastille family will be secure.”

“Exactly, you should listen to what my brother says.”

“Rather, you should be grateful that Tommy is offering this.”

Thomson and Thomas egged on from behind Tommy.

“You may have a gloomy personality, but you look good. And your family status matches that of the Trinal family. If you just stay quietly as my wife, I won’t treat you badly. Your body isn’t bad either. . .”

Tommy leered at Alma, playing with her glossy black hair.

“Don’t touch me!”

Alma shuddered in disgust and brushed his hand away.

Tommy’s face twisted in anger at the strong rejection.

“. . .Gale Force!”

With a click of his tongue, the gust generated from his swung arm blew Alma away.

Tommy’s unique magic was to manipulate the wind.


Alma, who hit the fence hard with her back, writhed in agony and collapsed.

“Even though I’m humbling myself here, you’re getting carried away.”

Tommy muttered disdainfully, rubbing the hand Alma had brushed off.

“It’s a husband’s job to discipline his wife. I’ll teach you thoroughly now so you can’t defy me later.”

Alma stood up shakily, drew her sword, and glared at the approaching Trinal Triples.

Seeing this, a sadistic smile appeared on their faces.

“Flame Control.”

Thomson’s unique magic enveloped Alma’s arm in flames.


Alma screamed and dropped her sword.

“Water Bullet.”

Water spheres appeared around Thomas, attacking Alma.

Alma, pummeled all over her body, fell to her knees on the ground.

Unique magic is nearly impossible to defend against without using the same kind of unique magic, as it doesn’t require chanting like regular magic.

“Hey, hey, she’s still going to be my wife. Don’t scar her face, at least.”

Tommy approached Alma with a smirk.

“But with this, you understand what happens if you defy us, right? Just obediently listen and at least the minimum life of a noble’s wife will be guaranteed.”

“I refuse. I’d rather die than follow you.”

Alma, though breathless, hadn’t broken.

It was better to die than to submit to such cowardly people.

Seeing Alma like this, Tommy’s face twisted even more hideously.


“It seems education is still lacking. Then, I’ll make you taste the ultimate humiliation.”

A powerful whirlwind materialized in the palm of Tommy’s raised hand.

It was a blade of wind that cuts anything it touches.

“First, how about a naked stroll through the streets?”

Alma gripped her sword.

Not for attack, but to pierce her own throat if necessary.

The image of Luke appeared in the back of her eyes.

When she was told Luke had died, Alma’s world had ended.

The world she saw lost all its color, and everything she ate tasted like vague, bland sand.

There was a time when she thought of giving up on becoming a magic knight and ending her life as a nun.

She didn’t, because of a promise with Luke.

But now, without Luke and unable to use magic or even swordsmanship, she wondered what was the point of clinging to being a magic knight.

(I’m sorry, Luke. . . I guess I can’t keep the promise to become a magic knight and meet you. . .)

“You will atone for your mistakes with your own body!”

Alma closed her eyes to the onslaught of the wind blades.

However, Tommy’s magic never seemed to reach her.

Opening her eyes hesitantly, she saw three people with expressions of astonishment.

(What’s happening?)

“Who are you? Don’t interfere!”

The three, with tense faces, yelled towards something in their line of sight, and Alma followed their gaze to see a man standing before her.

It was a young man with white hair, clad in a tattered cape.

“Aren’t you three cowards for ganging up on one person?”

Luke, standing protectively in front of Alma, responded.

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