
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 67

𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬

“You’re still awake?”

Iris, who had been gazing at the moon, knew it was Alma speaking to her even before she heard the voice.

“What, I was just soaking in the afterglow. It’s been 800 years since I felt this way.”

Iris smiled.

“How about Luke?”

“He’s still sleeping.”

Alma sat down facing Iris by the window.

Taking the glass from Iris, Alma drank it in one gulp and looked up at the moon.

“Such a beautiful moon…”

“This moon is just like me. Unchanged, even after 800 years.”

Iris tilted her glass and sighed.

“The next 800 years will probably be the same. Unlike you humans.”

“Wait… you said that earlier too.”

“Just listen.”

Holding back Alma with her hand, Iris continued.

“It’s just a fact. No matter how long we live, the gap between humans and demons can’t be bridged. It’s something inevitable. Sure, I’m happy Luke said he loves me. It even made me unusually cheerful. But that’s just it.”

At first, it was just a way to pass the time in a boring mountain life.

But now, Luke has become the most significant presence in Iris’s life.

So significant that she wouldn’t mind trading the world for him.

That’s why Iris wants Luke to be happy.

And she knows she’s not the one to make that happen.

“Besides, I can’t leave this mountain, right? If I say I want to be with Luke, he’d probably do it. But that’s not right; then Luke would end up confined to this mountain. So… I’ll leave Luke to you.”

Iris smiled at Alma.

It was a smile of genuine belief.

A smile showing her trust in Alma with Luke.

“Just visit me occasionally. Then I’ll welcome you like today… Hey! What are you doing?!”

Iris yelled, holding her forehead.

Because Alma had flicked her on the forehead.

“Leaving it to me? What are you saying!”

Alma shouted.

“What do you mean…”

“You don’t believe in Luke? He said he would free you, so he will!”

“That’s… but…”

“No buts or what-ifs! If our lifespans are different, all the more reason! You should leave this place and stay with us. It might be a moment for you as a demon, but it’s better than staying here, right? I’ll help, too. Believe in Luke.”

“Alma… you are something.”

Iris suddenly looked up at the night sky.

Her voice trembled slightly.

“Fine! I’ll wait a bit longer!”

Alma smiled, holding back her tears.

“But are you okay with that? If I leave, your place might be gone, you know? I won’t know if you end up waiting for Luke’s return.”

“Bring it on. It wouldn’t be a fair fight otherwise.”

The two raised their glasses with a smile.

A small yet strong sound echoed into the night sky as their glasses clinked together.











“Yes, here’s what we promised.”

“Thank you very much.”

What Luke received from Iris was the horn of Behemoth that Gale had cut off.

Materials left by a Behemoth-class divine beast are called divine relics, and are so valuable that they can buy a small country on their own.

However, their strong magical power also attracts demon beasts, necessitating a seal.

As it was a divine relic of Behemoth, there were few capable of sealing it, so it was entrusted to Iris by Flora.

“But is it okay for me to take one-third as the commission?”

“It’s fine, I have obtained consent for that.”

Luke smiles while storing Behemoth’s horn, now reduced to two-thirds of its original size.

“Master also wanted a divine relic, didn’t she?”

“Well, that’s true… Okay! Then I’ll gladly accept it.”

“Please do.”

“As a token of thanks, I’ve used part of Behemoth horn for your prosthetic arm’s bone.”

“Thank you very much. It has improved a lot.”

While expressing gratitude, Luke rotates his left arm.

Luke’s prosthetic arm had suffered considerable damage due to the backlash of forcibly creating root magic.

This return was aimed not only at sealing Behemoth’s horn but also repairing Luke’s prosthetic arm and Alma’s Demonstration Armor.

“Alma, I’ve fixed your Demonstration Armor too. Honestly, I didn’t expect a mere human to use my magic tool to such an extent.”

Iris sighs, puts her arm around Alma’s neck, and pulls her face closer.

“Luke is getting stronger. If his left eye goes berserk again, even you might not be able to stop him. Be careful.”

“I know, I know.”

“It’ll be alright.”

Luke smiles, listening to their conversation.

“I won’t let that happen again. I promise.”

“…Right. Luke, I believe in you.”

Iris gently embraces Luke.

“I believe in your promise to free me. So… I’ll be waiting.”

“Of course. Please wait a little longer.”



“That’s enough.”

Alma separates their faces.

“Come on, it’s okay to savor the farewell.”

“We’ve done enough of that! We’re already running late, we need to get back soon.”

Alma points her finger at Iris.

“Just bear with it a little longer.”

“Che, okay.”

Reluctantly, Iris separates from Luke.

“Then Luke, see you again.”

“Yes, take care, master.”

“Alma, I’m entrusting Luke to you.”

“Of course.”

The two bid farewell to Iris and descended the mountain.

“…Well, I suppose I should return to my usual life.”

Once the two were out of sight, Iris turned on her heel.

“Luke, Alma, see you again.”




“Really, a one-week plan turning into two weeks. Otou-sama must be worried.”

“Sorry, I just ended up staying longer.”

“It’s fine.”

While walking down the mountain path, Alma smiles.

“Despite everything, I also felt comfortable here. Maybe this mountain has become a home to me too.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”

Luke returns the smile.

“This is a homeland for me and master, so if Alma joins us, I’ll be happy.”

“Of course! And next time, I’ll bring Iris along to descend this path! It will be my turn to show Iris my homeland!”

Alma raises her arm forcefully.

Ahead, a cloudless blue sky stretches out.

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