
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 56

𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞

Standing at about five meters tall, the Quad-Arm Ogre’s muscular body is covered in dead-like blue skin, and its four log-like arms grip clubs made from real logs.

“This is bad. . . that demon beast once single-handedly decimated an army. I never imagined we’d encounter such a creature. . .”

Tyrone swallows hard.

The Quad-Arm Ogre, breathing heavily like a beast, turns towards them.

Its two faces attached to the sides of its head recognize Luke and the others.

“Damn, we have no choice but to fight! Everyone, let’s go!”

“Heavy Armor!!!”

As Sir Wilfred raises his sword, Alma deploys the new Demonstration Armor.

The dungeon is enveloped in light, and a gigantic armor, as large as the Quad-Arm Ogre, appears.

“Taaake this!”

Transformed into a gigantic armored figure, Alma charges at the Quad-Arm Ogre.

She delivers a fierce tackle to its waist and then crashes it into the dungeon wall.

“Alma, keep it up!”

Using her back as a step, Luke leaps up and stabs the twin swords made from the Adamant Slime’s prosthetic hands into the Ogre’s two mouths.


After a ground-shaking scream, the Quad-Arm Ogre trembles violently and then collapses.

Its body eventually transforms into magical essence.

“”We did it!””

“Did we, did we defeat it. . .?”

Sir Wilfred and Tyrone stare dumbfoundedly at Luke and Alma high-fiving.

“Really, are you truly my daughter, Alma? Are you not a demon in disguise?”

“Otou-sama, please don’t say such rude things! I am your daughter, Alma Bastille!”

“A Quad-Arm Ogre is no less formidable than the recent chimera. To defeat it so swiftly with just two people. . .”

“I have never heard of just two people defeating a Quad-Arm Ogre. This might be a first in the history of large-scale subjugation.”

Tyrone and Holst wear expressions of disbelief.

“Anyway, it’s good that we defeated it. Let’s continue to clear the monsters from this level.”

As Luke and the others defeat the emerging monsters and proceed to the lower levels. . .

“However, the fact that such a criminal was lurking is a serious matter. I will take responsibility and report this, so please be assured.”

Holst, indignant, looks back as they continue the dungeon subjugation.

Behind them, Gash and his restrained companions are being escorted.

“Thank you. We’ve mostly cleared the monsters on this level, but I wonder about the lower ones. There might be even more powerful monsters. . .”

Just as Luke mutters this, a terrible scream echoes from below.

“Prince Gale’s unit was supposed to handle the 49th floor. . . Everyone, stay here! I’ll go check it out!”

“I’m going too!”

“Me too.”

Alma and Holst follow.

“Holst-san, it’s dangerous, you should stay here!”

“I cannot. As the record keeper, I have a responsibility to accurately document this!”

The three rush down the stairs to the 49th floor.

“Over there!”

They run towards the sounds of battle.




“What, what is this?!”

The three who arrived at the huge dome that serves as the entrance to the 50th floor were lost for words at the sight before them.

It was the sight of warriors battling numerous powerful demonic beasts.

Minotaur, Cyclops, Dog-Headed Demon, Tiger-Headed Demon, each one a vicious demon beast of legendary status.

Accompanying them were several ogres and goblins.

On the other hand, Gale’s troop numbered about 100, at a seemingly overwhelming disadvantage. . .

Yet despite this disparity in strength, the troop was holding a battle almost evenly matched.

“Amazing. . .”

Luke was so engrossed in the battle that he forgot himself.

“First squad, don’t stop attacking the Minotaur! Second squad, fall back and regroup! Third and fourth squads, don’t let the riff-raff get close!”

Gale’s voice echoed amidst the chaos of battle.

The soldiers moved in perfect unison, executing their attacks.

“That is the power of the prince’s unique magic, Absolute Domination.”

Holst murmured beside him.

“Soldiers under his control move at his will. It’s as if the entire troop becomes a part of the prince’s body. Furthermore, they exhibit strength beyond their normal capabilities due to the prince’s supply of magical power.”

“Is it like Sir Wilfred’s troop enhancement?”

“A bit, no, quite different. Sir Wilfred’s unique magic temporarily enhances an individual’s abilities, whereas the prince bestows his own abilities. So, those under the magic gain strength they originally didn’t possess.”

Indeed, the soldiers’ strength was beyond common sense.

They moved at speeds impossible to follow with the eye, matching orcs with several times human strength.

Moreover, not just one or two soldiers, but all 100 exhibited such strength and moved at Gale’s command.

It was indeed a magic that could create a troop worth a thousand men.

“Can the prince’s magical power strengthen so many soldiers to this extent. . . Yet still. . .”

Luke was impressed, but his eyes betrayed a hint of concern.

“They won’t last long like this. . .”

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