
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 49

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

“To put it bluntly, Sir Wilfred’s only daughter, Alma, has been kidnapped. It appears to be an organized crime. Fortunately, we were able to apprehend the thieves before they could hand her over to their client, but there’s a concerning detail. It seems there’s suspicion that the thieves used your carriage, Uncle Greed, to deceive Alma. I’ve come to discuss this matter with you.”

Luke began as soon as Greed entered the room.

Sweat burst from Greed’s face.

“What, what do you mean? I, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

(Damn, damn, damn, did those fools mess up! They said it would go smoothly while Sir Wilfred was away! Incompetent idiots!)

While internally cursing, Greed desperately tried to feign innocence.

Luke continued speaking, shaking his head slightly.

“If it’s not true, then that’s fine. We’ve secured the carriage in question, so would it be alright to check your carriage? That should clear any suspicions immediately.”

(Impossible! It’s my carriage! That’s why I didn’t want to lend the carriage and the servant’s uniform! But Avaris insisted. . .!)

“Actually, my carriage was stolen a while ago. I was troubled, couldn’t find it, and was about to give up. . . So, that means, those scoundrels stole it! To use it for kidnapping Miss Alma, such audacity!”

“Please stop with the pretense.”

Luke sighed.

“The truth is, the thieves have confessed everything. A carriage and servant’s uniform, with all this evidence, you can’t claim there’s no connection.”

“Gngh. . .”

Greed stumbled over his words.

The thieves hadn’t said that Sir Greed was the mastermind, but the confession wasn’t a lie either.

In a way, Luke’s presentation of circumstantial evidence was just a bluff, but Greed had completely fallen for it.

“Now, can you explain? What’s your connection to the kidnappers who took Alma?”





“I. . . don’t know! I know nothing!”

Finally losing his temper, Greed retorted when pressed.

“What’s more, isn’t it rude to arrive in large numbers without any communication?! It’s practically like a threat!”

He ranted, his face turning red and spittle flying from his mouth.

“For crying out loud! Why is Rampart Margrave, like a bandit, overseeing my territory as if it’s his own? Isn’t this an invasion of my land?!”

“That’s odd.”

At those words, Luke’s eyes narrowed sharply.

“Why do you think a thief was caught in your territory? I never said such a thing.”

“Ah. . .”

He covered his mouth, but it was already too late.

“So, that is. . . umm. . .”

“Sir Greed.”

Sir Wilfred, who had been silent until then, slowly stood up and confronted the stumbling Greed.

He slowly approached Greed and leaned in close to his face.

“Let me be clear. My daughter, more precious to me than my own life, was nearly abducted. This is something I cannot forgive. No matter who it is, I will pursue them to the ends of the earth and ensure they are punished.”

Overwhelmed by Sir Wilfred’s presence, Greed could only look up while clinging to the sofa.

“I came today to inform you of this. Whether you choose to speak or not, this matter will be reported to the kingdom’s inquiry committee for thorough investigation. Be prepared.”

After saying this, Sir Wilfred stepped away from Greed.

“I shall take my leave now. If there is still any honor left in you as a noble, you will bring yourself to light.”

“Ah, ahhh. . .”

Leaving the powerlessly slumped Greed behind, Sir Wilfred and Luke exited the room.










“Sir Avaris! What is going on?!”

Greed’s whining echoes in Avaris’ private chamber.

“I provided a carriage because you said it would definitely work out, but now it seems I am the only one getting dirty!”

“Now, now, calm down.”

“How can I possibly be calm in this situation!”

Greed, holding his head, paces restlessly in the room.

“If the inquiry committee starts moving, it’s not just about involvement in the kidnapping, our connection with the underworld adventurers might also be exposed. If that happens. . .not only me but you won’t get away with it either.”

“Sir Greed.”

Avaris growled in a low voice.

“Are you threatening me? I did not expect to hear such words from you.”

“Ah, no. . .”

“Hmph. Well, I understand your anxiety. Let’s consider that a slip of the tongue due to your desperation.”

Avaris snorted and crossed his arms.

“However, it is true that this situation could lead to grave consequences. We must avoid that. But they will be cautious about our next move, so it won’t be easy to act. So, if that’s the case. . .”

Avaris, who had been thinking for a while, suddenly looked up with a sly grin.

“Sir Greed, I will handle things from here on.”


“Yes, you will have to help, but once this is over, those people won’t be able to bother us anymore.”

Sir Greed swallows hard at the sight of Avaris’ evil smile.

“What. . . what exactly are you planning to do, my lord?”

“Well, the best way to deal with pests is to eliminate them completely. Yes, thoroughly.”

“Well, well, Prince Gale, you seem to be in fine spirits today.”

“. . .Stop with the pointless flattery. I’m busy, so get to the point quickly.”

Gale, sitting on the sofa, spits out irritably.

“My apologies. I was a bit nervous in front of Prince Gale and ended up saying more than necessary to encourage myself.”

Avaris, sitting in front of Gale, slapped his increasingly balding forehead.

“I have come to make a proposal to Prince Gale.”

Avaris says, smiling.

His face reminded one of a reptile that had found its prey.

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