
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 46

𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐝

Luke and Sir Wilfred were gathered around a campfire on the 15th floor of the dungeon.

This was because a dungeon without the worry of demon beasts was an ideal place for camping.

“So Luke. . . what do you think about Alma?”

Startled by the sudden question, Luke spit out the soup he was drinking.

“W, What are you asking all of a sudden?”

“It’s nothing unusual. As a father, it’s natural to be concerned about one’s daughter.”

The logs Sir Wilfred had added to the fire burst with a crackling sound.

“So, what is it then?”

“. . .Alma is. . . my most important friend.”

“That’s not what I’m asking, you know.”

Sir Wilfred gave a wry smile.

“Being as astute as you are, you must have already noticed Alma’s feelings, right?”

Luke had no words to reply.

Indeed, he had been vaguely aware of Alma’s feelings.

The reason he hadn’t confirmed it till now was partly due to fear.

And more than that, there were circumstances that made Luke hesitate to take a step forward.

“Alma. . . probably likes me, I think.”

“I think it’s more than just ‘probably’. Or is there someone else you like? Even if there is, I respect your feelings, but then you should tell Alma. . .”

“No, there isn’t!”

Luke denied it loudly, surprising even himself.

“Alma is the most attractive person in the world! I can assert there’s no one better than her!”

It was then that Luke clearly understood.

“I. . . I like Alma. Yes, I certainly like Alma!”

His feelings became clearer as he spoke.

Liking Alma was an undeniable fact.

“Certainly, I like Alma. . . but whether I’m qualified to respond to her feelings. . .”

Yet, there were feelings he couldn’t deceive as much.

“I. . . have something I want to do.”

“What might that be?”

“My goal is to recreate origin magic. But that might cause trouble for Alma and Sir Wilfred. . .”

Origin magic is considered the most heretical theory in the Arrogas Kingdom’s magical society.

Some members at the core of the St. Arrogas Magic Committee consider research into origin magic taboo.

Advancing his research might attract scrutiny from the nation’s authorities, a concern for Luke.

And there was another goal Luke had.

He hesitated even now to confide it in Sir Wilfred.

But Luke felt this was the only time to speak.

“Another thing. . . I haven’t told you, Sir Wilfred, but. . . between the time I was targeted for my life and my return to St. Arrogas, I was training under a certain master. This master is. . . the demon Iris.”

“. . .You’re not joking, are you?”

It sounded unbelievable, but there was no tone of denial in his voice.


“Yes, Iris is sealed in a place not on the map of the Kingdom of Arrogas. I was lucky enough to drift there and was saved. I trained under her for five years. My prosthetic hand and eye were also made by her.”

Luke took off his gloves and showed them to Sir Wilfred.

“Hmm. . . As someone who has seen your magic, I cannot outright deny what you say. Rather, your words make sense to me.”

Sir Wilfred stroked his chin beard, pondering.

“And my other goal is to release Iris.”


Even the usually composed Sir Wilfred opened his eyes wide in surprise.

“Iris, the most powerful and evil demon mentioned in history books. Luke, are you planning to unleash such a demon into the wild?”

He had no words in response.

The terror of Iris was something he had extensively learned about at the academy.

How she fought against the old empire alone, and how the empire had poured most of its forces into sealing her, ultimately leading to its downfall.

Still, Luke continued to speak as if trying to convince Sir Wilfred.

“I know she is remembered as a fearsome demon. But the Iris I met and spent time with doesn’t seem like that at all. I can’t see her as an evil demon. So. . . I want to first determine if she truly is a demon that brings calamity to humanity. And then. . . then. . .”

While talking, Luke’s mind was filled with images of Iris.

In his memories, Iris was always laughing cheerfully.

Yet, Luke knew.

That she always watched the moon alone at night.

He was sure she had done the same before meeting him.

He also remembered what he confessed to Alma while heading towards the mountain.

(No, my desire to release Iris isn’t because she is a harmless demon. Why do I want to release Iris. . . It’s because. . .)

“No. . . That’s not it. I want to release Iris because. . . I want to do it. I like Iris. That’s why I want her to see the world I live in.”

“Oh. . .”

Sir Wilfred uttered in a low voice.

“So you mean to say this: You like Alma, but you can’t let go of the demon Iris either, is that it?”

Luke nodded silently.

The fact that he cannot compare Alma and Iris regardless of the circumstances is true.

Especially in front of Alma’s father, he cannot deny that.

“Huh, that’s fine then.”

Sir Wilfred’s face relaxed slightly.

“You are young; such things happen. And I understand that you are not saying this in jest.”

“I’m sorry. . .”

“It’s alright. By the way, did the two of you go to get gold coins because you went to see Iris?”



“I see. . . I thought Alma seemed a bit different since that day. . . so that was the reason. I almost thought that you two were. . . no, never mind. But Luke. . .”

Sir Wilfred turns to face Luke.

“So, you mean to say that your research into heresy and your intention to release the demon Iris might cause trouble for Alma and me, is that what you’re thinking?”

Taking Luke’s silence as an affirmation, Sir Wilfred continues speaking.

“I understand your feelings. To be honest, I still don’t know how to take it myself. Your story is just too unbelievable. But let me ask you this, do you think telling Alma about it will change her attitude towards you? Do you think she will easily give up on you?”

“That is. . .”

“You once said that Alma and I are very alike. Let me assert on behalf of my daughter then: she is not the type to change her mind over something like this.”

“That’s. . . probably true.”

“Isn’t it? Who does she take after, I wonder? Once she decides something, she never changes her mind. That’s definitely from her mother, yes.”

Sir Wilfred nods deeply.

“Luke, as someone who has lived longer, let me give you a piece of advice. The most important thing is your own feelings. Determine what you really want to do. That will surely open up your path.”

“. . .I understand.”

“What’s the hurry, life is long. Take your time to think. That’s also youth. Struggle greatly, young man!”

Sir Wilfred breaks into a wide smile and suddenly grabs Luke’s shoulder.

“. . .And with that said, you understand what will happen if you do anything to make my beloved daughter sad, right?”

“Yes, I’ll take it to heart.”

“Good, I’m entrusting my daughter to you. Take good care of her.”

Sir Wilfred nods in satisfaction, looking at Luke who is sweating and nodding in agreement.

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