
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 4

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦

It had been a day of heavy rain from the morning.

The day for Luke to transfer schools had arrived.

After all, he had tried to escape many times since then, but the surveillance was unexpectedly strict, and he couldn’t even manage to get out of the mansion.

He boarded the carriage with a heavy sigh.

Inside the carriage, besides the coachman, three men had boarded.

The men, armed with swords and sharp gazes, stared at Luke without attempting to speak.

“Um. . . who are these people?”

“Ah, the journey can be dangerous. I’ve arranged for escorts. They look rough, but they’re skilled. You can trust them.”

In other words, these men were hired to dispose of him.

Luke swallowed hard.

His back was already drenched in sweat.

“Write a letter when you get there. It’ll be hard to return for a while.”

With Greed’s insincere farewell, the carriage carrying Luke set off.

In the cold rain, the carriage rattled up the mountain road.

It was nearing the boundary of the neighboring territory.

Inside the carriage, the men laughed and chatted, ignoring Luke as if he didn’t exist.

But this was fortunate for Luke.

He pondered his next actions as the carriage swayed.

He probably wouldn’t be killed within the territory.

Doing so would raise suspicions about the motive behind his Count status.

The action would likely take place after leaving the territory, probably in an unseen part of the mountains.

Surely they had arranged to make it look like a bandit attack. . .

“Um. . . can I go to the bathroom?”

“What?! Bathroom?!”

The men glared at Luke, then exchanged glances and smirked.

“Sure. It’s been a while. Let’s take a break here.”

The coachman nodded and stopped the carriage.

In the pouring rain, as Luke got out, he saw the men also preparing to descend.

“I can go alone! Just a quick stop behind some bushes!”

“However, we have entrusted you with our protection. We can’t let anything happen in this forest, so we’ll accompany you.”

The men approached, their hands on their swords, grinning.

“Is that so. . . Then, like this!”

Luke, in a swift motion, threw the mud he had in his hand at the men.

When getting off the vehicle, he had secretly wiped away what had stuck to the wheels.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when the men hesitated, he dashed into the forest like a hare.

“Get him!”

“Damn it! Chase him! Chase him!”

Amidst the men’s furious shouts, Luke ran desperately into the forest without looking back.

He had no idea where he was heading, but he ran frantically just to put some distance between them.

However, his pursuers were relentless.

Being involved in this kind of business, the men steadily closed the gap.

Eventually, Luke found himself cornered at a cliff with no escape route.

Looking down, he saw a murky, matcha-colored torrent flowing vigorously.

He was a trapped rat in a sack.


The weather has turned into a complete storm, with the sound of lightning shaking the air.

“Haa, haa. . . Damn, making me go through all this trouble.”

The men, panting heavily, surrounded Luke.

Drawing their swords, they no longer tried to hide their murderous intent.

“Hey, hey, young master, why are you so scared?”

“We’re just told to escort you, you know? Though your destination is the afterlife!”

They laughed boisterously, making a tasteless joke.

“Who hired you! Is it Uncle Greed’s doing?!”

Luke shouted, as if to encourage himself.

“Want a souvenir for the afterlife, huh? Unfortunately, we don’t know our client either. Our only job is to finish you off and get our reward.”

The man in the lead approached step by step, with a twisted smile.

Luke gritted his teeth inwardly.

Given Greed’s suspicious nature, it’s unlikely he’d reveal the client to such underlings.

“So, just die quietly, will you!”

The man raised his sword.

Luke didn’t miss the chance as they were careless, thinking he was unarmed.

He slashed at the man with a dagger he had hidden behind his back.


Several of the man’s fingers flew through the air.

As Luke tried to escape into the forest, another man’s kick landed in his stomach.


He was kicked back to the edge of the cliff, through the muddy ground.

“You little brat!”

The sight that met Luke’s eyes as he turned around was the furious face of the man whose fingers were cut off and his sword coming down.


He tried to block it with his dagger but was slightly too late.

With a heavy impact, the field of vision is dyed red.

The left hand became as cold as if it had been plunged into icy water, and immediately after that, it became burning hot.

After a moment, something wet hit the ground with a splat.

It was Luke’s severed left arm.


Luke’s scream vanished into the fierce storm.

He couldn’t see anything.

Half his face and his left arm burned with pain.

(It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! I can’t see! I can’t feel my left arm! My left arm is gone!)

Luke was clearly aware that his left arm was severed, and his left eye was injured.

That realization was coloring his mind with despair.

Pain made his feet unsteady.

And then the muddy ground in the pouring rain collapsed. . .


With a scream, Luke fell headlong down the cliff.










“You fool! If we don’t take the body, it’ll turn into evidence!”

The man shouted as he peered down the cliff.

Below, nothing was visible except the churning muddy current.

“Damn it, what does it matter! I had my finger chopped off! Ah, damn it. . . the bleeding won’t stop.”

The man who had cut Luke was holding his hand and barked.

“Well, well, what’s done is done. If he fell into that rapid current, there’s no way he survived. Besides, with this, we have an excuse.”

Another man picked up Luke’s left hand that had fallen on the ground.

“Damn it, I took this job because it was supposed to be easy! Without extra payment, this isn’t worth it!”

“Calm down. Remember what that boy said earlier about Uncle Greed and all? If we push on that, we might make a little extra cash, don’t you think?”

The man who had his finger cut finally smiled at these words.

“Right, we need to get our compensation properly. Now that’s decided, let’s hurry. We need to get back and treat this quickly.”

Thus, the men retraced their steps, and soon the traces of their crime were erased by the howling storm.

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