
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 38

𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

“I never imagined you would actually provide the gold coins. . . It’s not that I didn’t believe you, but I didn’t expect this much. What kind of magic did you use?”

“I received help from my master who saved me and taught me five years ago.”

Sir Wilfred, looking utterly astonished, listened as Luke explained briefly.

For now, Luke could not reveal that master was actually the sealed demon, Iris.

“. . .I see, then I won’t ask further.”

Sir Wilfred nodded, seemingly understanding something from Luke’s attitude.

It appeared that Sir Wilfred had decided not to pry further.

Sir Wilfred leaned forward from the sofa and continued speaking.

“Then, let me explain the situation. First, I’ve found out who’s behind the rogue adventurers. They seem to be employed by a merchant named Gluton.”

Gluton is a mid-sized merchant based in St. Arrogas.

“Gluton was buying at about 20% more than the guild’s offered prices. However, there are some things that don’t add up. . .”

“It’s a matter of quantity, isn’t it?”

Sir Wilfred nodded in response to Luke’s words.

“The amount is just too much. They seemed like they were about to hunt down every demon beast in the dungeon. And it’s not just them; there seem to be countless others hired by the Gluton Chamber of Commerce. The amount of money involved is not something a single Chamber of Commerce can handle.”

“Does that mean. . . Gluton is just a pawn?”

“Probably. With an operation this large, it’s more than just poaching. We should assume there’s a nationwide network for illicitly selling magic stones and materials. It’s highly likely that someone involved is at the core of the nation.”

“Do you have any suspicions?”

“There are two suspects, and I don’t want to mix personal feelings, but one of them is Avaris. He’s the Minister of Commerce, controlling the flow of goods. It’s impossible that he knows nothing. And then. . .”

Sir Wilfred looked at Luke with an apologetic expression.

“It’s hard to say this, but the other is your uncle, Lord Greed.”

“My uncle? Why would that be?”

“The magic stones and materials poached by the rogue adventurers can’t be sold on the market as is. As you know, the country strictly regulates dungeon-derived items. To get them to market, noble approval is needed. And it seems Lord Greed was the one granting approval to the rogue adventurers’ loot.”

Sir Wilfred continued with a bitter tone.

“Gluton has gained momentum over these past few years, and he is close with Lord Greed. It seems Greed was the one who connected the captured rogue adventurers with Gluton.”

“I see.”

“I’m sorry, I was unsure whether to tell you this. . .”

“No, it’s fine.”

Luke smiled at Sir Wilfred.

“It’s not surprising, coming from that uncle.”


“Although it’s true, there’s still no clear evidence. If we were to confront them, they would likely just feign ignorance.”

“Still, it seems like a start. Once we return to the capital, I plan to look into it immediately.”

“. . .Actually, it’s about the capital. . .”

Sir Wilfred hesitated further before looking at Alma.

“Alma, you have received an invitation to a party from the capital. But the sender is. . . Prince Gale.”

“Prince Gale?”

Alma’s face tensed.

“I understand how you feel, but don’t be so wary. It seems the party is to celebrate Prince Gale’s recent bust of a major kidnapping ring. That’s why both you and I have been invited.”

“How dare they send such an invitation!”

Alma exclaimed.

“Despite the fact that Luke, Sicily, and I rescued the kidnapped women! I won’t attend such a party!”

“However, as a Margrave, it’s hard for me to decline. Wouldn’t your absence worsen their impression of you?”

“Uh, that is. . .”

Alma said with hesitation.

Sir Wilfred’s words are quite reasonable.

Although I have my own point of view, if I conspicuously absent myself, it might be perceived as a provocation.

In that case, it may not only affect me but also my father, Sir Wilfred.

“Sir Wilfred, I believe it was customary for each party attendee to have one servant or maid accompanying them, wasn’t it?”

Suddenly, Luke interjected.

“Ah, yes, it’s a tradition for each party participant to have one servant or maid accompanying them. Is there something wrong with that?”

“Then, may I accompany Alma as her attendant?”


Alma’s eyes widened in surprise and joy.

“I’ve met Prince Gale too. He’s a very intimidating person. It’s just an invitation to a party, but we don’t know what might happen. May I accompany you?”

“That’s fine, but. . . it won’t be pleasant for you. After all, Lord Greed is also invited.”

Luke’s eyebrows twitched slightly at Sir Wilfred’s words.

But that was all.

With a calm smile, Luke replied.

“It doesn’t matter. I have no relation to that man anymore. He might not even recognize me.”

Seeing Luke’s expression, Sir Wilfred nodded deeply.

“Understood. I’ll leave Alma in your care. It’s reassuring to have you with us. Thank you.”

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