
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 162

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤

“I thought Omid-san was a pretty good person among the nobles, but doesn’t he seem a bit off?”

“Well. . . maybe he was just nervous about preparing for the battle. Anyway, I’m glad he thought better of invading the demon realm.”

Luke shrugs at Kiel, who is looking at Omid with a curious expression.

Kiel chuckles mysteriously as she watches Omid leave.

“But if they knew that we, who they thought were kidnapped, were actually fighting bandits in the demon realm, they would surely be surprised.”

“About that, I don’t want you to tell anyone yet.”

Luke lowers his voice as he looks around.

“I think there are people who wouldn’t be happy that we helped Lord Berlanji. And as I told Lord Berlanji, there’s a high chance that there are people in this country who are helping the bandits. So I don’t want our actions to be known too much.”

“Understood. I won’t say anything to anyone when I return to the island.”

Kiel nods.

“By the way, I have to go back to the island now, but what are you guys going to do?”

“We should probably go back soon too. We’ve overstayed our welcome, and we need to report to Flora-sama.”

“. . .That’s going to be lonely.”

Kiel’s tone is tinged with nostalgia.

Luke felt the same way.

Although they had only been together for about a week, Luke felt as comfortable with Kiel as if they had been friends for several years.

Alma seemed to feel the same way, and she spoke to Kiel in an encouraging manner.

“But we’ll definitely come back. And when we do, we’ll come to see you, Kiel.”

Kiel makes a smile as she rubs her eyes at Alma’s words.

“. . .That’s right! It’s not like we won’t be able to see each other anymore!”

“That’s right! This is the earthly paradise of Iam, isn’t it? We want to come back as many times as we want!”

“That’s right! Alright, I have to make the island something I can be proud of by the next time you two come! I can’t be proud to guide you around if it’s in a state where it could explode at any moment! I can’t stay like this! I have to get back to the island.”

With that, Kiel started running.

“Are you going back already? What about the last meal. . .”

“I hate being gloomy! I promise, next time you come, I’ll show you an island that will surprise you! So, see you later!”

Kiel ran off towards the port, waving her hand.

“. . .She’s gone.”

Alma, who had been waving her hand until Kiel was out of sight, let out a lonely sigh.

“It was a short time, but it’s still sad to say goodbye.”

Luke puts his hand on Alma’s shoulder.

“Let’s come back again. And next time, let’s spend our time leisurely without any obligations.”


The two of them kept looking at the horizon where the sun was setting.










“I guess this is the end.”

As Luke loaded the travel luggage onto the dragon carriage, he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Five days after parting with Kiel, the two were about to say goodbye to Iam.

“In the end, Kiel didn’t come.”

Alma muttered with a hint of regret.

“It can’t be helped, I think Kiel is busy with the island.”

Since then, Kiel had not appeared in front of the two even once.

According to rumors, the gap between the two clans of Osten Island is only widening and it seems that it is no longer possible to recover.

Even if they try to do business, they are interfered with by the hostile clan, and they can’t even approach the island.

And this was not irrelevant to Luke, or rather, to the Kingdom of Arrogas.

“Is it really going to be a war. . .”

Alma muttered anxiously as she looked at the street.

In front of the two now, carts carrying supplies for the war were constantly coming and going.

“We have to stop that. We have to go home quickly for that.”

Luke got into the dragon carriage with a stern face.

The invasion of the demon realm by Omid was temporarily stopped, but that did not mean that the situation was resolved, and even now, a large number of soldiers are still staying in Iam.

On the contrary, the tension in the city was increasing.

The city of Iam is now full of rumors that Omid is going to send soldiers to Osten Island.

It is said that the Rivasura clan, which is pro-demon tribe, has asked the demon realm for help.

The rumor that Omid, who is in a friendly relationship with the Kranken clan, is going to send soldiers to counter this, spread like wildfire in the city of Iannat.

Luke, who had tried to ask the truth of the matter many times, had no way to get to Omid, who insisted that the politics of the southern territories were left to the supervisor.

“Flora-sama already knows about this and said she is on her way here. If things go well, we might be able to meet her on the way. We have to resolve this situation somehow. . .”

“Hey, don’t just come in!”

Luke’s words were drowned out by the gatekeeper’s shout.

“Please! There’s a guy named Luke here! Just let me see him for a bit!”

Then, a child’s painful voice echoed.

“That voice is. . .?”

When he peeked out of the dragon carriage, he saw a boy pleading with the gatekeeper at the gate.

He was soaking wet, as if he had just come up from the sea.

And Luke recognized the boy’s figure and voice.

“Enough! This is not a place for commoners from Osten Island like you! If you don’t disappear quickly, you’ll regret it!”

The gatekeeper raised the stone butt of his spear.

“Wait, please!”

The one who stopped him was Luke.

“That child seems to have something to do with me. You are. . . from the Kranken clan, right. . .”

It was the boy Luke had met on Osten Island.

Kiel had called the boy Tyra.


Tyra clung to Luke’s leg.

“I want you to help Kiel-neechan!”

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