
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 158

𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏

They caught up with the bandits’ camp as the sun was about to set.

“Three orcs, five goblins, three hobgoblins, four lizardmen, two tiger men, two fish men, three kobolds, one troll, and then. . .”

Luke, who had returned from reconnaissance, hesitated slightly there.

“. . .There are two demon people.”

“Demon people?!”

A murmur spread through the extermination team at Luke’s report.

Among the demons, the demon people are special.

They are incomparable to other demons in terms of physical and magical power.

The presence of a single demon person can multiply the combat power of the group several times.

But what was most puzzling was the fact that there were demon people among the bandits.

Generally, demon people are a privileged class in the demon realm and are in a position to rule over other demons.

This was like having a nobleman join the bandits.

It was no wonder that the extermination team was shaken.

“It seems they’re not just ordinary bandits.”

But even after hearing that report, Barbassa remained calm.

“But what we have to do doesn’t change. We just have to exterminate the bandits in front of us. Luke, continue your report.”

“Yes, judging from their equipment and physique, it seems that one of the demon people is in charge of magic. I think the other demons will mainly use support magic or attack magic if they use magic. However. . .”

Luke cut off his words there and then continued.

“Their equipment is, how should I put it, too good. It’s as if they’re equipped with the latest weapons and there’s no difference between their equipment and ours here. I think it’s safe to say that there’s little difference in individual combat power. In other words. . . it’s hard to say, but I think we’re in a pretty disadvantageous situation.”

The soldiers fell silent at Luke’s words.

Normally, the equipment of bandits is nothing more than thugs, and it’s not something that can compete with fully armed soldiers.

However, if the equipment is equal, the number will greatly affect it.

There are about ten of them here, while there are twenty-five bandits. This difference was obvious to anyone.

Amid the silent soldiers, Barbassa stared at Luke.

“So what are you trying to say? You’re not suggesting we should just run away, are you?”

“Of course not.”

Luke picked up a twig and drew a map at his feet with a grin.

“We can make up for the disadvantage in numbers with strategy. There are five guards in the bandit camp, each positioned here.”

As he said this, he drew five small circles around a large circle.

“I’ve already set up attack magic circles at the feet of these guards. Let’s attack at the same time as activating them. I’ll take care of one of the demon people, so I’d like you to take care of the other one. Once we’ve defeated the guards and the demon people, the enemy’s combat power will be 18. We should be able to handle this much of a power difference.”

“You’ve done that much.”

Even Barbassa seemed surprised at this, and his eyes widened slightly.

“Thanks to your stealth magic. It’s amazing, I was able to get quite close without even the demon people noticing.”

“. . .You’re the one who did it, even without my magic, you would have done the same thing. But well, that’s fine.”

Barbassa said this and stood up, shaking his head.

“Everyone, it’s as Luke just said. There is certainly a difference in combat power, but I’m confident that we can overturn this level of difference. Let’s settle this here and now.”

At his words, the soldiers all stood up at once.

“Let’s go, complete non-detection.”

Barbassa’s stealth magic enveloped the entire unit.

“The bandits have the entire camp covered with multiple detection magic. I think even this stealth magic won’t be able to break through the deepest layer of detection. That will be the baseline for the start of the operation.”

“Understood, let’s go.”

The unit, led by Barbassa and Luke, quietly stepped into the forest.










The sound of a crackling fire and the faint voices of bandits drift through the night’s silence.

“It seems we’ve reached the limit of our detection.”

Luke and his companions stopped about 30 meters away from the bandits, hidden in the bushes.

The bandits were in the middle of a meal, but they were armored and had their weapons within easy reach.

They spoke little and didn’t seem to be drinking.

Two of the demons were a little away from the other bandits.

They were constantly on the lookout, even while occasionally eating.

Their behavior was unlike that of typical bandits.

“Indeed, they’re not ordinary bandits. It would have been easier if they were drunk.”

Barbassa grimaced and gritted his teeth.

“We have no choice but to attack all at once and catch them off guard.”

“Wait, there seems to be some movement.”

Luke pointed out that five demons had stood up.

“It seems like they’re changing guards. This is a good opportunity.”

“What do you mean?”

Barbassa looked puzzled at Luke’s words.

“Now there are two guards at each location, which means this place is less guarded.”

Luke began to chant softly.

A blue light lit up at the tips of his left fingers.

“Please attack all at once when I activate the magic circle.”

“Alright, everyone, get ready.”

Barbassa took out the bow slung over his shoulder and drew it.

The arrowhead was glowing with magical power.

The extermination team readied their weapons.

“Explosive Array!”

Luke’s magic was activated.

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