
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 157

𝐀 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭

When questioned by Barbassa, Luke hastily made an excuse.

“Well. . . actually, my unique magic is tracking. It’s not a useful magic as a noble, but it’s convenient for hunting and times like this.”

“. . .There’s such a unique magic. I can’t believe it at once, but there’s certainly a trace.”

“From this wound, it seems that they passed here not so long ago. Probably 1 hour, at most not more than 2 hours.”

“You can tell that much. . .”

Barbassa thought for a while, but eventually called three soldiers.

A fox-type beastkin, a dark elf, and a halfling.

“Fox, you follow the trace of this tree root. Farlig, you go to the right, Logg to the left. If you don’t find anything after an hour, come back.”

The three soldiers quietly nodded and turned on their heels.

“Wait, please.”

Luke stopped those soldiers.

“What is it, is there still something?”

“No. . . there’s a possibility that they might be detecting intrusions with magic or setting traps. You should be careful about that.”

“. . .Then take this.”

Barbassa handed a bracelet with a blue magic stone to the three soldiers.

“It’s a magic tool for detecting magic. If that magic stone glows red, retreat immediately.”

The three nodded nervously and disappeared into the forest this time.

Barbassa glared at Luke.

“That’s one of the treasured magic tools of the demon tribe. If you said that to use it, I won’t forgive you.”

“No way, I just wanted to say that there’s a possibility because the people who are careful enough to hide their footprints.”

“. . .You’re a tough guy. But well, take a rest for now.”

Barbassa said that and returned to his subordinates.

“Luke, did you see something?”

Alma came up with a worried face.

“There are 25 bandits, they should be somewhere not an hour from here. But be careful. They don’t seem to be ordinary bandits.”

Luke answered in a low voice.

The bandits were carefully erasing their traces, but Luke could clearly see the footprints leading into the forest.

But would ordinary bandits do this much?

And they’re even covering up with magic.

That’s an act that can’t be thought of from ordinary bandits.

A bad premonition was about to raise its head in Luke’s chest.

Then, less than an hour later, the fox came back.

“Sir, the magic stone glowed red.”

A quiet murmur spread among the subjugation team.

“It seems to be true.”

Barbassa muttered, looking at Luke.

After a while, the dark elf and halfling who had gone to scout returned, but they seemed to have swung and there was no notable report.

“It’s decided. It seems that there is someone who uses magic on the other side. I will lead from now on. Don’t step into places other than where I passed.”

Barbassa said that and entered the forest, flipping his robe.

As a lord of the demon realm, Barbassa’s ability was real.

He accurately found and neutralized the cleverly hidden traps and magic circles for detection.



“Impressive, if we had entered without knowing anything, I think our position would have been exposed within 5 minutes.”

Luke spoke in a low voice to Alma and Kiel who were walking next to him.

Kiel returned a curious face to the admiring Luke.

“Is that so? I don’t understand anything.”

“That’s what’s amazing.”

What Luke admired was the accuracy and speed of Barbassa.

Not only did he discover the cleverly concealed magic circle, but he also immediately built a magic formula to respond to it and neutralized it.

Moreover, even if the magic formula is slightly wrong, it will be noticed by the opponent in no time, but he is doing it without disturbing the walking pace.

From the side, it would probably look like he was just walking normally.

However, there is a high-level magic that can only be used by the highest-ranking magicians among the human race.

“Is this the magic of the demon tribe. . .”

Luke sighed in admiration at the magical power of the demon tribe.

“Hmph, I don’t need flattery.”

Barbassa muttered in a bored manner when he heard Luke’s words.

“Rather than that, you, if you know what I’m doing, why don’t you help a little. I don’t feel like being bothered with such chores forever.”


Luke stood next to Barbassa and started walking side by side.

“There is a magic circle about 10 meters ahead, and there is an attack magic circle on the tree to the right. That one will scatter a blast when you pass through it.”

“. . .Who are you, really? How can a mere human distinguish that.”

Barbassa glared at Luke as he lightly waved his fingertips and erased the magic circle.

“Ah, well, you see, there are some gaps in the branches and bushes, right? It often becomes like that due to the influence of the magic circle. If it’s a unique magic of tracking, you can understand such things.”

“. . .Is that true?”

Barbassa didn’t seem to believe it.

Luke’s fist passed in front of Barbassa’s eyes.

There was an arrow in his hand.

The arrow feathers were trembling finely as if they had just been fired.


“Don’t worry, it seems to be a trap arrow. I don’t feel anyone aiming at it.”

Luke said that and looked back.

“It may be uneasy, but it’s safer not to check inside the bushes.”

“I, I’m sorry!”

The soldier walking behind turned pale and bowed his head.

“. . .I’ll thank you.”

“No, I just did what was natural. Rather than that, considering the number of traps, they might be camping.”

Luke smiled and started walking next to Barbassa.

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