
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 143


“A shrine maiden?”

At Gaston’s words, Luke’s eyebrows slightly raise. 

Gaston continues to speak with a faint smile on his face. 

“Isn’t it unfair that only you Kranken clan monopolize the shrine maiden? The God Calming Festival requires the shrine maiden’s ritual. But Kiel here, no matter how many times we ask, she doesn’t come. That’s why we came to ask for your trouble.”

“Don’t mess with me!! You guys who are trying to sell the island to the demons without rewarding the ancestors’ achievements, don’t talk about the festival lightly!”

Kiel is angry, her face turning red. 

“Gaston, I won’t say it twice. Put Kiel down right now.”

Errant stares at Gaston with a pale face. 

In his hand is the dagger he had at his waist. 

“Hey, hey, wasn’t it the God Calming Festival tonight? Are you going to stain such a sacred night with blood? But if you guys are up for it, I’m ready to take it on.”

A murderous aura swells from Gaston’s entire body. 

The air around them becomes tense. 

“How about stopping there?”

A dignified voice echoes on the quiet beach. 

The owner of the voice was Luke. 

“Who the hell are you?”

Luke steps forward without fear and stands in front of Gaston. 

“I am Luke Surberry from the Kingdom of Arrogas. I was invited by Kiel and came to this island. Could you please let go of Kiel?”

“Ah! You came from the Kingdom of Arrogas?! So you’re one of the humans who are manipulating the stupid Kranken clan!”

Gaston growls hatefully and glares at Errant. 

“You guys are the shame of the island for inviting human shit to the island! How far have you guys fallen!”

“That person has nothing to do with it! Kiel just invited him on her own!”

Errant shouts back. 

The situation is on the verge of exploding. 

Everyone present was beginning to prepare for a violent incident. 


A powerful explosion sound echoes on the beach. 


“W, What?!”

Errant and Gaston are taken aback. 

It was the sound of Luke clapping his hands together. 

“Don’t surprise me!”

Luke extends his left hand towards Gaston, who is looking sick. 

“First, please let go of Kiel.”


The moment Luke snaps his fingers, Gaston releases Kiel from his right arm. 

Kiel, who landed on the beach, immediately ran to Luke. 

“W, Who are you. . .”

Gaston glares while holding his shoulder. 

“As I said earlier, I am Luke Surberry from the Kingdom of Arrogas.”

“That’s not what I mean! What did you do to me! What kind of trick did a young master like you use!”



Gaston barked.

Despite his ferocious demeanor, Gaston was trembling in fear of what had just happened to him.

The moment Luke snapped his fingers, a numbing shock attacked the base of Gaston’s arm.

He was in so much pain that he couldn’t hold Kiel. The intense numbness was still throbbing in Gaston’s right arm.

He couldn’t understand what the frail-looking man in front of him had done.

It looked like magic, but there was no sign of a chant.

He couldn’t even sense that magic had occurred.

This was an unknown experience for Gaston.

He had been complacent, thinking that Luke was just a weakling from the mainland, but now Luke appeared to him as an enigmatic entity.

Cold sweat trickled down his spine without him realizing it.

It was no wonder Gaston was surprised and scared.

The moment Luke snapped his fingers, he generated a tiny lightning magic with the implanted magic in his left arm.

It was a very small and short-lived magic that couldn’t be detected visually, but it had enough power to paralyze Gaston’s nerves for a moment.

It was a magic that only Luke, who could accurately analyze the location of the nerves, could perform.

“Who. . . are you. . .”

Gaston, sweating coldly, bluffed as much as he could.

A young man behind him seemed to notice something and whispered in his ear.

“Gaston, could this guy be. . . you know, the one who defeated the Behemoth. . .”


Gaston’s eyes widened.

“There were rumors that the 《Behemoth Slayer》 from the Arrogas Kingdom was coming. . . Is that you!”

“So that’s what they’re calling me.”

Gaston stared at Luke, who was scratching his cheek with a bitter smile, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Impossible. . . this twig-like guy. . . defeated the Behemoth! That’s unbelievable!”

But Gaston’s intuition was whispering to him that it was the truth.

And his throbbing right arm was proving it.

Gaston admitted to himself and others that he was rough, but he was cautious by nature and relied on his intuition, especially in his final judgment.

It had saved his life many times.

Therefore, he couldn’t go against his intuition.

“Damn. . . I see what you’re up to.”

Gaston glared at Errant with annoyance.

“You guys called this guy as a bodyguard! You cowards! Can’t you stand up with your own power!”

“No, we didn’t. . .”

“I didn’t come here as a bodyguard either.”

Even though Errant and Luke denied it, Gaston wouldn’t listen.

“If you’re going to do that, then we have our own ideas. We were just thinking about hiring a bodyguard. There’s no turning back now. You’ll regret seeing our bodyguard!”

After barking, Gaston left with his men.

“What was. . . that all about?”

“Who knows?”

“Why are you so calm?”

Errant sighed deeply at Alma and Luke, who were looking at each other.

“It seems like you guys have caused a big problem.”

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