
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 137

𝐎𝐦𝐢𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞

“So it’s Sir Wilkinson.”

Dandale, noticing Omid, distorts his face in hatred.

“Let me tell you, we’re the ones being bothered. If you’re also a host, you should be more careful in selecting participants. Bringing a wild dog will degrade the status of the God Calming Festival’s party.”

“Who’s the wild dog!”

Kiel raises his eyebrows and shouts.

“If I had any fault, it would be including you in the guest list.”

However, Omid is stubbornly unwilling to concede.

“You’re always like that. You cause trouble without caring who it is and just play innocent. Sir Dandora, you are an inappropriate presence for this place, no, for our Arrogas kingdom. Please leave here immediately!”

Omid points to the exit with a resolute attitude.

“You. . . not only that little girl but you too mock me!”

It seems that Dandale is not willing to back down either.

Both continue to glare at each other with hatred.

“Are those two not getting along?”

“It’s not just that they don’t get along. It’s said that those two are like mortal enemies taking the form of living beings.”

Reminda shrugged her shoulders with a sigh.

“Originally, our demon race and human race don’t get along, but the relationship between those two is beyond that. They hire private soldiers and keep having minor skirmishes. Thanks to that, the security around here has been getting worse lately.”

“Is it that bad. . .”

Luke sighed.

The reason why there were many soldiers in the city of Iannat was probably because of the feud between these two.

“Go back to the demon realm right away! Just breathing the same air as you makes me feel sick!”

“Who will listen to your orders! I am a guest! I have the right to stay here as long as I want!”

“I am the host!”

“So what!”

While they were doing so, Omid and Dandale were heated up to the point where they seemed to start a fight at any moment.

“This is a bit bad. . .”

When Luke tried to step forward to stop them, a solid metallic sound echoed throughout the great hall.

The hall was enveloped in silence for a moment.

That small sound had a firm echo that made the surrounding people have to be silent.

The metallic sound approached in the silent great hall.

It was a demon with a cane in his hand.



With red skin and four horns on his bald head, he has a golden glow in the depths of his determined eye sockets.

The overwhelming aura emanating from his entire body is enough to make those nearby take a step back.

The demon approaches Omid and Dandale with a resolute stride.

“Who is that. . .?”

“Ah. . . That person is. . .”

Reminda mutters with a pale face.

Reminda was not the only one who was flustered by the appearance of the mysterious demon.


Dandale raises a high-pitched voice as if he’s strained.

And so was Omid.

“Sir Berlanji, you’ve come. If you had told us. . .”

Hearing that name, Luke slightly raises his eyebrows.

“Berlanji? So that means. . .”

Reminda nods heavily.

“Yes, that person is the lord of the Berlanji territory where we live.”

“That person is. . .”

Luke looks at Berlanji again.

It was his first time meeting him in person, but he had heard the name many times.

Barbassa Berlanji, a demon who has a deep connection with the Kingdom of Arrogas.

He was once said to have crossed swords with the Arrogas Kingdom army, but now he is an indispensable trading partner for the kingdom as a lord.

This is evident from Omid’s humble attitude.

However, Barbassa is also known as a severe hater of humans.

Indeed, Barbassa’s attitude towards Omid does not seem to be treating him as an equal.

Barbassa stares at Omid with cold eyes.

Omid, on the other hand, is shrinking like a frog being stared at by a snake.

“So you’re saying that I, who came in without a word, am to blame? Is it the way of the human race to welcome a visitor without greeting them and indulge in an ugly dispute, is that what you want to say?”

“Th, that is. . .”

“I was prepared for such rudeness at a party hosted by humans. If it weren’t for my duty as a lord, I wouldn’t have come.”

“Ha, haha. . . Sir Berlanji, your jokes are as harsh as ever. . .”

“I have never made a joke.”

“. . .”

Omid falls completely silent in front of Berlanji.

After giving Omid a cold glance, Barbassa turns to Dandale.

“Dandale, showing tolerance is also a virtue of the demon realm nobility. If you are a title holder, you should act accordingly.”

“Bu. . . but that little girl. . .”

“Dandale, I said to show tolerance.”

“. . .!”

Dandale is at a loss for words at Barbassa’s dismissive attitude.

“I’ve done my duty, so I’ll take my leave now. There’s no need for me to be at a party like this.”

Having said what he wanted to say, Barbassa turns on his heel.

A path opens up in the crowd of people like the sea parting.

Barbassa walks leisurely down the middle.

His stride was as if he was convinced that there was no one above him in this place.

Barbassa’s stride suddenly stops.

His slightly tilted gaze. . . was focused on Luke.

“You. . . I’ve never seen your face before. What’s your name?”

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