
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 133

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞


Alma exclaims in delight.

“It’s even more beautiful up close!”

The two, who had just set down their luggage, were already at the beach.

“Look, look! Luke! It’s a faint green, like a magic potion! I wonder where all this water came from!”

Alma is completely overjoyed.

“Alma, be careful if you get too excited.”

“I’m fine! Come on, Luke! It’s fun when the soles of your feet move. . . Ahh!”

Alma, who was playing at the water’s edge, was swept off her feet by a wave and fell on her bottom on the beach.

A wave then washes over her.

“Ahh. . . it’s salty! So the sea really is salty!”

“I told you so. . . Are you okay. . .”

Luke, who was about to reach out his hand, stops mid-sentence.

“Luke? What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”

Alma makes a puzzled face at Luke, who quickly turns his face away.

“No. . . Alma, your. . . your shirt is. . . see-through. . .”

“Really?! Well, it’s okay, I’m wearing a swimsuit underneath.”

Alma laughs as she takes off the shirt she was wearing over her swimsuit.

A voluptuous pair of hills wrapped in a glossy black swimsuit appears from underneath.

It’s a top-of-the-line swimsuit made from the fur of a rare one-horned seal.

Alma looks up at Luke with a coy glance, her ears turning bright red.

“How. . . how does it look. . .”

“I, I think. . . it suits you very well.”

Luke also nods, his cheeks blushing.

(Yes, good job, Sicily!)

Alma clenches her fist in her heart.

She bought it with a lot of effort, thanks to Sicily’s recommendation.

“Hey, Luke, let’s swim together! The water is cold and feels good.”

“No, I’ll pass. You go ahead and enjoy, Alma.”

“Is that so?”

Alma makes a surprised face at Luke’s reply.

“The sea is so beautiful, I’m sure swimming will be fun.”

“No, I’m not really into that.”

Just then, a large wave washes up to where the two were sitting at the water’s edge.


Luke lets out a scream and backs away, putting his hands down.

“. . .”

“. . .”

After a moment of silence, Alma opens her mouth.

“Could it be. . . Luke, are you not good at swimming?”










“If you had told me you’re not good with water. . .”

“That’s. . . true but. . .”

Luke was sitting under a parasol, hugging his knees.

“It’s not that I’m not good with it, just. . . I don’t really like. . . getting in the water.”

“Ah. . .”

Alma raises her eyebrows as if she’s just realized something.

“That’s because of what happened. . .”

Since falling into a muddy stream while being targeted by assassin sent by his uncle, Luke has been unable to enjoy water.

“I was scolded a lot by master about this, but I still can’t get used to it.”

Iris also tried various ways to help Luke overcome his dislike of water, but he still resists getting in the water.

“But. . . why did you decide to come to Iam? It’s famous for its sea.”

“I’m fine with just looking at it. And I wanted to visit Iam once. And then. . .”

Luke smiled at Alma.

“I knew you wanted to go. I wanted to go with you, Alma.”

“Luke. . .”

Alma rests her head on Luke’s shoulder.

“Thank you. . . for me.”

“It’s okay. I wanted to see the sea too. And this place is really beautiful as rumored. I’m glad I came.”

Luke looked out at the sea.

Luke couldn’t imagine what was at the end of the sea.

The master said the world was round, but Luke wanted to confirm it for himself someday. Looking at the sea, he felt a surge of such feelings.

“Why don’t you swim, Alma? I’ll be here.”

“No, I’ll stay here with Luke.”

Alma shook her head, but Luke knew she was itching to swim.

He had heard from Sicily that she would swim in the public pool whenever she had time.

“I’m fine. And I want to see you swim, Alma.”

“Is, is that so? If Luke says so. . .”

At Luke’s words, Alma quickly stood up and ran towards the sea.

She jumped into the sea with a wave of her hand and swam out to sea with great speed.

She was as vibrant as a sea creature.

“Amazing. . . she’s really good at swimming.”

“She’s a wonderful woman.”

As Luke admired Alma’s swimming, a voice came from behind him.

When he turned around, there was the butler Alfred, standing silently.

“Despite being a noblewoman, she doesn’t flaunt it, and behaves without indulging in her position. It’s understandable why Flora-sama likes her.”

“Exactly. I’ve been saved by her kindness and strength many times. It’s not an exaggeration to say that I am who I am today because of Alma.”

“Luke-sama, you are also a great person. Despite the hardships you’ve been through, you don’t show any signs of it. In fact, you’re more composed than most nobles. As a royal butler, I’ve met many nobles, but few are as calm as you.”


“It’s flattering to be praised so much.”

Luke turned back to Alfred with a shy smile.

“More importantly, didn’t you need something from me?”

At those words, Alfred nodded lightly.

“I came to ask you both to attend a party.”

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