
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 131

𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚’𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

“Luke-san, Alma-san, are you interested in the tropics?”

It was around the time when the air was chilly for spring that Flora brought up such a thing.

“The tropics. . . you say?”

“Yes, it’s wonderful this time of year. There’s little rain, and the flowers of the trees are all in full bloom, it’s like heaven.”

“Flora-sama, are you talking about the Iam region?”

Flora nods to Alma, whose eyes are sparkling.

“That’s right. It’s known both domestically and internationally as one of our country’s leading resorts.”

Luke had heard the name too.

The Iam region, also known as the southern territory, is located at the southernmost tip of the Kingdom of Arrogas.

It faces the South Seas and is known for its scenic beauty.

“There’s a royal resort in the Iam region, and it’s customary to stay there for about a week at this time of year for a vacation. But this year, I have some unavoidable business. . .”

Flora sighs in frustration and looks at the two of them.

“I thought of you two when I was wondering what to do. How about the two of you? We’ll provide you with a royal mansion for accommodation and meals.”

“Is that okay?!”

Alma leans forward.

Her eyes are shining brightly, and her breathing is rough.

“Alma, don’t get so excited. . .”

“Of course.”

Flora nods with a gentle smile at Luke, who is trying to calm her down.

“Besides, you two haven’t received your reward for the Behemoth subjugation yet. It’s a good opportunity, so please take a break.”

“If. . . if Flora-san says so. . .”

Luke understood Alma’s feelings.

The Iam region is a famous tourist spot that reigns supreme among the young people of St. Arrogas.

There are not a few sons and daughters of noble families who go there every year without fail.

Alma had sighed with envy more than once or twice while looking at a guidebook of the Iam region.

Flora clapped her hands happily at Luke’s reply.

“I’m glad! I was worried because no one from the royal family could go this year. Please feel free to enjoy yourselves.”










“Ee, ah, mm♪ Ee, ah, mm♪.”

Alma was happily humming to herself as she packed her luggage.

“How nice~ I wish I could go too.”

Sicily snorted in frustration beside her.

“Why does the Chamber of Commerce meeting in St. Arrogas have to be now? And it’s mandatory too.”

“Can’t help it, Sicily. You have to report on the Mercapolis matter. Should I take this one? But Luke might like white more than light blue?”

“Are you. . . perhaps happy that I’m not coming with you?”

Sicily glared at Alma, who was distractedly choosing clothes.

“No, not really~. I’m actually sad that I can’t go with you, Sicily?”

Alma was hastily making excuses, but her eyes were clearly evasive.

“Well, it’s not a big deal but. . .”

Sicily sighed and pulled a swimsuit out of Alma’s trunk.

“This swimsuit is way too lame. Even kids wouldn’t wear this nowadays. I’ve chosen one for you, take that one.”

“Ah! There’s no way I can wear that! It’s practically strings! Strings! If I wear that, Luke will hate me!”

“Seriously. . . Are you still saying that? You’ve already shown Luke what’s in those strings. Why are you getting shy now?”

“That’s. . . that’s not the point! I don’t want anyone but Luke to see!”

“Then why are you going to Iam? You’re not planning to go to the beach dressed like a nun, are you? That’ll definitely turn him off.”

“Uh. . . well, that’s. . .”

“Listen, Alma.”

Sicily put her hand on Alma’s shoulder.

“You guys are going to Iam, the lovers’ sanctuary, right? Iam trips have led to more engagements and marriages than the street stalls of St. Arrogas. If you don’t make a move now, then when will you?”

“That’s. . . true. . . maybe. . . but. . .”

“In Iam, everyone becomes more open-minded. That includes that stiff Luke. Show him a new side of you and grab his heart!”

“M, Maybe. . .”

“Yes! Your huge, tanned chest under the Iam sun will be irresistible!”

“I give up.”

“Why~ It’ll be fun~”

“You’re just enjoying this, aren’t you!”

The commotion between the two seemed to have no end.






“I wonder if this is okay.”

Meanwhile, Luke had also finished packing.

Unlike Alma, he had a simple travel preparation, packing only the bare minimum of clothes and living supplies into a small trunk.

“I never thought I’d go to Iam in this way.”

Luke muttered to himself as he lay on the bed, recalling Flora’s words in his mind.

After that, only Luke was called back.

“I have a special request for you.”

When they were alone, Flora began to speak.

“The Iam region, the southern territories, is our country’s resort, but at the same time, it is a politically sensitive place. So, I want you to tell me what you see and hear there.”


“Yes, because it’s you.”

Flora said with a smile.

“There are places that we, the royal family, cannot reach. I think you can reach those places. And you can make accurate judgments.”

“. . .Understood.”

After some hesitation, Luke nodded.

Flora had supported him in many ways until now.

There was no better time to repay that favor.

At Luke’s answer, a flower-like smile bloomed on Flora’s face.

“I’m glad. I thought you would agree. Please keep this a secret. Please explain to Alma-san when the time comes.”

“Iam. . .”

Luke muttered again on the bed.

If Flora goes so far as to ask, something unusual must be happening.

“What on earth is happening?”

Advanced Chapters

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