
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 127

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠


The words that came out of Clavi’s mouth were incredibly foolish.

(What is this woman saying? This man and woman are nobles??)

“T, These people are nobles from the Kingdom of Arrogas? Is, is that true?”

The chairman also has a face that can’t believe it.

“Yes, this gentleman here is Luke Surberry, the Count of Narejji from our neighboring and allied country, the Kingdom of Arrogas. And this young lady here is Alma Bastille, the daughter of the powerful noble, the Margrave of Rampart, also from the Kingdom of Arrogas.”

The venue was as quiet as if it had been hit by water.

Everyone is staring at Miranda, Luke, and Alma.

“Is, is that really true?”

“Of course. We also have a copy of the adventurer’s guild registration brought from the Kingdom of Arrogas here.”

Miranda took out a bundle of parchment from her bosom and handed it to the chairman.

The chairman’s face turned pale as he read the parchment.

In the end, his whole body began to tremble.

“Is, is this. . . is this really real. . .?”

For the trading city-state of Mercapolis, the neighboring Kingdom of Arrogas is the most important ally and the largest trading partner.

The nobles there are more important than any other person in the country.

“So this was Miranda’s trump card.”

“Sorry for keeping quiet.”

Alma smiles at Luke, who is laughing bitterly.

When Miranda herself read the report from the subordinate she had sent to the Kingdom of Arrogas to investigate the two, she was so surprised that she fell off her chair.

At first, she suspected that they were hiding their identity, but their straightforward approach to Miranda gradually dispelled such doubts.

“But I’m sorry to use your position like this.”

“It’s fine. If Miranda hadn’t said it, I would have.”

“That’s right, it’s a stiff position, so you have to use it at times like this.”

Luke and Alma smile at Miranda, who is bowing her head.

“Luke-sama and Alma-sama. . . is what Lord Miranda saying true?”

“Yes, we didn’t mean to hide it. . .”

Luke and Alma nod.

A roar like an earthquake filled the venue.

Clavi looked up at the sky with a face like a dead man, and Runker and Leslie were slumped down.

It was the moment when the male and female were completely decided.

“Clavi-dono, I’m sorry, but could you come with us?”

Before he knew it, several security guards had surrounded Clavi.

“W, What are you guys!”

“We are from the Mercapolis Central Security Force. There is an arrest warrant out for you.”


Clavi stood up, but was immediately restrained.

“Lord Clavi!”

Runker and the others who were panicking were also surrounded by security guards.

“There are also arrest warrants out for the three of you. Please follow the instructions quietly.”

“Don’t mess with me! Why do I have to endure such treatment!”

“Please listen to me! If you listen, you should understand!”

“This is an unfair arrest! That thing can’t be evidence! We were just deceived!”

“Hey! Don’t touch weird places!”

Clavi and the three 《Blue Sky Hawk》 were taken away without waiting for the end of the council.

“What’s going on?”

This arrest drama was also unexpected for Luke.

There was no doubt that the four of them would be judged by the law, but the movement was too fast.

“Finally, we were able to catch their tails.”

A middle-aged man with a chin beard came there.

“Thank you for your hard work!”

Miranda salutes the man.

“Let me introduce you, this is Matius Bergman, the director of the Mercapolis Central Security Bureau, in other words, the person at the top of our security team.”

“Nice to meet you, Luke and Alma, as introduced, I am Matius Bergman, the director of the Mercapolis Central Security Bureau. Please feel free to call me Matius.”

Matius saluted Luke and Alma.

“Um, then the earlier one. . .”

“As you guessed.”

Matius nodded at Luke’s question.

“We, the Security Bureau, have been investigating Clavi and the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 for many years. Thanks to you, we were finally able to arrest them.”

Matius pointed to Miranda.

“Miranda here is also a member of the investigation team. However, it was a complete coincidence that she approached you.”

“Is that so?”

Unlike Alma, who was surprised, Luke was not surprised.

It makes sense that Miranda’s behavior, which was too deviant as a district security team leader.

Miranda bowed to Luke and Alma.

“I’m sorry, because it was an internal investigation, I wasn’t supposed to reveal your identities.”

“No, we didn’t reveal our identity either. Let’s call it even.”

Luke smiled and turned to Matius.

“So, were you originally planning to arrest them here?”

Matius nodded.

“To tell the truth, we also asked Falx for cooperation in the internal investigation of Clavi. The reason why Pit-kun got the ledger was for this reason.”

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