
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 125

𝐀 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞

The venue was enveloped in a deafening uproar.

Voices calling Miranda a fraud, voices criticizing Clavi, voices condemning the council itself, all kinds of shouts mixed together creating a tumultuous noise like a thunderclap.

“Silence! Anyone who does not calm down will be asked to leave!”

The chairman is desperately trying to control the situation.

Several spectators were ordered to leave, and finally, the venue regained its tranquility.

“Chairman! We can’t rely on what that woman says! Only 《Antil》 works for black spot fever! Demand approval now!”

Clavi roars.

“But hasn’t the black spot fever subsided? I saw a large number of patients recovering on my way here.”

“Me too. My servant who had black spot fever was working this morning.”

“If that’s the case, do we need to buy 《Antil》 from Clavi. . .?”

Minority council members who do not belong to Clavi’s faction raise their voices in doubt, albeit modestly.

“Grrr. . .”

Clavi had no choice but to listen in silence.

The chairman on the podium continues his speech, wiping his sweat.

“Um, about the purchase of the black spot fever medicine with public funds. . . we would like to put it on hold until we understand the details. Is that okay?”

A round of applause arises.

Clavi was silent, his face flushed red.

“Now, let’s end this topic and move on to the next one. Lord Clavi.”

At the chairman’s words, Clavi stood up.

He was trying to stay calm, but his face was beyond red and turning dark red.

“As you all may know, I, Clavi Selfis, have been presumptuously entrusted with the important role of Director of the Waterworks.”

Clavi cut to the chase without much preamble.

“The job of the waterworks is very difficult. After all, we are entrusted with the lifeline of the nation. Especially the management of drinking water, we are always on edge day and night to provide drinking water to the people. This is a very difficult job, and even a small matter can affect its quality.”

Clavi glared at Luke and the others and pointed at them.

“There are those who barged into such a place without any declaration! Those are Miranda Coles and Luke, Alma. These guys took advantage of the state of emergency declared due to black spot fever and unjustly used their positions to interfere with the operations of the waterworks!”

“What a ridiculous thing to say!”

Miranda retorted.

But Clavi’s verbosity did not stop.

“They even invaded the water source, the Quiet Water Cave! Despite the fact that the waterworks has banned all entry as a sanctuary! Our country’s water source was exposed to their malice, and the drinking water was contaminated to the point of being irreparable. This is a serious act of treason against our state. I have called witnesses who witnessed their actions.”

Clavi said that and waved his arm towards the 《Blue Sky Hawk》.

“These are the heroes of our city, the 《Blue Sky Hawk》. They witnessed all their misdeeds with me. Runker Berneck, can you testify to what you saw?”


Runker, prompted by Clavi, suddenly slammed his fist on the table.

“If only. . . If only I had more power. . .!”

He cried out, shedding tears.

“They. . . They planned to destroy the ancient water gate that protects our water source. We managed to prevent it, but the water source was contaminated, and we were seriously injured. She probably thought we were dead, and that’s why she came out here, not knowing we were alive.”

“How could they!”

Miranda couldn’t help but shout.

“How dare they do such a cowardly thing!”

“Calm down. Losing yourself in anger is just what they want. Alma, don’t crush the desk!”

Luke hurriedly restrained the about-to-rage Miranda and Alma.

The venue was once again in an uproar.

“Really, they’ve thought of such a bold thing.”

Luke was amazed and impressed at the same time.

Clavi and the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 were trying to pin all their crimes on Luke and his friends, taking advantage of the fact that there were no other witnesses.

They even tried to blame them for the deterioration of the drinking water and the destruction of the ancient water gate.

They would surely argue that the sword wounds on the ancient water gate were inflicted during the dispute.

“As expected of a merchant, they’re thorough in such matters.”

“Luke, is this the time to be impressed? We’re criminals at this rate!”

“Well, let’s just watch how things unfold for now.”

Luke answered calmly to the worried Alma.

“Miranda Coles, do you have any rebuttal?”

“Of course I do!”

At the chairman’s words, Miranda stood up with enough force to kick the chair away.

“Everything they say is a lie! The ones who destroyed the ancient water gate were the 《Blue Sky Hawk》, and the one who ordered it was none other than Clavi.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Are you trying to pin your crimes on the heroes of the city!”

“You traitors!”

The gallery erupted all at once.

It took 20 minutes for the venue, which was about to riot, to quiet down again.

“Do you have any evidence?”

Clavi, with a smirk on his face, looked at us at the chairman’s weary voice.

He must be convinced that he can talk his way out of anything as long as we don’t have any solid evidence.

“I’ll testify.”

Suddenly, a voice came from the entrance of the venue.

“Fa, Falx Condor?”

Clavi, who turned around, opened his mouth wide.

The one standing there was Falx.

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