
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 124


“Luke, Alma, would you mind coming with me?”

Miranda came to Luke with a serious look on her face in the afternoon.

“The Mercapolis Council is about to convene, and I have been summoned. And Luke and Alma, you are also being called.”


Luke and Alma looked at each other.

“Yes, it seems that there will also be an inquiry into our inspection of the waterworks and our intrusion into the Quiet Water Cave. It’s undoubtedly Clavi’s doing. He’s probably trying to get back at me for not going along with him.”

Miranda sighed.

“He should just hold a grudge against me, but he’s trying to get Luke involved as well. He’s a despicable guy.”

“I don’t think that’s the case. That man probably holds a grudge against me too.”

As far as Clavi is concerned, both Luke and Miranda are in the way.

If it becomes known that the 《Blue Sky Hawk》, who destroyed the ancient water gate, is behind Clavi, he won’t get off easily, even if he is a council member.

They were probably summoned to nail that point home.

He’s probably planning a preemptive strike before we take action.

“What will you do? You two are not citizens of our country, so you are not obliged to attend. If you want, you can excuse yourself due to poor health.”

“. . .No, if we do that, we won’t know what the other party is up to, and there’s a risk of letting them do as they please. I’ll attend too.”

“Of course, I will too!”

Alma nodded.

“I see. . . That’s a relief. It’s reassuring to have you two with me. Don’t worry, no harm will come to you.”

Miranda said with a grin.

“I have a trick up my sleeve too.”

Luke returned the smile.

“What a coincidence. I have a secret plan too.”

“I thought you would say that!”

Miranda laughed cheerfully and turned on her heel.

“Let’s go right away. Let’s give that scoundrel a taste of his own medicine!”

The council is held in a bowl-shaped conference room with an audience area on the outside.

Even before the start, it was so crowded that there were standing spectators.

Sicily and Natalia are also watching from the audience seats.

Several dozen council members, including Clavi, are already seated.

He’s leaning back and grinning at them, as if he’s already sure of his victory.

The three members of the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 are standing behind him.

All three of them have bandages wrapped around their heads.

“Those guys, they definitely seem to be plotting something.”

Miranda muttered with a frown.





“Then, the 9th Merikapolis Council will be held from now on.”

The chairman made a declaration and the council began.

“The first agenda is about measures against the plague, black spot fever, which is currently plaguing our country.”

Boos arise from the audience.

“Isn’t it all because of those beastkin!”

“Drive them out of the city, 100km around the state!”

“Quiet! Remarks from the viewing seats are prohibited! Those who do not comply will be expelled!”

The chairman desperately tries to calm the audience, but it doesn’t seem to settle down easily.

“It seems that Clavi has gathered people. He’s a man who leaves no stone unturned.”

Miranda whispered to Luke.

It finally quieted down after about five minutes.

“Well, about black spot fever, there is a proposal to purchase the only specific medicine, 《Antil》, with public funds for treatment. This will be purchased from the Selfis Chamber of Commerce, which has the exclusive sales rights for 《Antil》. Is there any objection to this?”

No one raises their hand.

As for Clavi, he doesn’t even try to hide his blatant smile.

“Well, then this is approved. . .”


The one who raised her hand was Miranda.

The chairman looks at Miranda with a puzzled face.

“. . .You don’t seem to be a council member?”

“I am Miranda Coles, the captain of the Mercapolis Security Team’s West District Squad. May I have permission to speak?”

“That woman is just a security guard! Shut him up quickly!”

Clavi shouted.

But Miranda is unfazed.

“I was summoned to this council as the head of the black spot fever countermeasure team. I have something to say from that position.”

“. . .I will allow you to speak.”

“Thank you.”

Miranda stands up, bows, and steps forward to the podium.

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. The black spot fever that has been raging in our country has already subsided, and I would like to report this to the council members as the head of the countermeasure team.”


Clavi’s eyes bulged.

The council hall is also in an uproar.

“Is that true? Until yesterday, it was said that the infection would continue for the next half year, or even a year.”

“It was said that half of the population would be infected, but it’s already cured?”

“That’s nonsense!”

“Quiet! Quiet!”

The chairman turned to Miranda.

“Is what you just said true? I can’t believe it all of a sudden. . .”

“It’s true. The report should have been delivered to the Medical Bureau as well.”

The face of the white-haired old man in the council member’s seat changed at Miranda’s words.

“Director of the Medical Bureau, is what Ms. Coles just said true?”

“Uh. . . ah, yes, yes, indeed it is.”

The white-haired old man rummages through a bundle of parchment in his bag and mumbles a reply.

“It seems that the report arrived this morning. I overlooked it because I was busy preparing for the council.”

This remark caused the venue to be swept up in a wave of excitement again.

“What? Is it really cured?”

“It’s definitely nonsense!”

“But would they say such a thing in an official place? It would be found out immediately if they checked.”

“If that’s the case. . . is it true?”

“That means. . . we don’t need the medicine anymore. . .?”



The gazes in the venue were focused on the chairman and Clavi.

Clavi glared at Miranda with a face like he had bitten into a bitter bug.

The chairman, wiping sweat from his brow, strained to find the words.

“Eh, well, in other words, it means that the black spot fever has already been contained. . .”

“This means 《Antil》 is no longer necessary.”

Miranda concluded with a composed expression.

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