
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 123

𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭


“Yeah, I’m bringing it there.”

Natalia pointed outside the room to a surprised Luke.

There were two large cloth bags placed in the hallway.

“The city folks are suffering from black spot fever, so the village chief gave me this to help out in some small way. Everyone in the village said it was too dangerous to come to city, so I brought it.”

Natalia patted the bag.

“How about it? Does this seem useful?”

“It’s not just useful!”

Luke took Natalia’s hand.

“With this amount, we should be able to make enough medicine to cure everyone in city! Thank you so much!”

“Let me thank you too.”

Miranda stepped forward and extended her right hand.

“I am Miranda Coles, the captain of the West District Security Team and also the head of this countermeasure team. We, the countermeasure team, would like to buy all the medicinal herbs you brought.”

“I am Natalia Nightley, a friend and business partner of Luke and Alma over there. Well then, let’s consider the contract established. As for the payment. . .”

Natalia returned Miranda’s handshake with a grin.

“This time, it’s okay, because it’s a crisis in Mercapolis. Besides, this is not something I bought with money.”

“Are you sure? It would help us. . . You could at least charge a handling fee, you know?”

“It’s okay.”

Natalia waved her hand dismissively.

“Losing to gain is a merchant’s golden rule. Besides, if I can leave a good impression on the city folks and you, the captain of the guard, it will lead to future benefits. You could say this is like an advance investment.”

“I see. . . Then we’ll gratefully use it.”

Miranda nodded and turned back to Luke.

“Let’s make the medicine right away. Luke, I’m sorry, but could you help me?”

“Of course! Let’s start by figuring out the optimal ratio.”

Luke rolled up his sleeves and headed towards the bag.

Luke and the others spent the entire night making medicine and treating patients.

First, they found that mixing Chilin leaves and Lelib tea in a 2:8 ratio had the most medicinal effect, and then they just kept brewing and giving it to the patients.

Thanks to their efforts, by the time morning came, they were able to administer the medicine to all the seriously ill patients.

The effect of the medicine was tremendous, showing signs of recovery as early as an hour after drinking, and by dawn, some patients were even able to move around.

“It looks like we’re going to make it.”

Luke’s voice, though smiling, was clearly tired.

“Yes, we’ve passed on the method to the hospital staff and the priests, so we can leave the rest to them.”

Miranda returned the smile.

Alma, Natalia, and Sicily were sleeping, wrapped in blankets, in the corner of the room.

The morning sun shining through the window illuminated Miranda’s face.

“Luke, I really appreciate you. If it weren’t for you guys, this city would probably be hell by now. I can’t thank you enough.”

“Please thank the people of Crete Village. They saved the city. Because the beastkin there have faithfully inherited what master taught them 1000 years ago, we were able to prevent this disaster.”


“That’s right, indeed. I will eventually go to Crete Village and formally express my gratitude. There are many in the city who hate the beastkin, but this might change their impression. No, I will change it. I have to do that much to repay their kindness.”

Miranda nods.

“But Luke, your master, the demon Iris, is something else. She defeated that monster and even told us the cure for black spot fever. She seems quite different from the demon Iris we’ve been taught about.”

“That’s right!”

Luke excitedly approaches Miranda.

“She’s called the nemesis of the human race among humans, but master I know is totally different! She’s definitely too free-spirited and her magical power is so amazing that it causes a lot of damage when she goes berserk, but she’s actually kind and considerate. . .”

“Wait, wait, you’re too close.”

Miranda hurriedly pushes Luke’s shoulder.

Her cheeks seem to be slightly flushed.

“S, Sorry, I got a little heated.”

“No, it’s fine. You respect her so much, you must admire her a lot.”

Luke nods vigorously, clearing his throat.

“Yes, I’m here now thanks to her. She’s irreplaceable to me. I’ll do anything for them.”

Luke’s gaze falls on Alma, who is sleeping soundly.

Miranda, who had been watching Luke in amazement, suddenly burst out laughing.

“Really! I’m a little jealous to hear you say that!”

She laughs and pats Luke’s shoulder.

“But I’m interested in this Iris you speak so highly of. I’d like to meet her someday. I want to see and judge for myself, not just hear about it.”

“Yes, I’d love to introduce you. Although it’s still a long way off.”

Luke scratches his head and smiles wryly.

Miranda smiles gently at Luke.

“But you’ll definitely accomplish it, won’t you?”

“Of course.”

Luke nods firmly.

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