
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 112

𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭

“So it’s really like that. . .”

Luke let out a big sigh.

I didn’t expect to hear Clavi’s name in a place like this.

“What, you knew?”

“No, it’s not that I knew, I just have a bit of a connection with that person.”

“Is that so? Well, now that I know, I can’t ignore it. Let’s inspect the water purification plant first.”

Miranda pulled the reins and directed the running dragon in a different direction.

“Is it okay to do something like that?”

“Don’t worry! If we say we’re investigating the cause of the black spot fever, anything will do. We’re not lying.”

Miranda grinned and started running.

Luke and the others hurriedly followed.

The Mercapolis water purification plant is built a little downhill from the water source.

As a national key facility, there are always guards at the entrance.

“Who are you guys!”

“I’m Miranda Coles, the captain of the Mercapolis Security Team’s West District Squad. We’re conducting inspections of possible locations due to the possibility of black spot fever being a terrorist act by beastkin. The water purification plant is included in that, so let us in.”

“But. . . we’ve been strictly ordered not to let anyone in. . .”

Perhaps frustrated by the guards who still wouldn’t move, Miranda stepped forward.

Her hand was already on the hilt of her sword.

“That’s under normal circumstances. We’re currently under a state of emergency. In that case, we, the security team, have the same rights as the direct control of the council. In other words, we don’t need the permission of the waterworks bureau. If you understand, please move aside. If you refuse, we’ll have to enforce it.”

“If. . . if you say so. . . but I will report this to my superiors.”

“Do as you like.”

Luke and the others entered the water purification plant, passing by the guards who reluctantly made way.

“W, What are you guys?”

“I’m Miranda Coles, the captain of the Mercapolis Security Team’s West District Squad! We’re going to inspect this place based on the emergency law. Let’s get a guide right away.”

Miranda, pulling a surprised staff member, proceeded into the water purification facility.

“. . .This is terrible.”

Luke, who had come to the reservoir, frowned.

The reservoir, which handles all the drinking water for Mercapolis, a city with a population of over 200,000, was as desolate as if it had been left untouched for 100 years.

The surroundings were overgrown with grass, and a deer was drinking water with its front legs in the pond.

There was no sign of the mage who was supposed to be doing the purification magic.

“We. . . we were drinking this water?”

Alma muttered with a pale face.

“Natalia said that simple purification magic stones were selling well, but this is what she meant.”

“What is this!”

Miranda shouted in anger at the terrible sight.

“What are you guys doing! Do you think it’s okay to leave it like this. . . like this!”

She seemed to be at a loss for words in her anger.

“But. . . but we’re meeting the standards.”

“Then drink this water right now!”


“That. . . that is. . .”

The staff member grimaces.

“Listen, anyone can see that this situation is abnormal. This is no longer a matter of negligence, it’s an act of rebellion against the Mercapolis. I want a satisfactory explanation.”

“We. . . we want to do something about it too! But. . . we couldn’t do anything!”

The trembling staff member eventually fell to his knees as if he had run out of strength.

“Since Clavi-sama took over the waterworks, the budget has been drastically cut. As a result, we are even short of mages, and despite our repeated appeals, we are not being heard.”

“Damn, that man. . ., despite being a council member, does he intend to prey on this city?”

Miranda grits her teeth.

“Miranda-san, let’s leave this topic for now. The resolution of the black spot fever is more important now.”

Luke begins to chant with his hand over the reservoir.

The pond glows red like a starry sky.

“W, What is this?”

“This is the magic element mixed in the water. Luke. . . this man is saying that the magic element in the drinking water may be the cause of the black spot fever.”

“Magic elements?! That’s ridiculous!”

“It’s not surprising, but I believe in him. This man has just cured dozens of patients in front of me. And this man is saying that the cause is in the drinking water here.”

Miranda gets close to the staff member and stares him straight in the eye.

“In any case, it’s a fact that magic elements are mixed in this water. If you don’t believe it, you can have the magicians here test it. But only in front of me.”

“. . .That. . . that is. . .”

“Let me make it clear at this point, whether the cause of the black spot fever is here or not, this situation cannot be overlooked. A full-scale investigation will probably be conducted here soon. If you have any responsibility left as a person in charge of the lifeline of the citizens, reveal everything.”

“. . .I understand. . .”

The staff member nodded as if he had made up his mind.

“I will tell you everything I know.”

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