
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 109

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

“It’s okay now.”

At Luke’s words, those around him, including Alma, let out a sigh of relief. 

Next to him was the figure of Natalia, who was quietly snoring.

The black spot fever is completely cured by the healing magic that Luke applied. 

“I’m glad the healing magic worked. There are diseases that can’t be cured without a specific healing magic.”

“No. . . black spot fever is supposed to be incurable without that specific healing magic. . . Well, if it’s Lord Luke, it’s possible.”

Namil showed a surprised and amazed face. 

The black spot fever, which caused great damage to this region a thousand years ago, is no longer a dangerous disease now that a specific healing magic has been developed. 

“But it’s worrying that it’s spreading in the city. Are there not enough healing mages?”

That was also a concern for Luke. 

Even if you are a healing mages, if there are too many patients, you will not be able to cope. 

Magical power will run out and there is a limit to magic medicine. 

What awaits from there is a plague. 

“I think I’ll go and see how things are. I’m worried about the people in the city too.”

“Yes, but be careful. Black spot fever spreads at a terrifying speed. It may be unnecessary for Lord Luke, but it would be good to have this.”

Namil handed a leather bag to Luke. 

Inside was dried herbs. 

“It’s dried leaves of Chilin. It is said to be effective against black spot fever if you boil and drink it. We beastkin always drink this, so we are told that we do not get black spot fever.”

“Thank you.”

Luke stood up with the bag in his hand. 

Alma and Sicily followed him. 

“Be. . . careful. . .”

Then a voice came from below. 

“Natalia, did you notice?”

Sicily’s words brought a smile to Natalia’s emaciated face. 

“Black spot fever is spreading rapidly in the city. . . There are already over a thousand patients and the treatment centers and churches can’t handle it. . .”

Natalia got up unsteadily. 

“Natalia, don’t overdo it. Just because you’re cured doesn’t mean your strength is back.”

“I’m fine. . . I feel much better. More importantly, Luke, be careful if you go to the city. . .”

Natalia, who had entrusted herself to the bed, continued to speak with a pale face. 

“There’s a voice spreading that it’s the beastkin’s fault that black spot fever has spread. There’s even an opinion that Crete village should be burned down. I was almost attacked because I’m on the side of the beastkin. So. . .”

“What. . .!”

At Natalia’s words, the color drained from Leah’s face. 

“Leah-chan’s brother is safe. Falx-san noticed the danger early and is hiding in a safe place. But he can’t get out of the city, so I’m the only one who came here. But on the way, I developed. . .”

Natalia lay down on the bed as if she had run out of strength. 

“Falx-san and Pit are hiding in an abandoned house at the end of the north street. I think they’ll be fine for a while, but if they’re found now, their lives might be in danger. Please, go and help them.”

“Of course. I’ll definitely save the two of them, so Natalia, please rest here. Namil-san, please take care of Natalia.”



Luke and his companions hastily left Namil’s mansion.

Leah followed them.

“Leah, you stay in the village. It’s too dangerous to go to town now.”

“Please let me go too! I’m worried about Onii-chan! If something happens to Onii-chan. . . I. . .”

Luke, stared at by tearful eyes, couldn’t find a reply.

He understood her fear and anger of possibly never seeing each other again.

“. . .I understand. I’ll protect Leah too. Let’s go help Falx-san and Pit together.”


Leah answered with a beaming smile.

“Luke is always soft-hearted in such situations.”

“But that’s what’s good about Luke.”

Sicily shrugged with a wry smile, and Alma smiled.

In the forest that was beginning to dawn, the running dragon carrying the four of them started running towards Mercapolis.

Mercapolis was enveloped in an eerie atmosphere.

Despite the recent end of the demon beast activity, fear, confusion, anger, and irritation filled every street of the city.


Luke, who passed in front of the church, was at a loss for words at the sight before him.

Patients with black spot disease literally overflowed from the church and spread to the square.

The patients lay on the ground like livestock being auctioned off, gasping in pain.

The church’s priests were running around among the patients, diligently treating them, but it was clear at a glance that they were understaffed.

“It’s terrible. . .”

Alma involuntarily averted her eyes from the gruesome sight.

“Probably there’s not enough healing hands. But why? Mercapolis is a trading city, known for its distribution of magic medicine. . .”

Black spot fever can certainly be treated with a specific healing magic, but it is also possible to alleviate the symptoms with magic medicine and wait for natural healing.

However, the fact that there are so many patients suffering means that there is not enough magic medicine.

Luke couldn’t understand that.

“Luke-san. . .”

Leah tugged at the sleeve of Luke, who was deep in thought.

A worried face peeked out from under the deep hood of her robe.

“Right, first we need to rescue the two. Let’s hurry to the north street.”

Luke turned around as if to shake off his lingering thoughts and ran through the street.

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