
The Magic of “Analysis” Sees Through Everything – Chapter 107

𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝

Balthazar turns to ashes along with the deep blue flames.


Luke sighs and sits down, his eyes fixed on the scene that could be described as somewhat majestic.

“It’s beautiful. . .”


Alma jumps in at that moment.

“I’m so glad! I thought it was definitely impossible!”

“Thanks, Alma. I was able to defeat it because of you.”

“Don’t ever do something like that again! When Luke was about to be eaten, my heart almost stopped!”

“Sorry for worrying you.”

Luke gently strokes Alma’s hair as she buries her face in his chest and sobs.

“Wha, what is this?!”

“Is this. . . a demon beast. . .? It’s incredibly huge.”

With the defeat of Balthazar, the area seal must have disappeared, and before they knew it, the villagers of Poorman had gathered around.

Hikushin approaches with a pale face.

His expression says he’s seen something unbelievable.

“Di, did you guys. . . no, did you guys defeat this?”

“I’m glad we were able to defeat it before we came to Poorman Village.”

“I. . . I can’t believe it.”

“This is a dragon. . . A demon beast that can’t be defeated by anyone but a hero’s party. . . and you two. . .”

“Are these people the real heroes. . .?”

The villagers’ gaze gathers on Luke and Alma.

“Do. . . don’t be fooled. . .!”

Runker’s voice rings out.

He seems to have recovered from his injuries, but he’s still leaning on Gustav’s shoulder for support.

“Th, that man came in the middle of our fight. That dragon was already fatally wounded in our fight. He just stabbed the finishing blow!”

Runker points at Luke with a trembling body and glares at him with angry eyes.

“Wow, you’re really good at this. That must be an act too. I’m impressed beyond disbelief.”

Kick, who had come next to him, sighed in exasperation.

Runker continued to argue passionately.

“Think about it, everyone! Who protected this village! We’ve been risking our lives to protect this village since the demon beast activity started! And it’s not just this year, it’s been years! This village couldn’t have existed without our dedication! This kind of. . .”

“Don’t mess with us!”

But Runker’s argument was drowned out by the villagers’ jeers.

A thin man with bandages all over his body stepped forward in front of Runker.

“W, What have you done for us! Protecting the village is just a pretext!”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Voices of agreement rose from among the villagers.

“You’ve been eating and drinking all along, ignoring the demon beasts!”

“Where were you when the village was attacked!”

Runker was at a loss for words at the villagers’ intensity.

“W, Wait, that’s. . . not true, listen to me. We were in the forest to prevent the demon beasts from coming to the village. . .”

“What are you talking about! You ignored the demon beast heading for the village!”

Another man stepped forward.


“I was patrolling the forest too, so I saw you guys letting the demon beast heading towards the village slip by!”

“Th. . .that is. . .”

“There’s no doubt that these two defeated that dragon! I saw it from start to finish!”

“No, we. . .”

“You guys were trying to run away when you encountered the dragon, weren’t you!”

Runker and his group, unable to withstand the villagers’ scornful looks, cast their eyes down.

Runker had nothing to say in return.

Because everything was true.

For Runker, the village in the forest was just a place to earn money, whether it was a beastkin village or a human village.

He intended to use it appropriately, bring back the fame to the city, and convert it into wealth, like a goose that lays golden eggs.

Of course, he knew that, so he had been treating it without killing or keeping it alive.

He was planning to protect it appropriately this time too, if only Balthazar hadn’t appeared.

Why, how did this happen?

The ground under Runker’s feet crumbled.

Something went wrong somewhere.

He doesn’t know what it is, but he knows what triggered it.

It’s Luke.

This all started when Luke appeared in front of them.

Runker glared at Luke with an upward glance.

His eyes were filled with resentment and hatred, but there was no intention to attack.

He had just witnessed Luke defeating Balthazar.

Even the self-conscious 《Blue Sky Hawk》 knew that it was too reckless.

Under the silent pressure, the four of them had no choice but to leave without saying anything.


Cheers echoed through the forest where the 《Blue Sky Hawk》 had left.

“Amazing! You guys are amazing! I can’t believe you defeated that dragon with just two people!”

“You guys are the saviors of the village!”

“No, these people are the real heroes!”

The villagers who surrounded Luke and Alma reached out their hands one after another.

“Wait, wait a minute. The demon beast activity is not over yet.”

Luke, who was about to be lifted up, hurriedly restrained the villagers.

“The demon beast activity will continue for a few more days. Let’s all hold out until then.”

“That’s right. We can’t let our guard down yet. And there must be other villages that are struggling. We all have to protect this forest from the demon beasts.”

Kick nodded at Luke’s words.

Hikushin looked at Kick in surprise.

“Kick. . .you’ve changed.”

“It’s all thanks to meeting Luke-san.”

“I, Is that so. . .”

Hikushin turned to Luke again.

“Luke-san. . .is that what you said, I really caused you a lot of trouble. I’m sorry, even though it’s too late to apologize. And I’m really grateful for saving everyone in the village.”

Luke smiled at Hikushin, who bowed his head.

“It’s okay. Originally, Kick was the one who said he would help this village. I just helped him. More importantly, I’m glad everyone is safe. Now, let’s go back to the village and prepare for the next attack.”

Advanced Chapters

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