The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 81

๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ: ๐Œ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ’๐ฌ ๐๐ข๐ ๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ

A crimson, intangible armor charged into the smoke-filled battlefield.

A fist extended towards Siwoo without hesitation.

It all happened in the blink of an eye, but Siwoo dodged the fist by turning his head.

At the same time, a defensive spell was cast, releasing a bright yellow flash of lightning towards his opponent.


As the lightning struck the crimson armor, another figure followed up with an attack.

[Kamaitachi: Type 2]

A large weasel with two long sickles appeared and charged towards Siwoo with the speed of the wind.

Its speed was too fast to follow with the eyes.

Crackle. . .BAM! Crackle. . .BAM!

The defensive lightning exploded like firecrackers, shooting towards the enemy’s trajectory, but the weasel flowed like water, effortlessly dodging the ‘defense.’

Finally, the approaching [Kamaitachi] swung its sickles at Siwoo’s ankles.

A fierce attack as swift as a gust of wind.

However, what Kumo had overlooked was Siwoo’s speed.

Siwoo’s quickness, which even Choi Dae-soo had to acknowledge, was not something that [Kamaitachi] could handle.


The moment the sickle, cutting through the air, raised its head to identify its opponent.

Siwoo’s dagger, imbued with magic power, pierced the weasel’s head.

It did not die because it was an existence made of magic power and divine power, but having received a certain amount of damage, the weasel had no choice but to return to the magic item.

“He’s faster than I thought.”

Siwoo said as he sheathed his dagger.

“Yes, master! It’s been a long time!”

Chu Ha-min replied with a joyful bow.

Chu Ha-min, the assault leader of the [White Lion].

Along with Shin Ji-soo, he became Siwoo’s disciple and would come running whenever he had the chance to receive his teachings.

โ€œKumo did a good job bringing you here.โ€

โ€œHeh! I only did what my sister told me to do!โ€

Kumo crossed his arms and pouted.

After he went out with this guy, his sister started calling him ‘husband.’

Moreover, Hayakawa Seigen also seemed to favor this man.

Kumo was displeased by that fact.

‘๐™„, ๐™†๐™ช๐™ข๐™ค, ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ๐™–๐™˜๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™ก๐™š๐™™๐™œ๐™š ๐™๐™ž๐™ข.’

Thinking that his sister was being deceived, he vowed to prove that this man was not capable of protecting his sister.

“The other side is on fire, so shall we also raise the tension a bit?”

Siwoo snapped his fingers.

The 2v3 match turned into a 2v5 match.

The crimson armor moved first.


The moment it took its first step, the ground caved in, and magic power surged.

A flying punch, as it is called, where one jumps high and strikes the opponent, flew towards Siwoo.

However, before the fist could even graze him.


Siwoo twisted his body, spun around, and kicked Chu Ha-min’s body with his foot.


“What good is a slow attack against an opponent who is faster than you?”

While criticizing his disciple, Kumo took out two wooden sticks and snapped them, imbuing them with blood.

From Kumo’s shadow, one or two martens crawled out, and eventually hundreds of badgers charged towards Siwoo.

ใ€๐“๐ก๐ž๐ฒ’๐ซ๐ž ๐œ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ž. ๐ˆ’๐ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ ๐ก๐จ๐ฆ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐š๐ข๐ฌ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ž๐ญ๐ฌ.ใ€‘

“Even one of them is too much for you.”

Siwoo retorted as if telling him to stop talking nonsense and moved towards Hikari.

“I won’t watch anymore.”

[Kagutsuchi: Smoldering Fire]

A crimson flame swelled up and surged towards the opponent as if it were about to erupt.

It was a stable form, clearly different from when it was used before.

Siwoo spread his palm towards the blazing flame.

A huge magic circle spread across the air and soon created a small whirlwind, igniting the fire.

“Thank you.”

And he twisted the magic circuit of the whirlwind magic circle, distorting its direction and speed.

Towards himself.



The horde of badgers chasing after Siwoo were all burned to death on the spot when they were met with a whirlwind combined with fire.

“Ugh, how dare you kill my badgers with my sister’s technique!”

Kumo growled furiously.

But deep down, he couldn’t help but be impressed.

To subdue the opponent’s skill with another person’s skill.

His understanding and proficiency in combat were incomparable to his own.

“Well, all three of you are a mess. You fail.”

Siwoo spoke as if stating the obvious.

“The three of you have no synergy at all. You don’t even think about lending or borrowing each other’s abilities, and you just think about attacking me when you see me.”

At that sharp criticism, Chu Ha-min, Kumo, and Hikari lowered their heads.

“The reason the guys on Seigen’s side are doing relatively well is because Si-joon is trying to fight in coordination.”

“Isn’t it because there are two S-Rank Hunters on that side?”

“Even if you bring twenty S-Rank Hunters, it’s all the same if they don’t try to coordinate.”

Hikari nodded.

She had spent a lot of time with Kumo, but their fights were closer to ‘separate’ fights.

To be honest. . .there had never been a time when they had to go that far.

“And Ha-min, it’s still too obvious that you’re trying to draw aggro and solve it yourself. It’s also the role of a leader to see the enemy’s capabilities and coordinate with teammates.”

“Yes, I understand!”

“Then let’s start over.”

Siwoo moved his foot like lightning and delivered a side kick to Chu Ha-min’s abdomen.


With the sound of armor being crushed, Chu Ha-min was sent flying far away.


Kumo swung his elbow straight at Siwoo’s face.

Even though it was a distance where he was bound to get hit, Siwoo moved half a step, dodged the attack, and placed his palm on Kumo’s body.



With a loud noise like a large tire bursting, Kumo’s body was sent flying away.


Hikari opened her folding fan, chanting, and borrowed divine power once again.

[Kagutsuchi: Twin Pillars of Fire]

Two auras intertwined, crimson.

As if bringing only the heat of the desert, the blazing flames spread their hot power in all directions.

Siwoo watched the technique for a while and then moved his body towards Seigen.

“Ack! Husband, are you running away?!”

Ignoring Hikari’s flustered voice, Siwoo approached right next to Seigen and chuckled.

“Your granddaughter seems to like me more than you, old man.”

“Heh heh. Have you ever seen such a sly fox? How dare you try to use my power recklessly?”

As Seigen slammed his staff on the ground, the black iron sand spread like ink and hung in the air like a curtain.

Following that, the flames embodied in [Twin Pillars of Fire] spread one after another on the curtain, and their techniques clashed in the air.

Thudddโ€”aaaang!! Crackle!!

“Oh, the iron sand is sturdy.”

“. . .It’s a technique I developed to block [Kagutsuchi] when it goes berserk. I don’t need it anymore, though.”

Seigen glanced at Hikari and smiled faintly.

The years of hardship and heartache he had endured for his granddaughter seemed to be etched all over his wrinkled face.

Just then, an ice spear flew in from another angle.

Siwoo immediately cast a spell, drawing a thick and opaque magic circle.

[Song of Iron: Divine Shield]


The three materialized shields blocked the spear’s trajectory, blocking the attack.

As soon as Min Si-joon’s skill ended, Kang Yeo-hwa rushed towards Siwoo’s inside.

“It’s been a long time, master!”

“Let’s see if you’ve gotten rusty.”

Kang Yeo-hwa’s knee headed towards Siwoo’s abdomen.

Perhaps because it was a martial art performed with magic power circulating throughout her entire body, each attack caused a heavy shock.


Siwoo crossed his arms in an X shape and blocked the powerful knee kick.

His forearms tingled.


At that moment, Kang Yeo-hwa grabbed Siwoo by the nape of his neck, did a clinch, and delivered another knee kick.

Kwaaโ€”Ang! Paaaaak! Kwaaaang!!

Even a man with great stamina would not have any ribs left if he were to take several of these blows.

The moment Kang Yeo-hwa’s knee came up again, Siwoo grabbed her leg and delivered a low kick to Kang Yeo-hwa’s remaining leg with his outer leg.


With a dull cracking sound, Kang Yeo-hwa’s body staggered.

Thanks to that, the clinch loosened, and Siwoo immediately grabbed her arm, lifted her up, and slammed her down on the ground.



“Aren’t you going to get up right away?”

Siwoo raised his fist towards her face.


Kang Yeo-hwa, who had narrowly dodged it, gasped for breath and wiped away the dripping sweat.

“You dodged well.”

“Well, that’s because master didn’t intend to hit me in the first place.”

“. . .Hmm.”

Siwoo smiled.

At that moment, something rushed in at an incredible speed and swung a weapon at Siwoo.

[Kamaitachi: Type 2]

Siwoo crushed the sickle coming towards his leg with his left foot and kicked the weasel’s head with his right.


Following that, the crimson armor jumped out and tackled Siwoo like a football player.


As Siwoo fell to the ground, Chu Ha-min tried to stomp on him.


A loud noise echoed as the floor collapsed.

As dust and dirt rose up, obscuring his vision.

Siwoo’s fist accelerated fiercely and struck Chu Ha-min’s face directly.

Chu Ha-min, who flew and rolled for more than ten meters, gathered his magic power again and prepared to resume.

“You’re tough.”

Siwoo praised his disciple’s appearance with pleasure.

Meanwhile, he could see Min Si-joon and Hikari being ruthlessly beaten by Seigen’s defenses.

To land a blow on that old man, it would be better to prepare one proper attack rather than unleash ten futile attacks.

“Old man, the iron sand. . .prepare it like this.”

Seigen raised one corner of his mouth as Siwoo approached and whispered something.

“Heh heh heh. You do a lot of strange things too. I’ll use my strength, but you’ll have to adjust it.”

“Yes, I will.”

At that moment, Kang Yeo-hwa, Chu Ha-min, and Kumo came running in a race.

“I’ll hold them off for a bit, so take your time.”

Siwoo opened his dantian a little more and circulated his magic power throughout his body.

A fierce aura surged through his muscles, and a cool, stinging sensation spread throughout his body.

First, Chu Ha-min’s fist extended towards his abdomen, and Kang Yeo-hwa’s foot followed towards his face.

‘๐™„ ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ’๐™ฉ ๐™™๐™ค๐™™๐™œ๐™š ๐™—๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™.’

He dodged the kick that came towards his face, but he could not dodge the fist that came towards his abdomen and took it.


While Siwoo’s body was pushed back and staggered, Kumo’s fierce attack struck.

Siwoo’s body shook again from the swift attack that took advantage of his small size.

As the attacks of the three began to connect relentlessly, Siwoo could only block or dodge, unable to attempt a counterattack.

In a very short period of time, dozens of exchanges took place, and the initiative completely passed to Team B.


Hikari’s [Kagutsuchi: Smoldering Fire] and Min Si-joon’s [Wind Demon: Gust of Wind] were cast towards Siwoo at the same time.

The flames that devoured the atmosphere and the arrows that crushed the opponent mixed together in one place, showing off a strange magic power.


A strong blow struck towards Siwoo.

They believed that with this power and synergy, they could definitely exceed the set amount of damage.

“I can check the opponent’s damage with my watch.”

Kang Yeo-hwa muttered as if informing the others and checked Siwoo’s damage.

“Master’s damage is currentlyโ€”0 percent??”

The moment she wondered if the machine was broken.

[Smoldering Fire] was completely extinguished, revealing hundreds of pitch-black, needle-shaped shurikens.

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