The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 65

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“Ugh. . .urk!”

Rough discharges that felt as if they were tearing off his skin rather than just causing pain.

Kang Yeo-hwa bit her lip.

The taste of blood filled her mouth.

The battle was so fast-paced that she could barely comprehend it.

As someone who thought she had become quite strong, she couldn’t help but be shocked.

A battle that even a Korean Ranker like her couldn’t keep up with.

“Let’s go all out.”

The words were barely out of his mouth when an overwhelming amount of magic and a piercing aura erupted from the Master and Choi Dae-soo.

Clack, clack, clack!

The ground cracked and the circulation of the atmosphere was distorted as the area began to crumble from the clash of auras.

Choi Dae-soo’s new item disappeared first.

A sonic boom occurred, and then an incredible force hit Siwoo directly.


The explosion came first, followed by the sound.

Before the shockwave, which felt like a bolt of lightning had struck, could subside, Choi Dae-soo’s combo attacks poured forth.

As if the items he had used earlier were nothing but child’s play, the artifacts flashed and fired a barrage of magic attacks that threatened to crush Siwoo’s body like a blender.

Kang Yeo-hwa stared blankly at the sight.

It was clear that if she were to get caught in that gap, she would disappear without a trace like tofu put into a blender.

Just what kind of life had these guys lived to possess such ridiculous strength?

The battles she had seen between the strongest and countless high-rankers she had witnessed until now seemed like child’s play compared to this extraordinary aura.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The terrifying sound of the earth being torn apart reverberated.

The dungeon had long since been reduced to scorched earth and rubble.

Kang Yeo-hwa bit her lip as she watched Siwoo fly dozens of meters away.

This battle seemed to have surpassed human limitations.

“Kukuku. This is fun, so much fun.”

A fierce man who exuded a savage aura without restraint.

Choi Dae-soo laughed, revealing his teeth.

Whether it was one of his artifacts or not, his navy suit was intact, without a single wrinkle.

“I haven’t enjoyed this kind of thing since becoming president. There are too many restrictions. No, maybe there have been a lot of restrictions since the 〈Hunter’s Association〉 and 〈HSIU〉 were created.”

Choi Dae-soo slowly approached Siwoo, twisting his neck as thick as his thigh from side to side.

It was rare to find an opponent he could fight with all his might without holding back.

He had already left everyone in Korea far behind.

He had also widened the gap with Do Kyung-hoo long ago.

If that was the case, he would have to fight against high-rankers from other countries, but these days were not like the old days of the 1st generation when he could just beat and hit people as he pleased.

From chaos to stability, from disorder to order, from lawlessness to law and order.

Therefore, the method of growing one’s aura through personal battles was no longer seen these days.

“To tell you the truth, I haven’t had anything to test my limits against lately. The president can’t just enter Gates as he pleases.”

He was the strongest man in Korea, but ironically, because he was the head of the executive branch, he was in a position where he had to protect himself.

It was as if a fierce beast of the plains had been caged.

“I finally became an SS-Rank, but there was no place to use it. That is, until you came back.”

“Who would dare do that to the president?”

Siwoo, who had been embedded in the ground, rose, dusting off the dirt on his body.

Choi Dae-soo’s eyes lit up at the sight of him, not a single scratch on his body.

“Kukuku. . .hahahaha! As expected of Min Siwoo! To think that there is someone who can take my blow head-on and be fine!”

“Isn’t that a bit of an overreaction? Even the old lady next door would be fine if she got hit by that.”

“Kukuku. It’s been a while since I’ve heard such nonsense. If someone other than you had been hit by that attack just now, at least two or three of their bones would have been broken.”

Two or three bones, huh?

Siwoo’s lips curled up.

He said ‘at least’ because in reality, they would have been seriously injured or even dead.

His monstrous destructive power was enough to reduce everything to nothingness.

However, it was different for Siwoo.

On the contrary, such a simple, power-based attack was the easiest to defend against.

For example, it was like saying that driving slowly in the congested streets of Seoul was easier than driving on an empty highway.

The same was true of the current attack.

The moment the overwhelming destructive force came crashing down, Siwoo quickly rotated his magic shield, deflecting most of the attack.

‘If I can’t even block that much, I should just quit being a Hunter.’

He hadn’t even formed a thick shield.

There were attacks that he had to block unconditionally, but there were also attacks that he had to ride like a wave.

He had to use every single drop of mana efficiently.

“But you’ve gotten a lot weaker than I thought. Or maybe I overestimated the you of the past.”

Choi Dae-soo muttered as he rummaged through his suit’s inner pocket and pulled out a cigarette case.

The tip of the cigarette glowed red, and the aroma of toast and butter wafted gently.

“It’s still fun, but. . .you were sharper back then. You were like a blade that would cut if you just touched it.”

“I’m not interested in being liked by men.”


Choi Dae-soo slowly exhaled the smoke he had inhaled deeply.

To him, this situation was a kind of game.

Like a teenager who had gotten into trouble and was torn between guilt and excitement, Choi Dae-soo was thrilled by every second of this.

“To think that I would find your nagging voice amusing. I guess I’m getting old.”

“Everyone gets old.”

“Yes, everyone gets old. But I wonder why your face looks the same as it did ten years ago.”

“Monster blood is good for anti-aging.”

“. . .Now that you mention it, your nagging voice is starting to get on my nerves.”

Choi Dae-soo flicked the ash and exhaled smoke.

Siwoo, who had been waiting impatiently, asked in an annoyed voice.

“How long are you going to keep that thing in your mouth? Can’t you just get on with it?”

“Kukuku. You’re the only one in Korea who can talk to me like that.”

“As if you’re so great.”

Choi Dae-soo grinned at Siwoo’s honest assessment.

“You’re crazy. Let me ask you one thing before we start again.”

“What is it?”

“Would you ever consider working under me?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Things are different now than they used to be. There’s no need for us to compete or kill each other anymore. And if you join hands with me, you won’t regret it.”

“I refuse.”


“Well, that’s because. . .”

Siwoo replied with an expression that asked if he was being serious.

“I’m stronger than you?”

“I guess that’s the end of the negotiations.”

It wasn’t a question he had expected.

However, if, by some miracle, Min Siwoo were to join his side. . .or at least become an ally, he would have nothing to worry about anymore.

Now that Kang Yeo-hwa’s card had disappeared, every single Ranker was precious.

‘If I could just get my hands on Min Siwoo, I wouldn’t need a whole truckload of other S-Rank Hunters.’

It was a shame, but there was nothing he could do.

If he couldn’t get him on his side, he had no choice but to crush him before he became an enemy.

“So, shall we start round two?”

“Ah, whatever. But be prepared this time. I’m just getting warmed up.”

“Very well.”

Siwoo kicked off the ground and charged forward like a bullet.

Choi Dae-soo used an artifact without hesitation as his opponent closed in on him in an instant.


A silver armor made of pure magic enveloped his body.

Siwoo’s fist, filled with destructive power, slammed into Choi Dae-soo’s abdomen.


However, most of the impact was dispersed by the armor’s ability, and Choi Dae-soo’s counterattack began immediately.

“Too bad.”

He summoned three weapons in the blink of an eye.

Choi Dae-soo threw the lance with all his might and charged at Siwoo with a shield and sword in hand.

Clack, clack, clack!

Siwoo clicked his tongue at the lance that was shot like a missile, tearing through the ground.

His instincts told him that this was a weapon he couldn’t dodge.

Siwoo concentrated magic in both hands.

Then, he narrowly dodged the tip of the spear that was flying towards his heart and grabbed the shaft.

It felt like his palms were on fire.

Needless to say, the speed was incredible since it had been thrown by Choi Dae-soo’s monstrous strength.

“You’re quick!”

The silver armor that appeared right after swung a long sword.


Siwoo raised the spear he had caught and blocked the blow.

It was a simple swing, but it caused a dull pain from his wrist to his back.

If he hadn’t deflected the point of impact, his spine would have been crushed.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The deafening sound of metal clashing continued as they exchanged dozens of blows.

Since it was a one-sided attack and a one-sided defense, the situation between the two of them didn’t change easily.

The blade of the sword dug into Siwoo like a dragon’s teeth, and Siwoo, who was simply defending himself, seemed desperate to block it.

“Kukuku! Let me just take one of your arms!”

Choi Dae-soo intensified his attack.

His hands moved so quickly that the sword strikes became almost invisible as they closed in on his opponent.

Siwoo gritted his teeth and blocked the attacks.

It wasn’t just a simple sword, and every time he deflected it with the spear, an aftershock came crashing down on him, as if his insides were being shaken and his muscles were being torn apart.

However, the attacks were too fast for him to retreat.

Choi Dae-soo realized his opponent’s limitations.

No matter how calm and collected he appeared, there was no way to hide the fact that his stamina was being depleted.

“Kukhahahaha! The end of our bitter relationship is here!!”

He wouldn’t kill him.

However, he would take one of his limbs and make sure he would never be able to crawl for the rest of his life.

Choi Dae-soo raised his sword with a flourish.

Surging magic gathered at the tip of the blade.

This attack wouldn’t be stopped even with the spear he was holding.

Finally, the sword drew an arc in the sky.

At that moment, something flew up from under Siwoo’s feet, flashing.

Choi Dae-soo hurriedly twisted his neck.


What flew past his head was,

‘The javelin I summoned?!’

He had kicked the weapon he had left out with his foot.

That brief moment of hesitation broke the rhythm of his attack and shook the balance of the situation.

“Tsk! Damn it.”

Before Choi Dae-soo could even retrieve his sword, Siwoo’s counterattack began.

[Thunderclap: Giant’s Javelin]

The flashy incantation emitted a bright yellow light and manifested a single spear that seemed to be burning.

Crackle, crackle!

The spear shot out like a flash of lightning, accompanied by a deafening roar that tore through the atmosphere.

Choi Dae-soo used an artifact to summon a shield.



Choi Dae-soo’s body flew backward with a tremendous explosion.

If he had blocked it even 0.1 seconds later, the spear would have pierced through his armor.

‘I popped the champagne too early.’

It was his own fault for not taking into account that his opponent was Min Siwoo.

Choi Dae-soo quickly got up and regained his balance.

He had to block his opponent’s attack and start his counterattack again.


Min Siwoo’s attacks were too fast and heavy to block.

[Asura: Black Armor Bloodthirsty Frenzy]

The opponent’s fist, clad in black armor, fell like a thunderbolt.


Choi Dae-soo gritted his teeth.

Blood flowed from his gums.

Siwoo’s combo attacks continued.

Each time, a huge shockwave hit him, as if his ears were ringing and his internal organs were vibrating.

At one point, his balance collapsed.

As Choi Dae-soo’s body tilted, Siwoo’s downward strike tore through the atmosphere.

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