The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 63.2

Inoue showed a tenacity as fierce as a flame.

But despite his determination and ferocity that would horrify even a ghost, Kumo and the beautiful girl didn’t bat an eye.

“My [Kagutsuchi] cannot be turned off without an order.”

“Grrrrrr. . . So what, you b*tch!”

“You trash, daring to talk to sister like that. . . .”

Kumo gritted his teeth, took out a talisman, approached Inoue, and tore it up after smearing it with his blood.

“Oh my. Our Kumo is very angry.”

“I won’t forgive anyone who insults sister, not even ‘grandpa’!”

Inoue was on the verge of losing consciousness because of his burning legs and severed wrist.

However. . . .


He felt his mind clear as hundreds of jackals, each the size of a human forearm, approached him.

“Eeeeaaaak!! W-What is this!!”

The jackals began to devour Inoue’s body.

Even in that excruciating pain, he couldn’t pass out or die.

This was because the ‘drug’ he had taken had strengthened his magical power and physical abilities.

In a moment filled only with endless pain and screams, the beautiful girl approached him quietly and opened her mouth.

“Hello, I’m Hayakawa Hikari, the head of the Investigation Division 1 of the <HSIU Tokyo Branch>. I’m looking for information on the awakening drug.”

Inoue looked at her with glazed eyes.

He could see her clearly, even as jackals crawled over his eyelids.

“If you give me the information, I’ll give you a nice death.”

Her smile, radiant with sunshine.



“Sister! I’ve contacted headquarters! The clean-up crew will be here soon.”

“Well done, Kumo. Let’s head back.”

Kumo opened the paper umbrella and covered Hayakawa with it.

Although it only blocked the moonlight, her beauty shone regardless of the moonlight.

“But sister. I didn’t hear you clearly, what did you call the drug?”

Inoue had whispered something to Hayakawa as he was dying.

Kumo was far behind, and he couldn’t hear properly because of the screams of people whose limbs were being cut off here and there.

“It seems we’ll have to go on a business trip abroad.”

Hayakawa gazed at the moon beyond the bright red paper umbrella and uttered unintelligible words.

“Abroad. . . where?”

Kumo asked with a puzzled face.

Until now, she had never gone on a business trip despite being the head of the HSIU Investigation Division.

She was quite an old-fashioned person who didn’t like to go outside very much.

Hayakawa smiled sweetly, showing her neat teeth, and whispered as if she were singing.




At that moment, an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Gyeonggi Province.

It was a place that had been banned from entry because it had stopped activating and no monsters or magic stones appeared.

In that place, surrounded by empty fields and mountains, a single luxury sedan quietly came to a stop.


The person in the passenger seat got out quickly and carefully opened the back seat door.


As if he had been trapped in a narrow space, the man who got out of the back seat stretched his large body.

“Shall we follow them?”

“No. Stay in the car and wait five minutes away, as it’s annoying.”

“Yes, Your Excellency!”

The man who gave the order, Choi Dae-soo, loosened his tie and headed towards the furry entrance of the dungeon.

A pitch-black darkness darker than night blocked his vision.


He flicked his fingers lightly and created a mana orb that emitted light.

Choi Dae-soo looked around as his vision cleared, and soon sensed the presence of another person.

“You don’t even hide.”

He chuckled and walked deeper inside.

It was the center of the first floor of the dungeon, where the ceiling was broken and the outside was clearly visible.

“What did you call me here for at this hour? If you called me because you were lonely at night, I’m flattered.”

“Why don’t you shut your disgusting mouth?”

Kang Yeo-hwa, who was standing across the stone table, glared at him.

“Kukukuk. You must be hooking up with a lot of men with your pretty face, but how about you find another guy to cling to besides Min Siwoo?”

“Shut up. . . I’m warning you.”

Kang Yeo-hwa showed her murderous intent, as if she wasn’t joking.

“Alright, alright. Judging by the fact that you called me here, it seems you’ve come to find the artifact. Am I right?”

The reason Choi Dae-soo had pushed her through the gate.

It was because of the unidentified artifact.

She spread out the object she had been holding in her hand.

A silver bracelet on her palm.

The artifact bracelet, studded with jewels, exuded a strange mana and asserted its presence.

“Yes. . . It’s the item I’m looking for.”

Choi Dae-soo reached out for the bracelet as if he were entranced.



Kang Yeo-hwa clenched her fist and took a step back.

“What are you doing? Are you trying to play a joke?”

“You keep your promise first.”

“What promise? Min Siwoo?”

Kang Yeo-hwa nodded at Choi Dae-soo’s muttering.

“I can’t just call him out right away. I need to make some preparations.”

“Then finish your preparations, call master, and then come find me. I’ll give it to you then.”

Choi Dae-soo raised one side of his mouth as if he had heard something unexpected.

“I can’t believe what you’re relying on. There’s a limit to how much I can favor you.”

“I have no intention of being favored by someone like you.”

“Is that so? Then the deal is over. Die.”

Choi Dae-soo opened his dantian, which he had been keeping locked up.

The release of his fighting spirit, which gushed out like the wind, was so powerful that it seemed as if he had no control over it, as if it would destroy the entire dungeon.

Choi Dae-soo’s muscles, which looked like those of a heavyweight fighter just by looking at them, gave off an oppressive aura.

In an instant, it was as if an uncontrollable monster had appeared in the dungeon.

The ground shook slightly and the air grew cold enough to make one shiver.


Choi Dae-soo’s hand reached for her neck, piercing the huge air current.


It was obvious that her life or death would be decided the moment she was caught.

Just then


Out of nowhere, a kick flew out and knocked Choi Dae-soo’s hand backwards.

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