The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 53.2

Siwoo didn’t create factions within the group or form his own organization.

He just didn’t like to be bothered.

Instead, he didn’t stop anyone from coming to him, and he didn’t hold back anyone who wanted to leave.

“Do I have to train you again? I really hate noisy things.”

He spoke slowly.

However, the message contained within was not something to be taken lightly.

Sung Chang-won and Ha Jun-tae shook their heads with ashen faces.

To them, Siwoo was not a tree that they could not climb, but a world tree that had already soared into the sky.

Neither his strength as a Hunter nor his social hierarchy could reach him.

“Well, I’ll do well. . . Boss.”

“I’ll be loyal too.”

As an A+ Hunter, had they ever felt such a great sense of powerlessness?

“Yeah, get along well.”

Siwoo ruffled Ji Yu-ri’s frozen hair and entered Hwang Jeong-gu’s office.

Hwang Jeong-gu and Sung Chang-won followed suit, and Siwoo sat down naturally at the head of the table.

“Any new cases?”

“Yes, I’ve summarized them here.”

Hwang Jeong-gu naturally handed over a file folder.

Siwoo flipped through the files one by one, reviewing the cases.

As a promising member of HSIU, he would investigate crimes. . . No.

He just wanted to take on missions that seemed dangerous or difficult by instinct.

“I’ll take this one, this one, and . . . this one?”

“You don’t have to do it all, senior. Sung Chang-won and Ha Jun-tae are back now, and I’ll be deployed to the field as well.”

“Oh? Then you and Chang-won and Jun-tae go here, and I’ll go here with Ji Yu-ri.”

Siwoo pulled out two documents and handed one to Hwang Jeong-gu.

“Ji, Ji Yu-ri is going with boss?”

Sung Chang-won looked at Hwang Jeong-gu with a frightened face.

He didn’t have the confidence to look Siwoo in the eye.

“Why? You want to lend me your subordinate?”

“No! I’ll give my life to help!”

“Why give your life? Even if you think you’re going to die, you have to survive.”

Siwoo patted Sung Chang-won’s tense head.

“Senior, is there any particular reason why you chose that case?”

“Well. There’s no particular reason. You guys are three men, so you do the hard stuff, and I have to go with a woman, so I picked an easy place. What? Are you bitter?”

“. . . . . .Of course not.”

If the three of them joined forces, they would be much stronger than the senior.

In any case, Siwoo’s personnel assignments were always right.

Putting the right Hunter in the right place was not something that anyone could do.

‘π™’π™š π™π™–π™«π™š 𝙩𝙀 𝙙𝙀 π™žπ™© π™§π™žπ™œπ™π™©.’

Hwang Jeong-gu just desperately hoped that nothing would go wrong.



“Boss . . . Why are we here?”

Ji Yu-ri was trembling like an aspen tree.

The entrance to the mountain, as if erased by a black eraser, was filled with darkness.

Like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse without a single chance to fight back, Ji Yu-ri had tears in her eyes.

Siwoo had said only one word to her.

━Get in.

That’s how she got in the car and ended up here without a word.

What could she have done while Sung Chang-won and Ha Jun-tae were chattering away?

Just obey, don’t fight back, don’t complain.

But she thought she had to ask this one thing.

Why on earth had they come to such a place at this hour?

“Hey. It’s so, so scary. . . . Why did you bring a woman here alone in the middle of the night . . .”

Siwoo turned his head and stared at her.

‘𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙀𝙣 π™šπ™–π™§π™©π™ π™žπ™¨ π™¨π™π™š π™–π™›π™§π™–π™žπ™™ 𝙀𝙛?’

Ji Yu-ri was a B+ Hunter.

At that level, she shouldn’t be afraid of anything.

“Ah. . . No, I’m sorry, Boss . . . .”

Siwoo was just curious and looked at her, but the frightened Ji Yu-ri apologized first.

“Watch your step.”

“Yes. . . .”

The occasional sound of a mountain animal and the creepy cold coming from the darkness.



Ji Yu-ri grabbed Siwoo’s waist without thinking.

The creepy atmosphere made the back of her neck damp and distracted her senses.

Siwoo looked at her for a moment and then sighed.

He never thought she would have no resistance to scary things.

Even as a B+ Hunter, she was afraid of such vague fears.

“You. . . .”

“No, wait a minute! I’ll listen to everything you say,  so don’t tell me to let go, Boss!”

Ji Yu-ri said, her face as pale as a sheet.

Her eyes were fierce, as if she would burst into tears at any moment if she is refused.

“. . .I didn’t tell you to let go. I’ll hold your hand, so hold on and follow me.”

“T-Thank you . . . Boss.”

Ji Yu-ri was more than touched by Siwoo’s sudden offer.

Although his words and expressions were blunt, his actions and consideration were more thoughtful than any other Hunter.

When had Sung Chang-won or Ha Jun-tae ever shown such consideration?

Ji Yu-ri gently took Siwoo’s hand.

The warm and soft sensation made her forget the cold air.

“Excuse meγ…‘ Boss. Where are we going?”

“To investigate a case.”

“What kind of case?”

“A ghost sighting.”

Ji Yu-ri stopped in her tracks.

What did he say came out?

“Th. . . Ah. . . Is it a monster that looks like a ghost? For example, a zombie or a Wraith?”

“Well. It says it’s a real ghost. It says physical attacks were ineffective.”

“Then we don’t need to go there if they said attacks don’t work!”

“They’re opponents that physical attacks don’t work on.”

Siwoo smiled at Ji Yu-ri for the first time that day.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

“Ha ha. . . That’s right.”

Ji Yu-ri, who had been dragged along and was walking nervously, realized that Siwoo was not simply heading for the forest, but for a building.

It was a large building in a fairly secluded area, though not deep in the mountains.

“We’re going in here?”

“Yeah. The atmosphere is good.”

An entrance with barbed wire and signs plastered all over it.

Siwoo stood in front of the barbed wire fence wrapped in chains.

γ€ŒNo Entry」 

γ€ŒThose who trespass will be held responsible for their own lives」 


γ€ŒEspecially be careful at night!! Absolutely forbidden!!」 

γ€ŒThe owner does not accept any legal responsibility!」

“Boss. . . Can we please just go back??”

Ji Yu-ri was on the verge of tears.

The warning sign was not even clean.

It was covered in rust and unidentified stains in places.

“We need a key here, but Jeong-gu didn’t bring it.”

“See!! Let’s just go back! Okay?!”

“Excuse me.”

Before Ji Yu-ri could finish her sentence,

Siwoo grabbed the chain and tore it off, opening the barbed wire.

“What are you doing? Come in. Are you going to stay there and guard it?”

“No. . . I’m going . . . .”

Ji Yu-ri followed Siwoo with tears in her eyes, holding his hand.

A huge abandoned hospital appeared before their eyes, looking sinister.

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