
The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 202

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐: 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐞 1

As Kim Hwan’s sword gleamed, Lo-an’s hands moved erratically.

The Ruyi, like natural limbs, effortlessly engaged in combat.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of exchanges occurred, causing the [White Armor] to become so worn as to be nearly useless.

However, Lo-an had not landed many effective hits on his opponent.

Despite being a supporter in the role of a summoner, Kim Hwan had achieved the fifth-highest ranking in the world due to his formidable combat abilities.

Even Lo-an, renowned as the top battle hunter in China, could not easily bridge the gap in skill.

“Lengthen, Ruyi!”

In response to the incantation, the Ruyi Pole surged forward like a bullet.

Several monsters were torn apart and scattered in an instant by the attack.

Despite the attack flying towards him, Kim Hwan’s expression remained calm.

[Realm of the Gods: Punishment of the Yaksha]

A gnarled hand emerged from the crimson magic circle that had formed beneath his feet and seized the oncoming Ruyi Pole.

Lo-an hurriedly tried to pull back the Ruyi Pole, but the enemy’s grip was too strong.

Following that, the owner of the hand emerged from the magic circle.

A hideous demon with horns on its head and red fangs.

It was a Yaksha, one of the Eight Legions of Heavenly Dragons that followed Bishamonten.

Kim Hwan drew the sword that was attached to his waist and pointed it at Lo-an before opening his mouth.

“If my condition and magical power were more complete, I would have summoned not just a Yaksha, but even the Demon King. Consider yourself fortunate.”

“First, return my weapon. Get bigger, Ruyi!”


At that moment, the Ruyi Pole grew to the size of a house and crushed the Yaksha beside it.

The attack likely did not injure or kill the opponent.

It was enough to create a brief opening.


“Yes, yes, I’m coming!”

[Time Traveler: Jester’s Juggling]

Dozens of thin, donut-shaped juggling balls shot towards Kim Hwan.

Individually, they were too thin to be a threat, but if they hit, they could easily slice through a human torso.

However, Kim Hwan did not dodge or raise a shield.


Instead, he infused his sword with demonic energy.

In an instant, a dark aura emerged and enveloped the blade.

“You have some pretty good skills for a German rank 2.”

Kim Hwan deflected all of the incoming [Jester’s Juggling] and then charged directly at Benedict.

Although they were both supporters, an uncrossable chasm existed between Kim Hwan and Benedict.

The difference in skill.

“Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been ignored by an opponent.”

Benedict clenched his jaw and swung his staff with all his might.

Countless [Jester’s Juggling] surged forth in rapid succession from his staff, imbued with his full magical power.

“Let me show you the difference in our skills.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the downed Yaksha rose, lifting the Ruyi Pole.


The Yaksha did not stop there.

It grabbed the Ruyi Pole and swung it, knocking away all of Benedict’s attacks.

“Ugh! Shrink, Ruyi!”

Lo-an hurriedly reduced its size and charged at the Yaksha.

Despite being a 2-on-1 situation, the difference in skill prevented them from gaining an advantage.

That was when it happened.

Someone approached and lunged at the Yaksha before Lo-an could.

“I will not allow any more disturbances.”

An unyielding mace descended vertically.


With a single blow, the Yaksha’s head was crushed like a watermelon.

Namir flicked the blood off her mace and glared at Kim Hwan.

“Half-demon Queen. . . I don’t understand why you are on their side in this chaos. Shouldn’t you be on the side of 〈Pandemonium〉?”

“Why should I?”

“Because you were only able to obtain a half-demon’s body thanks to the grace of the demon race.”

“Crazy. You must have misspoken.”

Her opponent’s words filled her with rage, and she cursed at him.

For her entire life, she had been treated like a pariah, living a lonely existence in the shadows.

Trees without roots are easily uprooted, so the half-demons endured oppression and hardship in order to establish even shallow roots.

But the grace of the demon race?

“If you turn back now, His Excellency Hikatan-nim, and the Demon King of the 2nd Realm, will spare you as his slave. . .”

“You better shut your damn mouth!!”

Namir charged at Kim Hwan, her eyes filled with venom.

Kim Hwan instinctively activated his incantation at the sight of her murderous aura.

[Realm of the Gods: Beastly Form]

Dozens of monsters resembling cows and horses poured out of the magic circle.

They bared their teeth at Namir, who approached with an eerie glint in her eyes.

At that moment, a masked woman stepped in and punched the monsters.


An unimaginable force was unleashed, and several monsters dissipated like smoke.

“How dare you bare your teeth at my sister. . .!”

Crow clenched her fist, her body radiating a fearsome magical power.

The moment she created an opening, Namir kicked off the ground and lunged at Kim Hwan.

“Ugh. . .!”

Kim Hwan quickly slashed his sword diagonally.

Namir narrowly dodged the attack by a hair’s breadth and swung her mace up from the ground.

An attack that should have been effortlessly dodged.

However, Kim Hwan panicked at the sight of the mace flying towards his face and tried to block the attack with his hand.



His hand turned to stone upon contact with the mace and shattered.

Kim Hwan staggered backwards.

[Petrification] The petrified part was so stiff that he could not feel any pain.

However, the sight of part of his body crumbling like dust was a great psychological shock.

“G-Get away from me!”

Kim Hwan swung his sword and issued an ineffective threat.

He was not a damage dealer or a tank who fought directly with his body.

Usually, he would just stay in the back and support his allies with his summoning magic.

Of course, he could fight better than most damage dealers or tanks due to his high skill and physical abilities, but the problem was that Namir was also a person of similar caliber.


Namir’s mace knocked away the sword that Kim Hwan had desperately swung.

Kim Hwan was now unarmed.

His prized summoning magic was also blocked, and even his desperate attempt at close combat was thwarted, causing Kim Hwan’s morale to plummet.

“N-Now, you need to think carefully. If you kill me. . . the organization will not let you go. . .”

Her mace swung like lightning, striking Kim Hwan’s shoulder.


“You were so talkative just a moment ago, but now all you can do is scream.”

“Ugh. . . d-damn it!”

As he watched his shoulder crumble, Kim Hwan shed tears and saliva.

He had not agreed with this plan from the beginning.

However, he had agreed after Giovanni assured him not to worry, saying that he would handle the attacks and that Kim Hwan only needed to disrupt the battlefield with his summoning magic.

He had never dreamed that he would die so meaninglessly.

“How about it? Do you want to turn away from 〈Pandemonium〉 and come over to this side?”

“Ugh. . . what?!”

“Then I will speak to the master and ask him to spare your life.”

Kim Hwan knelt before her with a look of relief.

Whatever happened, the first priority was to survive.

“Do you really mean it? Really?! Okay! I never wanted to join 〈Pandemonium〉 in the first place! J-Just spare my life!”

Namir smiled broadly.

Her mace was raised high in the air.

Kim Hwan’s expression hardened.

“That’s for lying to me.”

“W-Wait a minute!!”



An aura of pure evil emanated from Giovanni’s body.

It was the very essence of evil, completely different from his usual gentle and refined demeanor.

“You have a foul mouth. Your fans would cry if they saw this.”

Giovanni twitched his eyebrows at Siwoo’s provocation.

“Son of a b- no. Yes, you’re right. It’s not something a gentleman should do.”

He took a deep breath and glared at Siwoo.

“However, you are not my fan, so the fact that I will kill you remains unchanged.”

Giovanni’s figure disappeared.

Appearing before Siwoo with the speed of Lightning Flash, he delivered a kick.


Siwoo instinctively raised his arm to block his powerful kick.

His arm went numb and throbbed with pain due to the surge of magical power.

Furthermore, the frightening aspect of Giovanni’s attack was not just its power.

Even a slight graze of his skin could cause one to cough up blood due to his deadly poison.

Siwoo circulated healing magic throughout his body immediately after blocking the attack to neutralize his poison.

“To be unharmed after taking my attack, you’re quite skilled.”

The moment his kick was blocked, he immediately deployed an incantation.

Hundreds of symbols intertwined, creating a violet magic circle, and two swords made of poison were created in Giovanni’s hands.


The blades hissed like snakes and lunged directly at Siwoo.

Siwoo narrowly dodged the swords and infused Balmung with magical power.


A deafening roar echoed through the air.

“Kukuk, that’s quite a fierce attack.”

Giovanni merged the two swords into one.

The pitch-black venom dripped down, transforming into a long spear.

He seemed to be quite skilled in spearmanship as well, as he wielded the poisonous spear with great proficiency and pressured Siwoo.

“You won’t defeat me just by dodging!”

Giovanni’s evil aura combined with his spearmanship, dominating the space around them.

Siwoo bit his lip and deflected the relentless spear thrusts that were like a venomous snake.

If he let his guard down for even a moment, it would lead to defeat.

He waited for the right moment to counterattack.

Attacking recklessly would only be blocked by Giovanni’s powerful poison armor.

In an instant, they had exchanged more than twenty blows.

Siwoo felt his breath quickening.

Normally, this would not have been a difficult battle, but because he was circulating healing magic in real time to counter Giovanni’s poison, his magical power consumption was several times higher than usual.

“From the look on your face, it seems like you’re about to run out of magical power?”

Giovanni chuckled as he observed Siwoo.

He wore an armor made of poisonous venom, and he held a long spear made of poison in his hand.

Wasn’t this the ultimate defense?

He was proud of his tactics.

Of course, they were not as good as the attacks of monsters like Shamal or Choi Dae-soo, but no one had ever been immune to Giovanni’s poison attacks.

“Kukuk, let’s put on a grand finale.”

He slammed his spear into the ground.

At that moment, a huge incantation formed on the ground, centered around the spear.

Thousands of shapes, letters, and symbols intermingled, emitting a black light as if they were burning.

Giovanni took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it into his palm.

“Hahaha! Be happy! This is my ultimate technique that I devised to eliminate Shamal, and I am using it on you!”

His blood dripped into the magic circle.

Demonic energy and blood began to circulate together in the incantation circuit.

Crackle. . . Crackle. . .!!

A pitch-black vortex flashed, and a creature with immense magical power emerged from the magic circle.

“Poison Salamander. My beloved summon.”


A salamander as large as a dump truck roared, its sharp teeth bared.

“Kill him.”

Immediately, the salamander’s massive tail lashed out at Siwoo.

Translator’s Blog


Advanced Chapters




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CH322 – The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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