The Late Game Healer Is Way Too Strong – Chapter 117

๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•: ๐‘๐ž๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ ๐ซ๐š๐๐ž ๐Ÿ‘

A giant hammer smashed the monster’s skull, crushing its spine.

Choi Dae-soo put away the hammer and immediately summoned an ax, mercilessly cutting down the approaching monsters.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Under the merciless ax, the monsters, regardless of size, fell one after another.

โ”Growl, grrrr!

โ”Screech! Screech!

At that moment,

Just then, Four shamanistic monsters appeared, gathering immense magical energy in the void.

The power of each monster was not great, but when combined, their collective force surpassed expectations.

“This is getting a little annoying.”

As soon as the words were finished, a huge heat wave was fired.

A bright, scorching heat that burned the corpses of fallen comrades and the surrounding air.

Choi Dae-soo took a deep drag of his cigarette.

His hand flashed, summoning a large, golden shield.


He slammed the edge of the shield on the ground, putting the center of gravity forward.

In an instant, blazing flames rose as if to crush the shield, burning everything around it.


The other demons approaching were also melted by the intense heat.

Choi Dae-soo supported the shield with one hand and muttered while smoking a cigarette with the other.

“Phewโ” look at these crazy bastards.”

He had taken a well-deserved vacation to pursue his leisurely activities, only to be met with bizarre occurrences from the very beginning – some crazy kid summoning lightning bolts and a MC barking like a dog.

“If I had known it was such a strange event, I wouldn’t have come in the first place.”

Choi Dae-soo raised his shield slightly and took a step forward against the flames.

He concentrated on each step as if he were a mountaineer climbing Mount Everest.

A reckless operation that could not be imagined with ordinary strength.

The amount of magic the five of them had gathered had already surpassed the level of a normal attack.

The monsters put all their energy into the fireball.

The golden shield turned blue like metal that had been put in and taken out of a furnace, showing how strong the flames were.

When the heat hit his body, Choi Dae-soo grinned, revealing his teeth.

“Kukuku. Itโ€™s not awakened yet, but this is still one of my ‘sacred powers.’ It’s not something you guys can melt.”

As Choi Dae-soo closed in on them, he suddenly unleashed a torrent of bestial magical energy.


The moment the monsters flinched and lost their flow of magic,


With a single roar, a long spear tip cut through their heads horizontally.

The monsters collapsed on the floor one after another.

Choi Dae-soo deactivated his summoned weapon and finished the rest of his cigarette.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve beaten up monsters. I feel less stressed. Should I try a few more?”

He moved his body slowly towards the rampaging monsters.


“Okay, I see. Saving lives is the priority, and closing the gate. . . Let’s send a separate team. No, I’ll go myself.”

Rolf let out a sigh of relief.

Felix, who had been dispatched, listened to Siwoo’s advice on the current situation and relayed it to Rolf.

‘๐™„ ๐™™๐™ค๐™ฃ’๐™ฉ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™–๐™—๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™ก๐™–๐™˜๐™š ๐™ฌ๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™–๐™˜๐™๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™จ๐™š๐™ฅ๐™–๐™ง๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ก๐™ฎ. ๐™‡๐™–๐™ฎ๐™ก๐™– ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™จ๐™–๐™›๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ค.’

He put on his coat and fedora and picked up his favorite cane.

The cane, engraved with a Doberman’s handle and made of ebony, didn’t look like an ordinary item at first glance.

“Oh, master. Are you taking your custom cane too? Where are you going?”

“They say the situation outside is terrible. It seems that the monsters in this building have blocked out the outside noise so that we can’t hear it.”

“I hadn’t thought of that either.”

Rolf nodded and was about to leave the entrance when he stopped.

Then he glared at Benedict, who was sprawled out on the sofa.

“. . . . . . . . .”

“What is it?”

“. . . . . . . . .”

“Oh, would you like a cup of cocoa too, Master? But this brand doesn’t taste very good. Just wait a minute.”

“Hey, Ackerman.”

Benedict looked at him innocently with his blond hair shimmering, his expression one of pure ignorance.

Rolf held back a sigh.

“You come with me too.”

“Huh?! But I’m on vacation right now. . .”

“Do you want to hear the Hunter’s Charter and Code of Laws? You can ask any question you want and I will sincerely, item by item, refute each and every one of them.”

“B-But a vacation is a basic right under the German constitution. . .”

“By the way, you’ll get an extra ten days of community service for every time you’re refuted.”

“I’d love to follow you!”

Benedict jumped up from his seat.

He tidied up the sofa he had been lying on and put on the cloak he had taken off.

The black cloak that reached his waist had a white-armored knight, the symbol of the [Nacht Guild], painted on it.

Rolf shook his head.

It’s not like he’s raising a big kid.

But he didn’t hate it.

Because the biggest variables in this venue right now would be Benedict and the teacher.

“Let’s go.”

“Let’s party!”


[Wood Creation: Root Rake]

Hundreds of symbols and figures were etched into the vast expanse like seedlings, and the magic circle glowed a brilliant green.


Soon, the ground roared and a huge number of vines sprang up, tying up the monsters’ limbs.


โ”Kruk! Kruk!

The roots were so thick and tough that the monsters couldn’t move an inch and could only roar and growl.

Layla shouted, half-exhausted from using so much magic power.

“Heok. . . heok. . . heok. . . Felix!”

“Leave it to me, Guild Leader!”

Felix replied playfully and swung the [Multi-shot Explosion Point] around.


A huge roar shook the heavens and the earth.

Layla covered her ears and lowered her head for a moment.


She felt a brief ringing in her ears from the occlusive sound that shook her brain.

She raised her lowered head.

Everything around her had turned into pieces of flesh and blood.

“This is the first time I’ve killed so many monsters outside the gate.”

Felix muttered.

Being a Hunter didn’t always mean killing monsters was fun.

“We have no choice, let’s move to a different location. The president said he’d send other teams as well, so we’ll meet people soon.”

“Let’s do that. . . But where did Hunter Siwoo go?”

“Well, he’s a person who often disappears without a word.”

She recalled the day she first met him in Germany.

He disappeared in the middle of a fight, then appeared at the most needed moment, saving her.

He’s amazing, whether it’s east or west.

“Another monster is approaching! Hunter Layla, get ready!”

“Oh, I understand!”

But it wasn’t a monster.

It was just a person filled with magic.

“Wh. . .who’s this?”

“No, it’s not! It must be ใ€ˆPandemoniumใ€‰!”

Layla exclaimed urgently and tried to activate her skill again.

“Don’t underesti, what. Ahhh, whaยฟ”

However, the other person’s voice shook her mind and churned her insides.

It felt like several people were talking at the same time.


Layla fell to one knee and began to vomit.

The other person seemed pleased with the sight and smiled, his lips parted.

“Hehehehehek. Hehehehehek.”

It was a strange voice that made her stomach twist and turn just by listening to it.

“L-Layla. . .!”

Felix bit his lip, his face pale.

And then he shot flames at his enemy.

[Explosion Point[

“.Lorlim lermi eunlmi nae”

The flames hit the guy’s face.

But soon, a shockwave erupted and the flames that had hit him bounced back and flew towards Felix.

He hadn’t expected this situation.


Felix closed his eyes tightly and raised his arms.


[Time Traveler: Song of the Wanderer[

The flames that were being shot stopped in the air.

As the staff moved like it was dancing, the flames gradually disintegrated and scattered into magic particles.

“The vice president is having a hard time.”

“. . .B-Benedict?? President?”

“Leave it to us and rest, Felix.”

Rolf calmed Felix down and then ran straight to Layla.

She was still throwing up, caught up in the other person’s strange attack.

“Layla! Are you okay?!”

“Eeeeeek! Ha. . . ha. . . Uncle?”

“You two can have your touching reunion later, I’ll start first!”

Benedict took out a staff as short and thin as a baton.

“.nyaithis nebmid higam eom ginseng gehayak?”

“I don’t know what you’re saying~.”

Hundreds of intricate runes intertwined at the end of the staff, creating a huge magic circle.

The wind blew and the magic power burned like a flame.

“Are you going to block it?”

As Benedict smiled faintly and aimed his staff, his opponent also spread a huge rune around himself.

[Mirror Genesis: Reversal of All Things]

Dozens of mirrors surrounded the caster, forming an impenetrable barrier.

“.dager doel gejuk neoneonganhageongi”

Although he couldn’t understand it, Benedict nodded as if he understood enough.

“Then let’s go~!”

[Time Traveler: The Naked King]

Like a sweet dream or a memory of a distant past, a soft curtain enveloped the opponent from the air.

Sarururur. . .


.”gunhi jimiยฟ”

Jackal’s right-hand man and a renowned Hunter in his own right, Lorlim, was taken aback by Benedict’s skill that surrounded him.

His [Reversal of All Things] was a skill that returned all attacks coming from the front, back, left, and right to the opponent as they were.

But if the [Reversal of All Things] wasn’t activated. . . Did that mean it wasn’t an attack?

At that moment, the [Naked King] that had wrapped around him disappeared like wet cotton candy.

Lorlim couldn’t help but be surprised.

His own skill. . . The form of the magic that had been activated had returned to the form of a rune, not the form of a spell.

“.jiill doene geotteogi?”

Lorlim exclaimed in a trembling voice.

Then, Rolf Bangenheimer aimed the handle of his cane and said,

“Ask me.”

The magic power boosted by the magic stone embedded in the cane tore through the atmosphere and rushed towards Lorlim.

[Venom: Dog Fang]

The magic power soon scattered into a dozen or so dark blue mad dogs, biting Lorlim’s body from all sides like crazy.

Chichijijiji. . .!


Lorlim had no choice but to scream as the dogs, which were pure venom, bit, tore, and gnawed at him here and there.

He hadn’t prepared any other skills because he had believed that his [Reversal of All Things] would never be broken.

“My skill [Venom] can recreate all the venom I’ve absorbed.”

Rolf approached slowly, leaning on his cane.

Lorlim’s whole body was already turning dark blue.

Blood flowed from all the holes in his body, including his eyes, nose, and ears.

“Ugh! Gross! Your skill isn’t as elegant as mine.”

“. . .What’s the use of being elegant?”

“It’s pretty when you activate it.”

Rolf clicked his tongue.

Lorlim’s whole body trembled and he fainted from the pain.

“I won’t kill you. Instead, you’ll spit out all the information while you’re in so much pain that you want to die.”

He was filled with anger.

They dared to break into the venue he was in charge of, attempt an assassination, and kill and injure innocent civilians.

That sin would not be taken lightly.

“I’ll catch the rest of the ใ€ˆPandemoniumใ€‰ guys and do the same. But before that, I have to deal with the gate. . .”

Rolf frowned, because if he couldn’t close these doors, there would be more casualties.

As he was thinking about it, a loud roar was heard from far away.

A lion that had risen high into the sky was fighting someone.

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