
The Hero of Regression – The Talentless Boy Vows to Protect His Childhood Friend, the Female Hero, This Time Around – Chapter 84


It’s been a month since we overcame the battle with the Four Heavenly Kings and arrived at the frontline fortress.

During that time, there hasn’t been a single attack on the fortress by the Demon King’s Army.

Well, to be precise, there have been a few stray demons who seem to have defied the Demon King’s orders, but the large fortress protecting humanity isn’t swayed by such minor forces. They’ve been dealt with without even needing us, the Hero’s Party, to intervene.

Seeing this, it’s clear to me that while individual demons are indeed a threat to humanity, they’re not a disaster that threatens humanity as a whole.

Auntie Elle once said,

“If you defeat the Demon King who’s forcibly holding the demons together, then the disorganized remnants won’t be a problem.”

Her words were an unvarnished truth.

So it’s not the demons as a whole, but the Demon King who commands them that is humanity’s greatest enemy.

Therefore, I’m confident that a peaceful era awaits us once we defeat that Demon King.

Meanwhile, as the Demon King’s Army mostly maintains its silence, the fortress is gradually amassing the full force of humanity due to the issued orders.

“Hmph! We meet again, kid!”

“Yes, it’s been a while, Doug-san.”

The first to arrive were knights scattered across various regions, including Doug-san.

There are numerous heroic individuals and generals commanding each fortress.

Among them are Holy Warriors as well.

With just this much firepower, it seems possible to take on at least one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

We probably won’t win, but it’s not impossible to delay them and make a retreat.

Of course, that’s assuming Dragburn doesn’t use a life-exchanging trump card or Asgard doesn’t gain an overwhelming advantage as they did when they fought us.


If we’re lucky, could we possibly go as far as subduing them?

“I’ve returned as promised, Mother, and the esteemed Hero’s Party. I, Eltrait, have come with my brethren.”

“Ah! You’ve come, Eltrait! Come here, let me pat your head.”

“Thank you. . . . . .Mama.”

Next to appear was someone trying to maintain a poker face while Auntie Elle pats his head, but he can’t help but say “Mama” in a small voice.

Not a mother-con, but the Elf Chieftain Sage Eltrait-san, leading the Elven army.

In addition to numerous heroes, he brought along experienced wizards, and even Holy Warriors specialized in various attributes like Fire and Water.

I didn’t remember seeing such talents when we cooperated in the Elf Village. . . . . .

Apparently, the Elf Holy Warriors were dispatched to different parts of the world that needed help, as they judged that the defense of their homeland was sufficient with the Divine Tree and Eltrait-san present.

The depth of the Elves is unfathomable.

As always, the Elves are too strong.

“Hey there, Allan and Stella-chan and friends! Didn’t think we’d meet again so soon! I bring the strength of ten thousand!”

“Yes! We’re counting on you, Imina-san!”

Next, from the Dwarves, we have Imina-san of the 『Hammer Saint』 title, along with several other heroes who were scattered across various villages.

The Dwarves, being a race primarily of craftsmen rather than warriors, have sent only a small number of personnel. However, they’ve also sent five Iron Dwarves enhanced with Gard Steel, as well as about twenty standard Iron Dwarves as a bonus.

So they actually used the precious Gard steel on Iron Dwarves. . . . . .

Speaking of which, the number of Iron Dwarves here is clearly greater than what we saw in the Celestial Mountains village we visited.

There’s no way they could’ve increased production in such a short time, so that means Iron Dwarf culture must be spreading to other villages as well. . . . . .

They’re as reliable as ever.

“Ah, I also have a gift from the old man. It’s the promised item.”

Additionally, we have support materials from Dwerk-san, the Dwarf chief and the world’s greatest craftsman.

It turns out to be the armor for Stella that he had mentioned he would give to Imina-san upon parting.

Made entirely of Gard Steel, just like Blade’s greatsword.

Moreover, the technology has clearly advanced since the greatsword, showing how much effort Dwerk-san has put into it.

It might be a convenient interpretation, but it felt like Dwerk-san’s way of saying, “You better not die,” and that made me happy.

“We can’t afford to lose now.”


Empowered by my words, Stella updated her equipment that day.

So now, humans, Elves, and Dwarves have all gathered in this fortress, representing three of the four great races of mankind.

And naturally, the last remaining race will show up.

I had heard that they were not good at coordinating with others and I personally didn’t have a good impression of their chief, so I thought they might not come. But it seems they couldn’t ignore the call for cooperation at this crucial time.

Appearing with animal ears and tails, dressed in wild attire, are the last race, the beastfolk.

The number is small, about fifty, but astonishingly, every one of them has divine protection.

Their chief, the disgusting pervert known as the Beast King, always says, “Strong women are all my brides!” Maybe they’re spreading heroic bloodlines through some sort of political harem system.

However, the key pervert who should be leading them is mysteriously absent.

Instead, a young man with gray hair similar to the Beast King, along with wolf-like ears and a tail, is leading the beastfolk warriors.

From what I can see, he’s the only Holy Warrior among the beastfolk who have appeared this time.

Upon spotting us—or rather, Stella—he approached with heavy footsteps.

I had a flashback to a similar situation where the pervert king suddenly tried to grope Stella, and reflexively went into combat mode.

Stella, too, cannot possibly welcome him warmly, having lost Rest to the Beast King, and looked at him with a tense face.

And that beastfolk man said. . . . . .

“Hero, and your comrades! My brother has caused a great commotion! I am truly, truly sorry!”

While shouting words of apology, he executed an impressively grand bow, his head touching the ground.

The bow was so forceful that it put a crack in a corner of the fortress.

The thunderous noise attracted the attention of nearby people, and Blade and the others, who were spending time freely a little distance away, also gathered.

As for us, who witnessed this dynamic bow right in front of our eyes, we were thoroughly taken aback and confused by the sudden turn of events and an action we’d never expect from the Beast King.

“Um. . . . . .who are you?”

“My apologies for not introducing myself sooner! I am Garm Ulfurus, the younger brother of the tribal chief, Beast King Volf Ulfurus!”

That sexual harassment king’s brother. . . . . .Doesn’t resemble him.

Well, in terms of appearance, they certainly look alike, but there are absolutely no common traits in their personalities.

On one hand, the older brother who declared he’d marry her from the get-go ended up as a groper.

On the other hand, the younger brother who started with a deep bow sincerely apologized.

Truly a world of difference.

Is that so?

When things go wrong above, they’re firm below, is that it?

“If I recognize that loud voice, it must be you after all, Garm-boy. It’s been a while.”

“Ernesta-sama! You’ve been through quite the trouble this time as well!”

“Ah, well, there’s no use in telling me. If you want to apologize, it’s only right to start by apologizing to the biggest victim.”

With that said, Auntie Elle pushed Blade, who had been standing nearby, to the front.

Since Ruberto-san was busy with important preparations, Blade was the most appropriate person to face Garm, who had introduced himself as the Beast King’s brother.

Blade, standing in front of the relative of the person who directly killed his brother, had a very complicated expression, a mix of anger and confusion.

That’s understandable.

Even though the main culprit Vampneel had been taken care of, Blade’s resentment toward the Beast King was too great to ignore.

Even I, who had a shallow relationship with Rest, felt like killing him.

However, the person in front of us was the Beast King’s brother, not the Beast King himself.

There’s no point in taking out our anger on him, and doing so would only worsen the relationship with the beastfolks before the decisive battle.

Blade probably understood that, which is why he refrained from lashing out in anger.

Seeing Blade’s tightly clenched fist, Rin gently touched it with concern.

Blade snapped back to reality, made eye contact with Rin, and took a deep breath.

He visibly calmed himself and faced Garm once again.

“Ah. . . . . .For now, could you lift your head?”

“I cannot! What my brother did was a grave sin, taking lives without justification! Therefore, I cannot even break the minimal form of apology, which is to bow! There’s no way I could be forgiven!”

Garm’s head sank further into the ground.

Literally, his head was sinking into the earth beneath him.

This was the true meaning of a bow.

I involuntarily thought something ridiculous, but I quickly shook off such foolish thoughts.

Blade, who had mustered up the courage to speak but was unexpectedly thwarted, looked troubled.

“Uh. . . . . .”

“Blade, just give up. This guy is excessively serious. No matter what anyone says, he won’t do something unjustifiable even if it kills him.”

“Isn’t he a really sincere and nice guy?”

“He should just become the chief already. . . . . .”

I completely agree with the opinion Rin muttered under her breath.

I couldn’t help but nod along with Stella.

“Honestly, I feel the same way, but beastfolk value individual bravery above all, so it’s not going to happen. . . . . .Ah, I digress. Blade, please continue.”

“Ah, sure.”

Blade cleared his throat with a “Ahem!” and resumed speaking.

“For now, we don’t have the luxury to squabble with you guys in the middle of a war against the Demon King. So I’d like to put the issue your leader caused on hold until this battle is over. Is that alright?”

“This is exactly what I’d hoped for! I’m sincerely grateful for your generous consideration!”

Garm seemed to chew on Blade’s words as he bowed even deeper.

This decision was made after consulting with Ruberto-san.

I still can’t fully accept it, but the irrefutable fact is that we don’t have the luxury to fight among ourselves with the Demon King looming.

After all, Blade and Ruberto-san, who have suffered far more than I have, have accepted it, so I have no right to say otherwise.

And yet,

“But don’t get me wrong. We haven’t forgiven him. Once the battle is over, we’ll settle scores. Don’t forget that.”

Blade and his team have absolutely no intention of letting it slide.

Putting it on hold is just that—on hold.

They only postponed the issue; they fully intend to settle it appropriately after defeating the Demon King.

I don’t know what form that will take, but I sincerely hope it ends in a way that Blade and his team can accept.

“Of course! We have no intention of begging for forgiveness after all we’ve done! I promise that my brother will make amends!”

“Alright, that’s good to hear. And while we haven’t forgiven him, we’re not hostile towards all beastfolk, and we don’t dislike you. So let’s at least try to get along somewhat.”

“Yes! I’m truly grateful!”

Thus, thanks to Blade’s response to an unexpected apology from the beastfolk, we were able to build a somewhat cooperative relationship before the decisive battle.

Nevertheless, even though the other party was incredibly submissive, Blade has grown to be able to manage these problematic situations.

It feels like he’s really changed after his awakening at Dwarf Village.

At this rate, he might soon outgrow his meatheaded ways and become a fine knight like Ruberto-san, who excels in both literary and martial arts.

I genuinely hope he keeps it up.

“But where is the key figure, the Beast King?”

“I apologize! My brother has gone missing! He often wanders without even telling us where he’s going!”

“And he causes trouble wherever he goes, huh.”

“I have no words to say in return.”

“Wow. . . . . .”

“What a nuisance.”

“You’ve got your hands full too, huh. . . . . .”

“Garm-san should absolutely become the chief instead.”

Stella let out an indescribable noise, I felt annoyed by someone who’s a nuisance even to his own kind, Blade directed a sympathetic look at Garm, and Rin muttered another undeniable truth.

At that moment, our already low opinion of the Beast King dropped even further.

Somehow, he was a complete disaster through and through.

“Honorable Heroes and esteemed beastfolks.”

At that moment, when we all shared the same sentiment, someone approached us to speak.

The person was dressed in white robes, the same symbol of a high-ranking cleric of the Holy God Church as Rin.

In other words, a messenger of the Holy God Church.

“Thank you for waiting. Preparations for the war council are complete. Please come this way.”


Stella nodded, and we followed the cleric’s guidance into the war room located within the fortress.

A large round table was prepared there, and key figures were already seated.

Alongside Ruberto-san, who had been busy with the preparations for this war council, were generals commanding various fortresses, accompanied by advisors and those with divine protection.

The elven representatives, led by Eltrait-san.

The dwarven representatives, led by Imina-san.

And escorted alongside us were the beastfolks representatives, led by Garm.

And finally, the two most important figures.

“First of all, thank you all for gathering.”

One was an elderly man dressed in pure white robes, wearing a gentle smile.

The highest leader of the Holy God Church, the Pope.

“I am pleased that all races have assembled here, staking the fate of humanity. If we unite, we will surely overcome any difficulty.”

The other was a middle-aged man in extravagant armor and a cape, radiating a solemn aura.

The leader of the largest and most powerful nation of mankind, the King of Sirius Kingdom.

Truly, the assembly included those at the pinnacle of humanity.

The grandeur of those present spoke of the gravity of this meeting.

“We don’t have much time. I apologize for the haste, but I’d like to begin the strategy meeting for the final battle against the Demon King’s Army.”

With the Pope’s words, the war council commenced.

Encompassing the many warriors who had gathered, this council would undoubtedly influence our fate—and the fate of the entire world.

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