𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
“Alright! A battle with the Four Heavenly Kings! Let’s toast to our complete victory! Cheers—c’mon, join in!”
Artisans, who were muttering to themselves while holding the spoils obtained in this battle even at the celebratory feast, were interrupted by Imina-san’s pointed remark, accompanied by a shockwave.
I may have just witnessed the most wasteful use of Holy Warrior power ever.
That aside, it has been a full day since that night of battle.
In Dwarf Village, all residents, excluding a few exceptions like the chief, gathered to partake in a lavish flow of alcohol, reveling in a victory celebration.
Well, it’s only natural, really.
After all, this recent battle resulted in a complete victory with zero casualties—a feat neither Elf Village nor frontline towns could achieve.
Furthermore, we defeated two of the Four Heavenly Kings. The artisans were so overjoyed they yelled, “Fo——r!!” and broke into a mysterious dance. We even obtained an enormous amount of materials left by them.
Especially the mysterious metal left by Asgard.
It’s a mystical crystal created by mixing numerous magical metals using the power of the 『Earth』 Four Heavenly Kings.
It’s an incredibly rare item, so extraordinary that it might never be obtained again, boasting an incredible strength that surpasses any magical metal we’ve had so far.
Artisans are instantly captivated by this metal, discussing methods of its application even at the party.
Dwerk-san, for example, ignored Imina-san’s repeated invitations to join the feast and secluded himself in the smithy.
Likely, other artisans would have all holed up too if they weren’t forced to confer with each other due to the metal’s perplexing resilience.
As a result, no one pays attention to the materials from the monsters that Vampneel had manipulated and we defeated.
That will be dealt with later by the diligent women of the village.
The women really seem to be the pillars holding this place up.
“Hey, Allan, what are you doing? Drink up, make some noise, have fun!”
“No, I’m not good with alcohol, umph?!”
While observing the rowdy crowd from a distance, Imina-san comes over and thrusts a bottle of alcohol straight to my mouth.
A bitter taste spreads on my tongue, followed by a strong liquor that burns my throat, and soon enough, I feel a slight buzz.
Damn it.
This is why I don’t like alcohol.
Like my mother, who used to down cheap wine and pass out, I’m also not very strong with liquor.
It would be bad if we were attacked in this state.
If push comes to shove, I could have someone cast a status recovery spell on me to sober up, but it still doesn’t feel good to know my combat abilities have noticeably decreased.
I’d only really want to drink when comforting someone, like when Rest passed away. That’s my honest feeling.
So while I’m cornered to this point, what about the others?
“Heck yeah! Is that all you got?!”
“Wha?! Are you kidding me?! A drinking match against us Dwarves, who are synonyms for liquor and craftsmanship, and you’re winning?!”
“Not bad, Sword Saint!”
“Hey! Looks fun! I’m next! I’m gonna get my revenge from our training days, so be prepared!”
Blade is competing in a drinking match with the Dwarves, who are famous heavy drinkers.
He’s making up for his recent gloominess by raising a big ruckus.
What is that idiot doing?
It’s not wise to engage in such a drinking spree in a village with scarce defense forces.
However, I’m thankful that he distracted Imina-san.
Well done.
“Uppu! I can’t do it anymore. . . . . .Ororororororo.”
“Oops, maybe I made you drink too much.”
On the other hand, Rin, who seemed to have been drinking in tune with Auntie Elle, was losing consciousness while spouting something a young lady shouldn’t say.
The first to go down is the support role!
What do we do?!
What if the enemy comes now?!
“Ahaha! That’s great~!”
“Wait, Stella, you too?!”
In the worst situation where the healer is the first to fall, despair hit me even harder as it seemed like our main force was already incoherent.
You should have been stronger with alcohol than me, right?!!
Who is it?!!
Who did this to you?!!
“Go for it, Al-boy! You can easily knock her down right now!”
“Is it you, Auntie Elle?!”
Why are you winking and giving a thumbs up?!
You seem pretty relaxed, don’t you?!
Heal everyone’s status conditions right now!
“Hee hee~! Huggy~♥︎!”
In her drunken momentum, Stella hugged me tightly!
My body creaks under her brute strength.
I guess she’s gotten better at controlling her strength since I’m not being crushed, but honestly, this situation is dangerous!
Hey, you might not be able to take that statement back, you know?!
Plus, she’s hugging me without her armor, so, um, her chest is. . . . . .?!
“Hey, do you love me?”
“W, Well. . . . . .”
“Say you love me! Say it!!”
“U-uh-uhhhh. . . . . .!”
If I impulsively agree right now, I feel like it’ll ruin a lot of things, so I resist with all my might.
More importantly, I can’t be honest with Auntie Elle grinning at me from a distance. Her gaze is too annoying.
“Do you hate me. . . . . .”
But while I was doing that, Stella’s face started to look like she was going to cry.
That face is just unfair, you know?!
“I, I also l, love you!”
“Yay! I knew you loved me~♥︎!”
Damn it!!
I said it!
I said it!!
But calm down, me!
Stella is so drunk right now that she’s slurring her words!
If I get her to drink even more, there’s a good chance she won’t remember this conversation!
All I have to do is keep Auntie Elle quiet and it’ll be covered up!
Holding back my embarrassment, I grab the bottle of alcohol that Imina-san had shoved into my mouth earlier.
“Come on, give me a kiss! A close-up kiss!”
“Huh?! What are you talking about?!”
“Eh! Why not! Do it! Kiss me!”
At this late hour, now you want a kiss?!
My eyes are naturally drawn to Stella’s soft-looking lips.
The devil inside me whispers how happy I would be if I stole those lips right here.
And then, while squeezing me tightly with her strength, Stella brings her face closer and closer. . . . . .and I shoved a bottle of alcohol into her mouth.
“Drink! Forget everything!!”
While reading Stella’s resisting movements and accurately handling them, I pour alcohol straight down her throat.
After a little while, Stella moaned “kyuu~♥” and lost consciousness.
Ah, that was close. . . . . .
Even I’m somewhat tipsy, and my inhibitions are loosening!
This was more nerve-wracking than the battle with the Four Heavenly Kings!
“What a bore.”
“Damn you, Auntie Elle!!”
“Oops, you’re angrier than I thought! Time for a strategic retreat!”
Upon hearing me shout in emotion, Auntie Elle fled, carrying the unconscious Rin on her back.
That damn old hag, she won’t get away with this!
I’ll remember this!
“Hey! You look like you’re having fun!”
“If that’s how it looks to you, then get your eyes or head checked by a healer.”
Ignoring my raging self, the one who spoke and then burst into cheerful laughter was Blade, who had been carousing with the Dwarves just earlier.
What happened to the drinking contest?
Then I saw, a little distance away, the figures of numerous Dwarves, including Imina-san, lying drunk and disheveled.
Did. . . . . .did he beat the Dwarves in a drinking contest?!
“Sorry for causing trouble this time. I’ve been so down, you all couldn’t have been happy either.”
Ignoring my speechlessness, Blade compared my face with Stella’s and said that.
. . . . . .By the way, even unconscious, Stella is still clinging to me, her face relaxed in happiness.
And yes, her chest is still pressed against me.
The devil inside me is on the verge of coming out again.
“Don’t dwell on it. I can’t say don’t worry about it, but don’t dwell on it. No one’s okay after a family member is killed.”
To divert my attention from the sensation of Stella’s chest, I prioritize my conversation with Blade.
Then I start the work of peeling Stella off of me.
. . . . . .Her stupid strength means she doesn’t budge.
She’s got me locked in tight, even while asleep.
“By the way, you should first apologize and thank Rin.
No doubt, she was the one most worried about you.”
“Yeah, I get it. I managed to pull myself together thanks to Rin.”
“Really? I haven’t heard how you got it together.”
“It’s not a big story. Rin just slapped me awake, that’s all.”
Fixed by a slap, are you some kind of worn-out magical tool?
Jokes aside, Rin, who had been so worried about Blade, slapped him?
I think if anyone else had done the same, it would’ve been useless.
Actually, he ran away when Dwerk-san verbally lashed out at him.
A whip of love from someone genuinely worried and pained.
That might’ve been the only way to save Blade’s heart.
“Dude, you really owe Rin big time. Make sure you repay this debt, no matter what.”
“Of course! I’ll spend a lifetime paying it back!”
“Then it’s settled.”
Well then, once again.
“Congratulations on your full recovery, Blade. I’m counting on you.”
“Haha, really? You used to give me a hard time during training, remember?”
“Consider it proper guidance.”
The fact that he can make such light-hearted comments proves that he’s really back to his old self.
“And when I say I’m counting on you, I mean it.
I heard about you in the town where Rin lives, and I’ve trusted you to deal with one half of that Necromancer I let get away. So relax.”
“Wait, what? What did you just say?”
Something seems off about Blade.
Did I say something strange?
“Huh? Did I mishear? Sounded like you were saying you also participated in that battle with the Necromancer. . . . . .”
“No, you heard right.
I encountered two demons when I was training in the labyrinth.
One ignored me and went towards the town, but I fought the other one and took care of it. That’s all.”
“. . . . . .Are you serious?”
For some reason, Blade looks up at the sky with a pale face.
His face was flushed from alcohol just a moment ago, but now it’s completely turned.
What was it about what I just said that turned him pale?
“Ah, um, Allan, could you keep that a secret from Rin?”
“I don’t mind, but why?”
“How do I put it. . . . . .She’s been admiring me since that incident, you know?
I don’t want to betray that admiration, or disappoint her, or whatever. . . . . .”
Blade blurts out those words, his eyes darting around and his speech stumbling.
It’s pathetic, watching a big guy like that.
But this is really interesting.
“Oh? I see, I see.”
“. . . . . .What?”
Blade looks at me with a somewhat bitter expression.
On the other hand, I can feel my own lips curving into a grin, fueled by alcohol.
“If I play my cards right, I can get back at that woman who’s been messing with me all this time.”
“That’s not it, okay?! That’s not the point!”
No, it’s definitely like that, isn’t it?
Blade’s complexion has once again shifted from the earlier paleness to a fiery red.
No matter how you look at it, he must be conscious of Rin in a romantic sense, or at the very least, the spark of affection should have ignited from this incident.
And considering how devoted Rin has been, there’s no way it’s a complete dead end.
It’s getting interesting.
With this, those humiliating days of being unilaterally manipulated by that love-struck brain are over!
Before long, I’ll turn the tables on them!
“Relax, Blade. I’m on your side.”
“That’s not the point!!”
And so, with unexpected gains, the evening went on.
By the way, afterwards,
I went to keep Auntie Elle’s mouth shut, but couldn’t unlock Stella’s lock, so I couldn’t capture and beat her up, and ended up begging for a vow of silence in humiliation.
As much as it seemed like I had a way to counter Rin, I had no countermeasure for this side, and I was left in despair.
Translator’s Blog
- How to Know If You’re Cringing Your Classmate: A Guide to Social Survival
- Is Your Cat Plotting Your Demise (While You’re Face Down, Drunk)?
- Eren Yeager vs. Gundam: Who Would Win in a Titan-Sized Showdown?
- My Brain on UFC: Why I’m Convinced I Could Totally Take on Adesanya (I’m Lying, Don’t Tell Dana)
- My Classmate’s Waifu Obsession: Is it Cringe or Just…Weird?
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